14th Doctorissimes (2018)

April 17th, 2018 (R2-21, PSE)

8:30-9:00 – Reception and Breakfast (Lobby)


9:00-10:00 – Session 1 


Chair: Max Lobeck (Paris 1 - PSE)

Malo Mofakhami The employment and job quality effects of innovation in France evidence from firm-level data (2012 – 2014)

Discussant: Emmanuel Duguet (UPEC)

Sophie Piton Economic Integration and the Non-tradable Sector: the European Experience.

Discussant: Gunther Capelle-Blancard (Paris 1)

10:00-10:15 – Coffee Break

10:15-11:15 – Session 2

Finance and Health

Chair : Wang Bin (Paris 1)

  Laure de Batz On the Consequences of Being Named in a Sanction for Listed Companies

Discussant: Catherine Bruneau (Paris 1) 

Antoine Marsaudon – Do health care shocks modify personality traits? Evidence from locus of control

Discussant: Fabrice Le Lec (Paris 1)

11:15-12:15 – Keynote speaker

 Chair: Hélène Bénistand

Guillaume Hollard (École Polytechnique) 

Gender differences: Evidences from Field Tournaments

12:15-14:15 – Lunch and Poster session (lobby)

14:15-15:45 – Session 3

Ecological Economics / Experimental Economics

Chair: Daniel Bastidas (Paris 1) / Thomas Delcey (Paris 1)

Kerstin Hötte How to foster the transition to eco-friendly technologies? : An agent based macroeconomic analysis on directed technological change

Discussant: Angelo Secchi (Paris 1 - PSE)

Fatma Rostom System dynamics thinking and its contribution to Geophysical Economics: Modeling long-term trends in structural raw materials supply, demand and pricing

Discussant: Adrien Fabre (Paris 1 - PSE)

Guillaume Noblet Experiments in US agricultural economics: a history of experimental economics?

Discussant: Thierry Pouch (ACPA, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne)

15:45-16:00 – Coffee Break

16:00 -17:00 – Session 4


Chair: Yara Zeineddine (Paris 1)

Martin Fernandez SanchezThe long-term effects of migration on the left behind: Evidence from the Galician Diaspora to the Americas

Discussant: Lionel Kesztenbaum (INED, PSE)

Adrien Fabre French Favored Redistribution Derived From Surveys: an Political Assessment of Optimal Tax Theory

Discussant: Clément Carbonnier (U. Cergy, LIEPP Sciences Po)

17:00 - Cocktail

Organizing Committee:  Daniel Bastidas, Hélène Bénistand, Wang Bin, Hyejin Cho, Thomas Delcey, Max Lobeck, Yara Zeineddine