Awards will be given to the Top 20 finishers in each race. Split races will be combined before awards will be handed out (example open 1, open 2 and open 3 results will be merged than the top 20 will be able to pick up awards. Awards can be picked up approx 15 minutes after the completion for their race, at the awards table. 

We will have an awards ceremony for the Championship and Sweetstakes Teams and those Individuals immediatley following the last Sweepstakes race.

Team Trophies will be given to the top 2 boys and girls teams in the following sections:

Junior High (pick up at the awards tent after the completion of both races)

Small School Varsity (pick up at the awards tent after the completion of both races)

Large School Varsity (pick up at the awards tent after the completion of both races)



PLEASE make sure to pick up your awards. WE WILL NOT SHIP medals or TEAM AWARDS!!