Arthur Lewbel

SCROLL DOWN this page to find working papers and publications by Prof. Lewbel, a short biography, and other information. This page last updated 7/17/2024

Professor Arthur Lewbel is the inaugural holder of the Barbara A. and Patrick E. Roche chair in economics at Boston College.

Note: Some links here are currently broken while this website is being reconstructed.

Email:   Address:  Department of Economics, Boston College, Maloney Hall room 315, 140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467, USA. 

Click here for Lewbel's CV   

Lewbel’s Juggling publications  Arthur Vova and Jack juggling 14 clubs   Lewbel juggling 7 balls   9 clubs juggling Arthur and Jack


Prof. Lewbel has published 25 articles in the top five economics journals (11 Econometricas, 5 AERs, 4 JPEs, 4 REStuds, and 1 QJE). He also has many econometrics publications, including 22 JoEs,  and has published in dozens of other journals as diverse as JET, JASA, Conservation Biology, and Scientific American. 

The International Jugglers’ Association (IJA) sponsors a podcast interviewing well known jugglers. Lewbel is the guest for October 2022,  click here to listen. The IJA also awarded Lewbel an Honorary Life Membership in 2023.

In August, 2019, Lewbel was awarded National Science Foundation grant #1919454 (with co-PI Xun Tang) for the project entitled, "Empirical Analysis of Social Networks with Unreported Links."

Lewbel has written a book, coauthored with Jack Kalvan, called When Balls Collide: Understanding the Skill of Juggling 2018, Lulupress.

Lewbel is quoted in the July 26, 2018 Boston Globe about his book and the limits of juggling: juggling-boston-globe.pdf

Lewbel is quoted and featured extensively in a new biography, called A Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age  by Jimmy Soni and Rob Goodman.

2017 video, 7 balls slo-mo. On facebook: Lewbel FB 7 balls  .mov file: Lewbel juggling 7 balls

The Science of Juggling, by Arthur Lewbel and Peter Jan Beek, Scientific American, November 1995, 273(5), 92-97.
The MIT Juggling Club has a new URL: http://www.mitjuggling.clubSee also the Club facebook page
Three of Lewbel's papers were cited by the Nobel committee in explaining the influence and importance of Angus Deaton’s Economics Nobel Prize. One of Lewbel's cited publications is a survey article, while the other two are extensions of Deaton's prize winning work:
A juggling video: 9 clubs juggling Arthur and Jack
Lewbel is quoted in the March 2014 sports magazine Grantland: anthony-gatto-juggling-cirque-du-soleil-jason-fagone
Instead of a blog, Lewbel comments on economics and politics in a publicly accessible facebook timeline:
Youtube: Lewbel Juggling video (Arthur Lewbel juggling up to 14 clubs with Vova Galchenko and Jack Kalvan, filmed by Mark Bakalor). Direct download Lewbel juggling 60 mb mov file
Lewbel is quoted in the best seller: “The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation,” by Jon Gertner, on page 320.
A paper Lewbel co-authored, Correlates of Bushmeat Hunting, is discussed in the New York Times green blog.
Lewbel’s personal recollections of Claude Shannon are here: Shannon.html.
Lewbel appeared briefly on ESPN, as a judge for the World Juggling Federation (WJF) competitions. On the right in this screen shot: espn-wjf. He was also a judge for competitions held by the International Juggling Association (IJA).


Syllabus of ECON7772 Econometric Methods  ECON7772 syllabus   

Survey article, in the Journal of Economic Literature, 57(4) 834-903 Dec 2019 : “The Identification Zoo – Meanings of Identification in Econometrics” is identification-zoo-final.pdf . Parts 1, 2 and 3 of slides for an associated mini-course are here: ident-zoo-SL-Part1.pdf ident-zoo-SL-Part2.pdf and ident-zoo-SL-Part3.pdf 

This zipped folder contains papers, Stata, and Gauss code on Special Regressor and simple binary choice estimation methods, including introductory and survey material:  This includes the Stata module SSPECIALREG.

This zipped folder contains papers, Stata, and other code on Instruments Constructed from Heteroscedasticity or Symmetry. These are instruments that can be constructed and used when ordinary instruments are not available for two stage least squares or instrumental variables regression:  This includes the Stata module IVREG2H

This zipped folder contains papers and Stata code for Regression Discontinuity Treatment Effect Derivative (RD TED) estimation and tests. These are used to test stability of RD estimates, and to estimate how RD treatment effects would change if the cutoff threshold was marginally raised or lowered.  This includes the Stata module TED.

