how will I benefit as a teacher / curriculum designer?

The Six Learnings framework and its undergirding theory of Disciplinary Intuitions together form a frame for facilitating reflective questions on one's approach to curriculum design.

Because of this, and when applied to (for example) game-based worlds and immersive environments, the Six Learnings framework and its undergirding theory of Disciplinary Intuitions helps teachers challenge traditional designs for such environments, beyond their default enactments of merely virtual roundtables, gallery walks or even role-play. Instead, by outlining learning by exploring, by being, by collaborating, by building, by championing, and by expressing, teachers have participated actively in developing curricular units and resources which are aligned with the learning needs of students.

To learn more about our work in a more self-directed manner, do try GPinTuitions - our bespoke bot in to our portfolio.

As a theory of learning, Disciplinary Intuitions seeks to introduce a provocation into contemporary understandings of curriculum design, in that the argument ismade that such understandings have somewhat overlooked the tacit sensings that learners bring to each subject discipline and / or obfuscated such sensings with prior knowledge. To this end, it is hoped that the debate precipitated will go some way towards the design of curricula and learning environments which go beyond paying lip-service to more enduring understandings. In the words of a teacher on the programme: "I understand now: the environment should not exemplify the concept".

The clip below was filmed by Zing Media Pte Ltd.