2023 Activities / Programs

Water Resources Forum

In conjunction with The 30th UNESCO IHP Regional Steering Committee for Asia and the Pacific (RSC-AP) Meeting

8 - 9 November 2023 (forthcoming)

Disaster Management Institute (DMI),  School of Technology Management and Logistics, Universiti Utara Malaysia, in collaboration with the Malaysian IHP National Committee, will be organising the Water Resources Forum on 8 & 9 November 2023 at Dorsett Putrajaya, Malaysia. This event will be a prominent opportunity for all practitioners in Water Resources Management to present their work and report on current challenges and practices. 

The Water Resources Forum connects experts, policymakers, and stakeholders to tackle challenges related to water resources. It emphasizes the importance of ecological balance, economic development, and sustainability. It aims to enhance public understanding and promote positive change in water policies and behaviors through discussions, presentations, and outreach activities. The forum is vital in achieving a sustainable and secure water future for current and future generations.

The sub-themes for the forum are as follows: 

For further inquiries please contact Dr Chong Khai Lin via email klchong@uum.edu.my

We look forward to welcoming you to Malaysia!

For Water Resources Forum Concept Note please click HERE

For Water Resources Forum Registration of Speakers and Participants/Listeners  please click HERE

Kem Pemimpin Muda Prihatin Air UNESCO-IHP

12 - 14 October 2023 (forthcoming)

Kem Pemimpin Muda Prihatin Air Zon Utara 2023 (KPMPA) program in collaboration with UNESCO-IHP is themed on environmental education and raising public awareness about environmental sustainability. This program will be held on 12 - 14 October 2023 in Sedim Riverside Resort, Karangan, Kedah. The program is designed to benefit its participants and involves various agencies providing insights to participants about the role of water resource management according to the main core of UNESCO IHP Malaysia partner agencies.

This program is implemented through basic explanations of the roles of their respective agencies, supervised by facilitators. The modules include an integrated water resource management program covering practical work in hydrology, the environment, rivers, groundwater, and the use of rainwater as an alternative source. It also includes "hands-on training" sessions conducted by relevant water-related agencies. In each module of the program, participants are tested on their understanding through various interactive methods (e.g., quizzie) via logbooks and group presentations evaluated by a special panel of judges.

The objectives of this program are:

In general, the activities throughout the 3-day KPMPA Zon Utara 2023 were conducted face-to-face and involved explanations by relevant agencies based on the modules listed below. The program implementation also included hands-on practical work.

LIST OF MODULES for KPMPA Zon Utara 2023

For further inquiries on this program please contact Dr Chong Khai Lin via email klchong@uum.edu.my 

Breaking Barriers: Exploring Shared Triumphs and Challenges in Social Work

In conjunction with The UUM-IACCR International Study Visit 2023

14 July 2023

Breaking Barriers: Exploring Shared Triumphs and Challenges in Social Work at the 2023 IACCR Global Mobility Program

The multidisciplinary forum entitled "Breaking Barriers: Exploring Shared Triumphs and Challenges in Social Work" was held on 14 July 2023 in conjunction with the UUM-IACCR International Study Visit 2023. This gathering transcended traditional boundaries, offering a platform for open dialogue within the field of social work. It aimed to delve into the complexities of social work and envision a brighter future for global communities. Participants from local and international backgrounds had a unique opportunity to exchange experiences and expertise.

This event was a collaborative effort between the Disaster Management Institute (DMI), School of Technology Management & Logistics, Universiti Utara Malaysia;  the International Alliance for COVID-19 Community Response, China; Faculty of Business & Management, Arshad Ayub Graduate Business School and College of Creative Arts UiTM, Universiti Teknologi MARA; and the Office of Industrial Links, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Several notable NGOs, such as Yayasan Chow Kit (YCK), Kechara Soup Kitchen, Buku Jalanan Chow Kit, Early Autism Project, Batik Boutique, and the Malaysian Association of Social Workers (MASW), joined hands to ensure the event's success, leaving a lasting impact on the social work field.

The program offered a diverse range of engaging activities, providing inspiration and knowledge to the 100 attendees participating in both physical and online sessions. In the morning session, students from China shared their social work experiences, offering unique insights and perspectives. Throughout the event, diligent and dedicated students who actively contributed to the program were recognized and presented with certificates. The collaborating NGOs received thoughtful gifts as a heartfelt token of gratitude from the organizers.

One notable highlight was a group activity that divided participants into four groups, each tasked with constructing a LEGO structure representing different aspects of themselves, their families, and their communities. Using LEGO pieces, participants crafted distinct representations that effectively conveyed their understanding and connection to these integral aspects of their lives.

The event concluded with a prize-giving ceremony to honor the winners of the group activity. Participants and organizers alike expressed satisfaction with the outcomes of the "Breaking Barriers: Exploring Shared Triumphs and Challenges in Social Work" program. The knowledge shared, connections forged, and memories created during this event are sure to leave a lasting impression on participants and inspire them to make further contributions to the field of social work.

UUM-IACCR International Study Visit 2023

7 - 15 July 2023

UUM-IACCR International Study Visit 2023: Exploring Social Issues in Urban Communities

From July 7th to July 15th, 2023, the UUM-IACCR International Study Visit provided a unique opportunity for social work professionals from China to delve into pressing social issues within urban communities. Hosted by the Disaster Management Institute (DMI), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), this week-long program immersed participants in the heart of Chow Kit, Kuala Lumpur, where they gained invaluable insights into the challenges faced by urban poor and undocumented youth.

Program Highlights:

The UUM-IACCR International Study Visit 2023 was a powerful exploration of social issues within urban communities, emphasizing the importance of cross-cultural understanding and collaboration in addressing these challenges. DMI remains committed to facilitating such transformative experiences that bridge the gap between theory and real-world social work practice.

ACP Meeting 2023

21 March 2023

ACP Meeting - March 21, 2023


The ACP Meeting held on March 21, 2023, was a platform for collaboration and discussion among member universities. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs & Alumni) of UUM extended a warm welcome to all attendees, setting a welcoming tone for the meeting.


Prof. Dr. Atsushi Hamana, ACP Chair & President of KUISs, delivered insightful opening remarks. He emphasized the importance of cooperation and collaboration among universities post-COVID-19 era and provided a brief overview of ACP's mission and objectives.


The meeting featured a report and extensive discussion on the certificate program, focusing on student exchange, cooperation, and collaboration within member universities. The discussion also addressed the role of distance learning methods in facilitating these initiatives and introduced the ACP Common Rubric for awarding the ACP Program Certificate. Additionally, inter-university joint projects and the Micro-Credential program were explored.


Attendees were informed about the 12th ACP Conference scheduled for February-March 2024, generating anticipation and interest among participants. The host of the 12th ACP Conference offered closing remarks, summarizing the key outcomes of the meeting and expressing gratitude to all participants for their active involvement. The meeting concluded with a group photo session, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration among attendees, followed by a well-deserved coffee break.


The ACP Meeting served as a crucial forum for member universities to exchange ideas, strengthen collaboration, and plan for future initiatives, all within the context of adapting to the challenges and opportunities of the post-COVID-19 era.

ACP Expert Session and ACP Conference 2023

21 March 2023

11th ACP Expert Session: Sustainable Development and Safety Management after COVID-19


The 11th  ACP Expert Session, held on March 21st, 2023, at DKG 7, School of International Studies, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), was a dynamic forum dedicated to exploring "Sustainable Development and Safety Management after COVID-19." This event, hosted by UUM in collaboration with the ACP Consortium, brought together leading experts, scholars, and researchers to delve into crucial topics in post-pandemic sustainable development and safety management.


Program Highlights:


The day began with the enthusiastic registration of participants, setting the stage for a day of insightful discussions. Dr. Chong Khai Lin, Director of the Disaster Management Institute at UUM, extended a warm welcome to all attendees. Prof. Atsushi Hamana, ACP Chairperson and President of KUISs, delivered a thought-provoking keynote on "Higher Education after the COVID-19 Crisis."


The ACP Expert Session featured a series of engaging presentations:


Presentation 1: Assoc. Prof. Ayako Tanaka (KUISs) shared insights on "Case-study of hands-on learning programs using ICT and Apps during the COVID-19 Crisis."

Presentation 2: Ms. Sharima Ruwaida Abbas (UUM) discussed "Empowering Community through Disaster Preparedness using Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM)."

