
Journal Articles

--Information Scripts and the Incentive Compatibility of Discrete Choice Experiments(with Christian Vossler, Cathy Kling, and Dan Phaneuf) July 2023. Forthcoming at Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
--Do Earmarks Target Low-Income and Minority Communities? Evidence from US Drinking Water(with Bhash Mazumder, David Molitor, Joseph Shapiro, and Brant Walker ) 2024. AEA Papers and Proceedings, 114: 36-40. (open access version)
--Machine Learning Predicts Which Rivers, Streams, and Wetlands the Clean Water Act Regulates(with Simon Greenhill, Hannah Druckenmiller, Sherrie Wang, Manuela Girotto, Jason K. Moore, Nobohiro Yamaguchi, Alberto Todeschini, and Joseph Shapiro ). Science, 2024, 383(6681): 406-412.
--Environmental Justice and the Clean Water Act: Implications for Economic Analyses of Clean Water Regulations(with Tina Andarge, Yongjie Ji, Bonnie Keeler, and Conor McKenzie ) Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy, 2024, 5: 77-103.
--Measuring the Social Benefits of Water Quality Improvements to Support Regulatory Objectives: Progress and Future Directions(with C. Moore, J. Corona, C. Griffiths, M.T. Heberling, J. Hewitt, C.L. Kling, M. Massey, M. Papenfus, D.J. Phaneuf, D. Smith, C.A. Vossler, and W. Wheeler ). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023, 120:(18). 
--Valuing Improvements in Ecological Integrity in Local and Regional Watersheds: The Biological Condition Gradient Ladder(with Christy Dolph, Jacques Finlay, Cathy Kling, Dan Phaneuf, and Christian Vossler). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023, 120:(18).  
--Economic Effects of Environmental Crises: Evidence from Flint, Michigan (with Peter Christensen and Gabriel Lade), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2023, 15(1). (open access version)
--The Evolution of the "Waters of the United States" and the Role of Economics(with Sheila Olmstead, Kevin Boyle, Victor Flatt, Bonnie Keeler, Daniel Phaneuf, Joe Shapiro, and Jay Shimshack) Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 2022, 16(1). 
--Revenue and Distributional Consequences of Alternative Pricing Mechanisms: Evidence from a Micro Panel Dataset(with Yongjie Ji, Catherine Kling, and Daniel Phaneuf) Land Economics, 2021, 090721-0107.  
--A Water Rule That Turns a Blind Eye to Transboundary Pollution(with Sheila Olmstead, Kevin Boyle, Victor Flatt, Bonnie Keeler, Catherine Kling, Daniel Phaneuf, Joe Shapiro, and Jay Shimshack) Science, 2021, 372(6539): 241-243.Media Coverage: UMass; PressReleasePoint; ScienceDaily
--The Effectiveness of Phosphate BansReview of Environmental Economics and Policy,  2020, 1-10. (SSRN; open access version)
--Temporal Reliability of Welfare Estimates from Revealed Preferences. (with Yongjie Ji and Cathy Kling) Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2020, 7(4):659-686. (open access version)
-U.S. Water Pollution Regulation Over the Last Half Century: Burning Waters to Crystal Springs? (with Joe Shapiro) Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2019, 33(4): 51-75. (open access version) 
--The Low but Uncertain Measured Benefits of U.S. Water Quality Policy (with Cathy Kling and Joe Shapiro) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019, 116(12): 5262-5269.Media Coverage: Iowa State; UC Berkeley; Daily Californian;; Science Daily; Science News; Science Trends; Water and Waste Digest
--The Missing Benefits of Clean Water and the Role of Mismeasured Pollution-Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2019, 6(4): 669-707. (open access version)
--Consequences of the Clean Water Act and the Demand for Water Quality.(with Joe Shapiro) Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2019, 134(1): 349-396. (open access version)Media Coverage: Iowa State; UC Berkeley; Daily Californian;; Science; Science Daily; Science Trends; Water and Waste Digest
--Air Pollution and Visitation at U.S. National Parks.(with Gabe Lade and Ivan Rudik) Science Advances, 2018, 4(7): eaat1613.  (replication code)Media Coverage: Iowa State; ABC News; Associated Press; Axios; Business Insider; CBS News; City Lab (The Atlantic); CNBC; CNN;; Inverse; laist; Nature News; NY Times; PBS News Hour;; Public Radio (Jefferson; Phoenix; SoCal; Utah); Scientific American; Sierra Club; Smithsonian; USA Today; US News & World Report; Washington Post; Weather Channel
--The Effectiveness of Incomplete and Overlapping Pollution Regulation: Evidence from Bans on Phosphate in Automatic Dishwasher Detergent.(with Alex Cohen) Journal of Public Economics, 2017, 150: 53-74. (open access version).  
--Air and Water: Integrated Assessment Models for Multiple Media. (with Nick Muller) Annual Review of Resource Economics, 2017, 9: 165-184. 
--Integrated Assessment Models of the Food, Energy, and Water (FEW) Nexus: A Review and Research Needs.(with Cathy Kling, Ray Arritt, and Gray Calhoun) Annual Review of Resource Economics, 2017, 9: 143-163. 
--Disentangling the mechanisms underlying functional differences among microbial communities.(with Ashley Keiser, Mike Strickland, and Mark Bradford) Journal of Ecology, 2014 102(3): 603-609. 

Working Papers

--Water Works: Causes and Consequences of Safe Drinking Water in America(with Bhash Mazumder, David Molitor, and Joseph Shapiro ) April 2023. Revise and Resubmit at Quarterly Journal of Economics.
--Size-Based Regulations and Environmental Quality: Evidence from the U.S. Livestock Industry(with Chen-Ti Chen, Gabriel Lade, and John Crespi) January 2024. Revise and Resubmit at American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
--Improving Private Well Testing Programs: Experimental Evidence from Iowa (with Gabe Lade, Jackie Comito, Jamie Benning, and Cathy Kling) February 2024. Revise and Resubmit at Environmental Science & Technology.
--Quantifying Threshold Manipulation in the Presence of Rounding: The Case of Lead Monitoring in U.S. Drinking Water(with Tihitina Andarge, Dalia Ghanem, and Gabe Lade)

Selected Work in Progress       

--The Social Costs of Nutrient Pollution in the United States(with Tina Andarge, Mainul Hoque, Yongjie Ji, Catherine Kling, Daniel Phaneuf, Nilesh Shinde, and Yau-Huo Shr)
--The Impact of Chemical Disclosures and Regulations in Consumer Products: Evidence from Bisphenol A(with Xibo Wan)

Older Working Papers      

--Adapting to Climate Change Through Tile Drainage: Evidence from Micro Level Data. (with Kevin Meyer). October 2018. 
--Water-based Recreation and Water Quality Indices: A Revealed Preference Approach.(with Yongjie Ji and Cathy Kling). January 2017.