The slides for a mini-course on “Nonparametrics for Noneconometricians” are here: NonparamClass.pdf

Slides for “an Overview on Identification of Household Resource Shares” are here: SharingRuleTalkSL3.pdf


"Collective Behavior with Information Asymmetry," by Zhi Cao, Arthur Lewbel, Wenchao Li, and Junjian Yi, 20240426_collective_model revised 4/2024

"Limited Monotonicity and the Combined Compliers LATE," by Nadja van’t Hoff, Arthur Lewbel, and Giovanni Mellace,  CC-LATE_Apr_2024.pdf  revised 4/2024

"Direct Utility Functions for Rank Two and Quadratic Logarithmic Demand Systems" Direct Utility 3.pdf revised 3/2024 

"Instrument-free estimation of triangular equation systems with the trigmm command," by Heejun Lee, Arthur Lewbel, Susanne M. Schennach, and Linqi Zhang, TRIGMM.pdf   revised 2/2023 This paper describes Stata implementation of the  estimator  in the JBES paper "Identification of a Triangular Two Equation System Without Instruments," by Arthur Lewbel, Susanne M. Schennach, and Linqi Zhang.

"Semiparametric Identification and Estimation of Multinomial Discrete Choice Models using Error Symmetry," by Arthur Lewbel, Jin Yan, and Yu Zhou,  MDC_with_CS_note_V19_with_appendices  revised 12/2021

"Estimating Social Network Models With Missing Links,"  by Arthur Lewbel, Xi Qu, and Xun Tang, Missing Links and supplement.pdf revised 7/2023  This PDF contains both the main paper and a supplemental appendix..

“Sparse Demand Systems: Corners and Complements,” by Arthur Lewbel and Lars Nesheim,  fruit_2019_11_paper_and_supplement.pdf  revised 12/2019


Note: to avoid copyright issues, links below are to the final pre publication versions of each paper – they contain all the same content as the published final versions. DOI links to the published versions are also provided in some cases.


“Estimating A Model of Inefficient Cooperation and Consumption in Collective Households,” by Arthur Lewbel and Krishna Pendakur, empirical inefficient 38.pdf revised 8/2023. Review of Economics of the Household Jan. 17, 2024,

"Ignoring Measurement Errors in Social Networks"  by Arthur Lewbel, Xi Qu, and Xun Tang, Ignoring_Measurement_Errors.pdf   27(2), May 2024, 171–187 , The Econometrics Journal  An earlier version of this paper was circulated under the name Social Networks with Mismeasured Links

"Identification of a Triangular Two Equation System Without Instruments," by Arthur Lewbel, Susanne M. Schennach, and Linqi Zhang, system-noside-dec2022.pdf  The Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 2024 42(1), 14-25, 


“Social Networks with Unobserved Links,” by Arthur Lewbel, Xi Qu, and Xun Tang, UnobsLinks_2022_0728.pdf   Journal of Political Economy  2023 131(4), 898-946. Earlier versions of this paper were circulated under the name, “Social Networks with Misclassified or Unobserved Links.”

"Measurement Error Models," by Erich Battistin, Michele De Nadai, and Arthur Lewbel,  Handbook of Labor, Human Resources, and Population Economics, 2023, Zimmermann, K.F. (eds), Springer, Cham. 

“Over-Identified Doubly Robust Identification and Estimation,” by Arthur Lewbel, Jin-Young Choi, and Zhuzhu Zhou,  ODR_2022Jan-with-appendix.pdf  Journal of Econometrics  2023, 235(1), 25-42. Earlier versions of this paper were circulated under the title: "General Doubly Robust Identification and Estimation.”


“Inefficient Collective Households: Cooperation and Consumption,” by Arthur Lewbel and Krishna Pendakur,  v-model-theory.pdf  Economic Journal 2022, 132(645), 1882–1893. 

“Consumption Peer Effects and Utility Needs in India” by Arthur Lewbel, Samuel Norris, Krishna Pendakur, and Xi Qu, peer77 and appendix.pdf Quantitative Economics 2022, 13(3) 1257-1295 Earlier versions of this paper were circulated under the title: “Keeping up with peers in India: A new social interactions model of perceived needs.”.

“LATE with Missing or Mismeasured Treatment,” by Rossella Calvi, Arthur Lewbel, and Denni Tommasi, MRLATE+appendix.pdf, The Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 2022, 40(4), 1701-1717.  Stata code for this estimator is:  Earlier versions of this paper were circulated under the title: "Women’s Empowerment and Family Health: Estimating LATE with Mismeasured Treatment.”

"Kotlarski With a Factor Loading," by Arthur Lewbel, factor-loaded-Kotlarski-final.pdfJournal of Econometrics  2022, 229(1) 176-179. 

“Identification of Semiparametric Model Coefficients, With an Application to Collective Households,” by Arthur Lewbel and Xirong Lin, BCL_ident_13_and_supplement.pdf, Journal of Econometrics 2022, 226(2) 205-223.


“Nonparametric Euler Equation Identification and Estimation,” by Juan Carlos Escanciano, Stefan Hoderlein, Arthur Lewbel, Oliver Linton, and Sorawoot (Tang) Srisuma.  EE46.pdf Econometric Theory, 2021, 37(5), 851 - 891. 

