Associate Professor @ University of Bologna

Department of Economics

Bologna, Italy

E-mail: denni [dot] tommasi [at] unibo [dot] it

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Bio: I am an Associate Professor at the University of Bologna (Italy). Prior to this position, I served as an Assistant Professor at the same University from 2021 to 2023, and at Monash University (Australia) from 2018 to 2021. I earned a Ph.D. in Economics in 2017 from ECARES, Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium). I am also a Research Affiliate at IZA, CDES and SoDA Labs.

Research topics: 

Development economics: informality, intra-household inequality. 

Labor economics: employment prospects of job seekers.

Causal inference: measurement error, program evaluation.


Current projects in development or labor economics:

4. "Active labor market policies and job seekers’ career trajectories" (with V. Rattini, V. Scrutinio and G. Zanella)

3. "Reducing the digital divide for marginalized households" (with G. Barone and A. Loviglio) [AEA RCT #0012259] (data collection ongoing)

Current projects in causal inference:

2. "Strengthening causal inference: using AI to improve monitoring data quality" (with K. Ackermann and C. Brown)

1. "Power analysis for research designs leveraging spatial variation" (with S. Becker and L. Zhang).

Working papers:

2. "Quality upgrading in the street food market: are better infrastructure and training sufficient?" (with C. Brown) [AEA RCT #0008797] (draft coming soon).

1. "Diffusion in social networks: experimental evidence on information sharing vs persuasion'' (with M. Fafchamps, A. Islam and D.  Pakrashi) [AEA RCT #0005801] [pre-analysis plan accepted at Journal of Development Economics] [pre-analysis plan] (draft coming soon).


10. "Identifying Program Benefits when Participation is Misreported" (with L. Zhang). Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2024 [paper] [online appendix] [simulations] [replication] [Stata command: ssc install ivreg2m]

9. "Bounding Program Benefits when Participation is Misreported" (with L. Zhang). Journal of Econometrics, 2024 [paper] [online appendix] [simulations] [replication] [slides] [Stata command: ssc install ivbounds]

8. "Time of Day and High Stakes Cognitive Assessments" (with A. Gaggero). Economic Journal, 2023 [paper] [online appendix] [replication] [slides] [Coverage: El Pais, UGR Divulga, Nada es Gratis, BigThink, SmartCompany, Lens, Money, IZA newsroom]

7. "The More the Poorer? Resource Sharing and Scale Economies in Large Families" (with R. Calvi, J. Penglase and A. Wolf). Journal of Development Economics, 2023 [paper] [online appendix] [replication] [slides] [Coverage: IZA newsroom]

6. "LATE with Missing or Mismeasured Treatment" (with R. Calvi and A. Lewbel). Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2022 [paper] [online appendix] [simulations] [replication] [Stata command: ssc install ivreg2m]

5. "Household Responses to Cash Transfers" (with B. De Rock and T. Potoms). Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2022. [paper] [online appendix]

4. "Informational Shocks and Food Safety: A Field Study on Street Vendors in Urban India" (with G. Daniele and S. Mookerjee). The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2021. [paper] [online appendix] [Coverage: VoxDev, Ideas for India (English, Hindi, Bengali, Video Presentation), World Bank Blogs, InnoAid, Monash Research Awards, Monash Impact, Telegraph India, Times of India, Hindustan; Shortlisted 2015 WAF Award]

3. "Control of Resources, Bargaining Power and the Demand of Food: Evidence from PROGRESA". Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2019. [paper] [online appendix]

2. "The Effect of Experts' Opinion on Prices of Art Works: The case of Peter Brueghel the Younger" (with A. Radermecker and V. Ginsburgh). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2019. [paper] [online appendix] [Coverage: Monash Impact]

1. "Estimating Household Resource Shares: A Shrinkage Approach" (with A. Wolf). Economics Letters, 2018. [paper] [older and longer working paper]

Other publications:

4. "Estimating Treatment Effects When Program Participation is Misreported" (with C. Baum and L. Zhang). Stata Journal, 2024. [paper] [Stata command: ssc install ivreg2m]

3. "Bounding Program Benefits When Participation is Misreported: Estimation and Inference With Stata" (with A. Lin and L. Zhang). Stata Journal, 2024. [paper] [Stata command: ssc install ivbounds]

2. "Measuring Women's Empowerment in Collective Households" (with R. Calvi and J. Penglase). AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2022. [paper]

1. "Measuring Poverty Within The Household" (with C. Brown, R. Calvi and J. Penglase). IZA World of Labor, 2022. [paper]

Software packages:

2. “ivreg2m: Stata module to identify treatment-effects estimates with potentially misreported and endogenous program participation” (with C. Baum and L. Zhang). 2022. [link]

1. “ivbounds: Stata module to bound treatment-effects estimates with potentially misreported and endogenous program participation” (with A. Lin and L. Zhang). 2021. [link]