Presentation 3: Prof. Masahiko Murata (KUISs) compared "International Flood Control Measures in Metropolitan Areas: 'Metropolitan Outer Area Underground Discharge Channel' (Tokyo) and 'SMART Tunnel (Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel)' (KL)."

Presentation 4: Ts. Dr. Tan Ooi Kuan (UTAR) examined "Why You're Here COVID-19? You're Affecting My Company's Operation: How it Impacting Malaysia Main Contractor's Working from Home?" Followed by a stimulating Q&A session.


Presentation 5: Prof. Dr. Yasuo Kawawaki (KUISs) explored "Subjective Well-being after Mega-disaster: Evidence from Japan."

Presentation 6: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rohafiz Sabar (UUM) delved into "The Impact of Operant Conditioning Theory on Disaster Awareness Games and Gamification."

Presentation 7: Dr. Hang Hai (University of Danang) discussed "Climate Change Adaptation for Sustainable Development: Danang City Case Study."

Presentation 8: Ts. Dr. Nur Khairiel Anuar (UUM) gave insights into "Student's Preferences in Mobility Programme After the COVID-19 Pandemic."

Presentation 9: Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohamad Farizal Rajemi (UUM) showcased "Food Security for Sustainable Development: The Development of Ezee DIY Aquaponic Design© for Food Production in Urban Farming." The session concluded with a stimulating Q&A session.


Dr. Faisal Zulhumadi (UUM), the moderator, offered closing remarks, wrapping up a day of engaging discussions and knowledge-sharing.


The 11th ACP Expert Session was an invaluable platform for exploring post-COVID-19 challenges and opportunities in sustainable development and safety management. It showcased the commitment of UUM and the ACP Consortium to advancing research and collaboration in these critical areas, fostering a brighter and more resilient future for all.

Kem Air dan Wanita Kebangsaan UNESCO-IHP

16 March 2023

Kem Air dan Wanita Kebangsaan 2023 (KAWK 2023): Empowering Women, Water, and Lifestyle

On March 16, 2023, DMI UUM campus played host to the Kem Air dan Wanita Kebangsaan 2023 (KAWK 2023), a thought-provoking event centered around women, water, and lifestyle. This dynamic gathering aimed to explore critical issues, promote awareness, and foster engagement in these interconnected domains.

Program Highlights:

KAWK 2023 served as a platform for education, discussion, and action on vital issues related to women's roles, water conservation, and sustainable lifestyles. It encouraged participants to reflect on their choices and behaviors, fostering a deeper understanding of the intersection of these critical areas and their impact on society and the environment.

UUM-ACP 11th International Field Studies Program 2023

11 - 26 March 2023

UUM-ACP International Field Study 2023: Fostering Global Collaboration in Disaster Management


The UUM-ACP International Field Study took place from March 11 to March 26, 2023, marking another successful year of international cooperation in the field of disaster management. This annual program, which has been a cornerstone of collaboration since 2016, saw the Disaster Management Institute (DMI) at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) proudly hosting for the third time, with the 2 previous hosting duty undertaken in 2017.


Bringing together a diverse group of students hailing from Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kansai University of International Studies in Japan, and Universitas Atma Jaya in Indonesia, the program served as a platform for knowledge exchange and cooperation in disaster risk reduction, climate change, river management, and community-based disaster management.


Key Highlights of the UUM-ACP International Field Study 2023:


·      Global Participation: The program attracted students from three different countries, fostering a truly international learning experience. This diversity of perspectives enriched discussions and enhanced the overall learning environment.

·      Expert Knowledge Sharing: Renowned experts in disaster risk reduction, climate change, river management, and community-based disaster management led knowledge-sharing sessions. These sessions equipped participants with valuable insights and skills to address pressing global challenges.

·      Community Engagement: A central aspect of the program involved knowledge transfer to students at the UUM International School. This hands-on engagement with local communities not only benefited the participants but also contributed to the development of disaster-resilient communities.

·      Field Visit: Participants had the opportunity to visit the site of a previous debris flood incident near Yan, Kedah. This field visit provided practical insights into disaster management and further reinforced the importance of preparedness and mitigation.

The UUM-ACP International Field Study 2023 embodied the spirit of international collaboration in disaster management, facilitating the exchange of ideas, experiences, and expertise among future leaders in the field. DMI is proud to have hosted this enriching program and looks forward to continuing its commitment to disaster management education and cooperation on a global scale.