Media and Videos

--Scholars' Circle. July 2, 2023. Wetlands Protection, the Clean Water Act and the US Supreme Court.  

--Resources Magazine. February 25, 2021. Navigating the Waters of the United States.

--NPR Marketplace. October 10, 2020. Why it’s hard to put a price tag on plans like the Green New Deal

--Knowledge@Wharton. Discussion of Clean Water Rule repeal. September 2019. Originally aired on Sirius XM Channel 132, Business Radio Powered by The Wharton School.  Link to audio

-- Jefferson Public Radio Interview. August 2018. Big-City Problems In The National Parks.

--Sackler Colloquium, National Academy of Sciences. Jan 2018. Does Current Water Quality Regulation Benefit the U.S.?.

--NPR Marketplace. February 1, 2016. The underground story of what happens to wastewater.