Student Travel Awards

SIGWEB Student Travel Award Program Program Information

The SIGWEB Student Travel Award Program is intended to help student authors attend SIGWEB conferences. Awards are administered by the SIGWEB Executive Committee, which delegates the task to a particular SIGWEB officer.

Student Travel Awards are given to authors who are currently students or who were students at the time of submission of their papers. Preference in awards is given to students who are first authors and will present the paper at the conference. The size of the award given is based on the funds available for the particular conference and the student’s expected travel expenses. Awards are typically larger for authors of full papers.

To apply for a SIGWEB Student Travel Award, the student should submit the following:

    1. A completed application form
    2. A resume
    3. A letter of support from the student’s research advisor

These materials should be sent to:

Ethan Munson, SIGWEB Chair

Dept. of EECS

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

PO Box 784

Milwaukee, WI 53201


+1-414-229-4438 (work)

+1-414-229-2769 (fax)

munson at

Electronic submissions are preferred.

Submission Form

If you feel you are eligible for the travel award, you should complete the Submission Form.
