6 Colour Order Systems


colour order system (CIE)

colour atlas (CIE)

colour space (CIE)

colorimetric colour space (CIE)


Color museum (Narciso Silvestrini and Ernst Peter Fischer)

ColorAcademy - Classification (Don Pavey and Roy Osborne)

CIE Colorimetry

A beginner’s guide to (CIE) colorimetry (Chandler Abraham)

How the CIE 1931 RGB Color Matching Functions Were Developed from the Initial Color Matching Experiments (Yuhao Zhu, @yzhu88)

Interactive Tutorials on Color Science Basics (Yuhao Zhu, @yzhu88)

Color vision (Craig Blackwell)

Introduction to color theory (Mark Levoy, Katie Dektar) 

Emulating the Wright-Guild experiment (Edgardo García. MSEng, Buenos Aires University) 

Principles of light and color measurement (Radiant Vision Systems, 2018)

Useful color data (Munsell Color Science Lab, RIT)

CIE convertor (Luxalight)

Color Converter (Robin Myers) 

CIECAM02 Plug-In (Cliff Rames)

LED ColorCalculator (Osram)

Handprint (Bruce MacEvoy)

CIELAB & CAM02 color picker (Bastien Dejean)

Visualizing the XYZ color space (Sony)

The CIELAB lecture (John Seymour)

Digital Colour Specification and Spaces

Digital colour spaces A. RGB: cubic space of "red" (R), "green" (G) and "blue" (B) component lights. B. Ideal CMY space. C. HLS: double cone space using digital hue (H), a relative lightness dimension (L) and relative chroma (S). D. HSB (also known as HSV): digital hue angle (H), and measures of relative saturation (S) and brightness relative to the maximum possible (B). E. YCbCr space used for jpg compression and as a space for some operations in Photoshop. F, G. CIE L*a*b* space with dimensions of lightness (L), reddish/greenish chroma (a/-a) and yellow/blue chroma (b/-b). 

For discussion of software that uses these spaces and topics such as colour management, please see next section.

Color topics for programmers  (Peter Occil)

Color spaces (Bartosz Ciechanowski) 

Gamma FAQ (Charles Poynton)

Color FAQ (Charles Poynton)

Introduction to video color spaces  (Charles Poynton)

The representation of color metrics and mappings in perceptual color space (Stephen Boker).

The color guide and glossary (Xrite).

Light and color: an introduction (Norman Koren): Relatively simple introduction to colour spaces for digital photographers/artists.

Graphics short course I: color theory and 2D image representation.

Color: from hexcodes to eyeballs (Jamie Wong)

Exploring color theory with Blender (Mark Meyer)

Visual representation of color names in different color spaces  (David A., Codepen)

A perceptual color space for image processing (Björn Ottosson)

Color playground (Alexey Ardov) @ardovalexey

So-called HSB "brightness" (B) and HLS "lightness" (L) in L*a*b* space from The Dimensions of Colour, "Lightness", "Brightness" and "Value" in Digital Colour Spaces

Munsell System

RGB colours of HSB Hue angle = 0 projected onto* the Munsell 7.5R hue page, showing lines of uniform HSB saturation and brightness.From The Dimensions of Colour 1.7 Saturation.

Munsell.com (X-rite)

The dimensions of colour  (David Briggs)

Munsell color system (Bruce MacEvoy)

Colour Mixing Tools (Zsolt Kovacs-Vajna)

ChromaMagic (Michele Clamp)

ColorWell (John Morfis)

Color Translator & Analyzer (Babelcolor)

The digital Munsell (Gernot Hoffman)

Munsell Conversion Software (WallkillColor): Features:

Virtual Munsell Color Wheel (Andrew Werth)

Munsell Color Chart 2 (Ksgc, android/Windows app)

Virtual Atlas (VCS Consulting)

Munsell Color Palette (Andrew Geng)

See also under "Hue, Lightness and Chroma" onthe page on Basic Colour Attributes.

Charting color from the eye of the beholder (Landa and Fairchild): Reprint of American Scientist article on Munsell and the Munsell system.

Munsell renotation data (Munsell Color Science Lab, RIT)

Conversions between the Munsell and sRGB colour systems (Paul Centore)

sRGB Centroids for the ISCC-NBS Colour System (Paul Centore)

Natural Colour System (NCS)

NCS (Scandinavian Natural Colour System)

NCS in five steps (NCS)

NCS Navigator Freemium (NCS)

Swedish Natural Color System (Bruce MacEvoy)

NCS swatches for Adobe CS/CC

See also Virtual Atlas (VCS Consulting) below.

Other Systems

Optical Society of America Uniform Color Scales (OSA-UCS)

See also Virtual Atlas (VCS Consulting) below.

Hungarian Coloroid Colour System

See also Virtual Atlas (VCS Consulting) below.

Online and Downloadable Programs

See also "Online/downloadable programs"  under Colour Vision Science.

Virtual Atlas (VCS Consulting)

Color Atlas (Harald Brendel)

Color calculators and spreadsheets (Bruce Lindbloom).

Color Inspector 3D

Paint mixture colours displayed in CIE L*a*b* space using Color Inspector 3D (Image: D. Briggs)

Artists' Helper (Robert Burrage)

Convert color data into different standards and color spaces (EasyRGB)

Leonardo (Nate Baldwin)

Image Color Summarizer (Martin Krzywinski)

KGamut2 gamut tool (Cristian Romero)

Colorimeter (Android app)

Color Analysis (Android app)

Color Extractor (Android app)

Color Sliderule (Axiphos)

Color conversions (Per Bang)

Working with color

Introduction to color (Eugene Vishnevsky)

Color Selector (Josiah Reynolds)


Color Converter

CMM Color Engine (Little CMS)

RGB colorspace transformation matrix and chromatically adapted primaries (color-science.org)

Color space conversions (github.com/colorjs/ )

3D Gamut Viewer (PerfX )

HCL Wizard