10 History of Colour Studies

Historical Texts Online (selected)

See also Textbooks on Colour, 1860 to Present in Section 11. There are still a lot of texts, illustrations and annotations to add to these two sections, so keep checking back.

Aristotle, Sense and sensibilia  (4th c. BC)

Linear colour order systems. A. Aristotle, c. 330 BC, Peri Aistheseos kai aistheton. B. Chalcidius, c. 325 AD, from his commentary on Plato's Timaeus,. C. Bartholomaeus Anglicus, c.1245, from his encyclopaedia De rerum naturalis (Of natural things). D. Leonardo da Vinci,c. 1500, Trattato della pittura. E. Robert Fludd, 1629, Medicina Catholica. All diagrams based on purely verbal descriptions except E. For details of the original publications see Kuehni and Schwartz (2008, pp. 31-33, 37-38). 

Cennini, Cennino, The book of the art of Cennino Cennini (Eng., tr. Herringham, Christiana Jane Powell, Lady, 1922)

Alberti, Leon Battista, 1435. De pictura.

Multilinear colour order systems. A. Avicenna, 1015, Liber de anima, with "paths" through pallidus (uncertain, either yellow-green or grey), rubeus (red) and indicus (indigo blue). B. Al Tusi, 13th c. commenatary on Avicenna. C. Alberti, 1435, Della Pictura, with "genera" passing through red, blue, green and grey/beige (bigia et cinericia). D. Sigfridus Forsius, 1611 manuscript Physica, "ancient" system, with colours in two series, through red and blue. E. Forsius' second system, with five series through red, yellow, green, blue and grey. F. Glisson, 1677, Tractatus de ventriculo et intestinis,. Diagrams A, B and C, which were not illustrated by their authors, are modeled on the later diagrams by Forsius and Glisson. For details of the original publications see Kuehni and Schwarz (2008).

Leonardo da Vinci, A treatise on painting.

Leonardo da Vinci and his treatise on painting 

Left: analysis of light and shade on a sphere, Codex Urbinas 1270 213r (compiled c. 1540), after a drawing by Leonardo da Vinci (1490-92). Right: realization of same study as a digital painting, David Briggs, 2019. 

Richter, Jean Paul, The literary works of Leonardo da Vinci (1883)

MacCurdy, Edward, The notebooks Of Leonardo Da Vinci (1955)

Leonardo da Vinci. Online archives of complete notebooks.

Aguilòn, François de, Opticorum libri sex, philosophia iuxta ac mathematicis utiles (1613)

François d.Aguilòn, Opticorum libri sex, philosophia iuxta ac mathematicis utiles (1613). Left: Title page of Book One with engraving by Rubens. Right: Page 40 of first book, showing first printed diagram of colour relationships.

Newton, Isaac, New theory about light and colour (1672)

Newton, Isaac, Opticks, a treatise of the reflexions, refractions, inflextions and colours of lights

Newton's scientific papers (The Newton Project)

Sir Isaac Newton, Opticks (1704). Newtons experiments on mixtures of spectral rays (e.g. Fig 10), summed up in his circle Figure 11, showed that the colour of an isolated light is the way in which we perceive the overall balance of its spectral components, considered as a two dimensional system.

Waller, Richard,  Tabula colorum physiologica … [Table of physiological colours] (1686)

Anonymous (C. B.), Traité de la peinture en mignature (Treatise on miniature painting) (1708).

The two coloured circles from the 1708 Van Dole edition of the Traité de la peinture en mignature.. The circle on the left shows the seven paints used to paint the twelve colours in the circle on the right. 

Le Blon, Jacob Christoph, Coloritto, or, the harmony of colouring in painting (1720).

Jacob Le Blon's Coloritto, or, the Harmony of Colouring in Painting (1720). The four plates, incomplete on the archive.org scan, are from Otto M. Lilien's "Jacob Christoph Le Blon 1667-1741" (1985)

Bardwell, Thomas,  The practice of painting and perspective made easy (1756)

Harris, Moses, Natural system of colours (c. 1766 - 1776)

Moses Harris, Natural System of Colours (c. 1766 - 1776)

Schiffermüller, Ignaz, Versuch eines Farbensystems (1772)

Lambert, Johann Heinrich, Beschreibung einer mit Calauischem Wachse ausgemalten Farben-Pyramide (1772)

Ignaz Schiffermüller's Versuch eines Farbensystems (1772) and Johann Heinrich Lambert's Beschreibung einer mit Calauischem Wachse ausgemalten Farben-Pyramide , both from 1772

Palmer, George, Theory of colours and vision (1777)

Young, Thomas, On the theory of light and colours (1802)

Thomas Young's illustrations for On the Nature of Light and Colours (1807)

Gartside, Mary, An essay on light and shade, on colours, and on composition in general (1805)

Gartside, Mary, An essay on a new theory of colours, and on composition in general (1808)

Gartside, Mary, An Essay on a New Theory of Colours, and on Composition in General (1808 edn)

Sowerby, James, A new elucidation of colours, original, prismatic, and material (1809)

Runge, Philipp Otto, Farben-Kugel (1810).

