
Monday 19 September 2011

The first day of the conference is reserved for workshops. Unlike previous years where there were ony one or two workshops, DocEng 2011 will have seven workshops to choose from. Three workshops will be held simultaneously in the morning, then four more in the afternoon.


09:00 - 10:00 Welcome and registration.

10:00 - 13:00 Morning workshops:

  • Multimedia Document Processing in an HTML5 World
  • Google Mystery Workshop (FULL)
  • Documenting Social Networks (FULL)

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch.

14:00 - 17:00 Afternoon workshops:

    • Multimedia Document Processing in an HTML5 World (FULL)
    • Version Control
    • Secure Document Engineering
    • Making Accessible PDF Documents


Version Control by Neil Fraser (Google)

Description: This three hour workshop takes participants on a tour of popular Version Control systems, particularly Subversion and Git. By the end of the workshop each participant will be proficient in using both of these systems. The focus is on solving real-world problems, such as resolving conflicting changes or rolling back a change. This workshop is not about the theory or academic underpinnings of such systems. Participants are required to bring a Macintosh, Linux or Windows laptop.

Multimedia Document Processing in an HTML5 World by Dick Bulterman (CWI + VU Amsterdam + W3C), Rodrigo Laiola (CWI), Pablo Cesar (CWI), Ethan Munson (Univ. Wisconsin/Milwaukee) & Maria da Graca Pimentel (Univ. Sao Paulo)

Description: The evolution in media support within W3C standards has led to the development of HMTL5. HTML5 provides extensive support for audio/video/timed-text within an interoperable browser context. This workshop examines the impact of HTML5 on research and systems support for multimedia documents. We will consider issues such as extensibility, adaptivity and maintenance, and will discuss the future needs for Multimedia in a Web context.

Due to high demand, this workshop will be conducted twice, once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

(More information and discussion on this topic can be found here)

Secure Document Engineering by Helen Balinsky & Steven Simske (Hewlett-Packard Laboratories)

Description: This workshop will cover the life cycle of document security: creation, access, storage, transmission, backup, audit, in the cloud, sensitive data leak and data loss, security vs. availability.

Making Accessible PDF Documents by Heather Devine, Andres Gonzales & Matthew Hardy (Adobe Systems)

Description: Accessibility features in the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) help facilitate access to electronic information for people with disabilities. This workshop will explore how to create accessible PDF documents, from within Adobe Acrobat and other applications; how to use the Adobe Acrobat PDF accessibility checker and repair workflow; best practices for accessibility; and how accessibility has been built into forthcoming ISO standards (PDF/UA, PDF 32000-2).

Google Mystery Workshop by John Day-Richter (Google)

Description: Unannounced Google technology involving documents and programming. Participants will require a laptop with a Java development environment configured.

Documenting Social Networks by Maria da Graca Pimentel (Univ. Sao Paulo)

Description: This workshop will discuss the role of document engineering in social networks, targeting at issues such as: what documents can we create by analysing the available information; what documents users manipulate/add/refer to in social networks; what are the roles of authors and readers.

Workshop Facilities: