
Albert Version 4.0 Human Challenge (Concluded June 2009)

1 Human vs 6 Alberts

The results below are from my request for a 7 game tournament with Alberts. The objective was to play no-press games of 1 human vs 6 Albert_v4s and record the game summaries using an automated observerbot. The results from this version of Albert lacked games ending in draws. In fact of the 106 games recorded only 3 were draws. (This has been improved in later releases.) There will come a time when I will run this type of challenge again... and this will serve as a nice benchmark.

A total of 9 people participated with several people playing more than the 7-games. The majority of players had around 10 years experience. It seemed that some people could defeat Albert easier than others, and I think it had a lot to do with playing styles, and less to do with diplomacy experience.

The results were that the humans won slightly over 50% of the time. That is 3.5 times more than theoretical, and obviously far superior. But what I take from it is that at least Albert is putting up a challenge... and as far as entertainment goes, is in a reasonable zone if it can accomplish a 50% win rate over experienced players. I would expect that Albert is already a formidable challenge for new players and I hope to improve on these numbers in later releases.

Below are some of the game length statistics from the recorded games.

Average game length was 40 minutes.

of the 45 recorded Albert wins, humans were eliminated 19 times.

I thank everyone who participated in the challenge. i realize it is a small sample, but it is a begining.