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, Zur Farbenlehre (1810)

Philipp Otto Runge's Farben-Kugel and Johann Wolfgang Goethe's Zur Farbenlehre, both from 1810

Hayter, Charles, An introduction to perspective, drawing, and painting (1815)

Field, George, Chromatics, or, an essay on the analogy and harmony of colours (1817)

From George Field's Chromatics (1817)

Field, George, Chromatography, or, a treatise on colours and pigments : and of their powers in painting, &c. (1835)

Frontispiece of George Field's Chromatography. Left: 1st edition, 1835. Right: Winsor & Newton edition, 1869.

Hay, David Ramsay. The laws of harmonious colouring : adapted to interior decorations, manufactures, and other useful purposes (3rd edn, 1836)

Hay, David Ramsay. The laws of harmonious colouring, Fourth edn, 1838.

Model of hemispherical colour space (with folding flap) and colour plate from Michel Eugène Chevreul's De la loi du contraste simultané des couleurs (1839)

Ruskin, John, The elements of drawing (1857)

Helmholtz, Hermann von, Handbuch der Physiologischen Optik (1867)

Two diagrams from  Hermann von Helmholtz's Handbuch der Physiologischen Optik (Volume 2, 1860). Left: hue circle showing additive (light-mixing and visual) complementaries arranged in five pairs: purple/green, red/blue green, orange/cyan blue, yellow/indigo blue and yellow green/violet. Right: Helmholtz's estimate of the responses of the three visual receptors. His former student König would later show that the so-called red and green receptors overlap much more extensively.

Hering, Ewald,  Lehre vom Lichtsinne (1878)

Hering's diagrams illustrating his opponent theory of colour vision from Grundzüge der Lehre vom Lichtsinn (Outlines of A Theory of the Light Sense, 1920).

Ridgway, Robert, 1886. A nomenclature of colors for naturalists : and compendium of useful knowledge for ornithologists (1886)

Lacouture, Charles, Répertoire chromatique (1890)

From Charles Lacouture's Répertoire Chromatique (1890)

Munsell, Albert Henry, A color notation (1905)

Selected plates from the Atlas of the Munsell Color System (1915)

Pope, Arthur, Tone relations in painting (1922)

Cooper, F.G., Munsell manual of color (1929)

Ladd-Franklin, Christine, Colour and colour theories (1929)

Katz, David, World of Colour (1935)

Judd, Deane Brewster,  Color in business, science, and industry (1963)*

Hunter, Richard Sewall, The measurement of appearance (1975)*

*These titles available to "borrow" for 14 days and read online but not download.

Archives and Anthologies of Historical Texts on Colour

Science in the making: a scientific history of colours (The Royal Society)

Shaping Colour (Scottish Universities Research Collections Associate Scheme) 

Color -- Early works to 1800 (The Online Books Page)

Color in a new light (Smithsonian)

Birren collection of books on color (Yale University Library)

English translations of historical texts on colour (Rolf G. Kuehni, Michael Brill)

Sloane, Patricia, Primary sources : selected writings on color from Aristotle to Albers (1991)*

Macadam, David, Sources of color science (1970)*

History of Theories of Colour

Chronological bibliography on colour theory (José Luis Caivano) 

Color museum (Narciso Silvestrini and Ernst Peter Fischer)

Color model museum (Colorcube):

Mollon, J. D. (2003) The origins of modern color science. 

Roberti, Valentina (2018) Maxwell and Helmholtz and the birth of the theory of colour. [Ph.D. thesis] 

A chronological history of vision research (Jack Yellott)

The dimensions of colour (David Briggs)

Malloy, Vanja, Intersecting colors (2015)

The origins of colour (Cambridge University Library, presenter Simon Schaffer)

History of Applied Colour

Color printing in the nineteenth century. An exhibition at the Hugh M. Morris Library University of Delaware Library, Newark, Delaware, August 27 - December 19, 1996.

Artists' pigments 1780-1880: history and uses (Studio Mara)

Behind the scenes (The National Gallery)

The creation of color in eighteenth-century Europe (Sarah Lowengard)

Taylor, John Scott. A descriptive handbook of modern water-colour pigments (190?)

Ways of pointillism  (video, Cast Your Art, 2016)

Digital archive of documents related to color in textiles

Timeline of historical film colors (Barbara Flueckiger)

CMYK history (Brian Gamm)

*Titles marked with an asterisk were published between twenty-five to one hundred years ago and are available to read online for an hour at a time or be borrowed (subject to a wait list) for 14 days, but can not be downloaded.