“Identification of Random Resource Shares in Collective Households Without Preference Similarity Restrictions,” by Geoffrey Dunbar, Arthur Lewbel, and Krishna Pendakur, DLP-random-resource-25.pdf, The Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2021, 39:2, 402-421.

“Using Instrumental Variables to Estimate Models With Mismeasured Regressors,” By Arthur Lewbel, CRC-IV-for-measurement-error.pdfHandbook of Measurement Error Models, editors G. Y. Yi, A. Delaigle, P. Gustafson, 2021, Chap. 5, pp. 85-95, Handbooks of Modern Statistical methods, Chapman & Hall / CRC Press. 


“Advice on Using Heteroscedasticity Based Identification,” By Christopher Baum and Arthur Lewbel, Hetero-ident.pdf, The Stata Journal 2019, 19(4), 757-767. 

Survey article: “The Identification Zoo – Meanings of Identification in Econometrics” by Arthur Lewbel, identification-zoo-final.pdf  Journal of Economic Literature Dec. 2019, 57(4), 835-903.   Parts 1, 2 and 3 of slides for an associated mini-course are here: ident-zoo-SL-Part1.pdf ident-zoo-SL-Part2.pdf and ident-zoo-SL-Part3.pdf


“Identification and Estimation Using Heteroscedasticity Without Instruments: The Binary Endogenous Regressor Case,” by Arthur Lewbel, het-binary7-with-supplement.pdf  Economics Letters, 2018, 165, 10-12.

Book by Jack Kalvan and Arthur Lewbel,  When Balls Collide: Understanding the Skill of Juggling 2018, Lulupress.


“Identification of Additive and Polynomial Models of Mismeasured Regressors Without Instruments,” by Dan Ben-Moshe, Arthur Lewbel, and Xavier D'Haultfœuille, AddMis8.pdf  Journal of Econometrics, 2017, 200(2), 207-222.

“Testing Stability of Regression Discontinuity Models,” by Giovanni Cerulli, Yingying Dong, Arthur Lewbel, and Alexander Poulsen. TED12.pdf, Advances in Econometrics, vol. 38, 317-339, Regression Discontinuity Designs: Theory and Applications Matias D. Cattaneo and Juan Carlos Escanciano, editors. A Stata module for implementing this stability test is here: TED

 “Unobserved Preference Heterogeneity in Demand Using Generalized Random Coefficients,” random-coefs-general-scales30-text-and-supplement.pdf by Arthur Lewbel and Krishna Pendakur, Journal of Political Economy, 2017, 125(4) 1100-1148. The linked file contains both the main text of the paper and an online supplemental appendix. Earlier versions of this paper circulated under the name “Generalized Random Coefficients With Equivalence Scale Applications.”


“Identifying the Average Treatment Effect in Ordered Treatment Models Without Unconfoundedness” by Arthur Lewbel and Thomas Tao Yang, orderedChoiceATE2-main-and-supplement.pdf Journal of Econometrics, 2016, 195, 1-22. Earlier versions of this paper circulated under the title, “Identifying the Average Treatment Effect in a Two Threshold Model.” This file includes both main text and a supplemental online appendix

“Identification and Estimation of Semiparametric Two Step Models,” TwoStep25.pdf by Juan Carlos Escanciano, David Jacho-Chávez, and Arthur Lewbel. Quantitative Economics, 2016, 7, 561-589. This paper replaces the older draft/paper: “Semiparametric Double Index Model Identification and Estimation.”

“Nonparametric Errors in Variables Models with Measurement Errors on both sides of the Equation,” DeNadai_Lewbel_Final.pdf by Arthur Lewbel and Michele De Nadai, Journal of Econometrics, 2016, 191(1), 19–32.


"Sharing Rule Identification for General Collective Consumption Models," SharingRuleBounds-L4.pdf by Laurens Cherchye, Bram De Rock, Arthur Lewbel, and Frederic Vermeulen, Econometrica, 2015, 83, 2001-2041.

“Identifying the Effect of Changing the Policy Threshold in Regression Discontinuity Models,” ThresholdEffect30.pdf by Yingying Dong and Arthur Lewbel. Review of Economics and Statistics 2015, 97(5) 1081-1092. A supplemental appendix to this paper is: ThresholdEffect30-supplement.pdf  Earlier versions of this paper circulated under the name “Regression Discontinuity Marginal Threshold Treatment Effects.”

“Identification and Estimation of Games with Incomplete Information Using Excluded Regressors,” Lewbel_Tang_game.pdf by Arthur Lewbel and Xun Tang. Journal of Econometrics, 189, 229-244.  Additional Supplemental Materials are: Lewbel_Tang_game_supplement.pdf

 “Gary Becker’s, ‘A Theory of the Allocation of Time,’" Becker6.pdf by Arthur Lewbel and Pierre-André Chiappori, 125th Anniversary issue of The Economic Journal, 2015, 75(299), 493–517.

"Specification Testing for Transformation Models with an Application to Generalized Accelerated Failure-time Models," transformation_20140902_text.pdf, by Arthur Lewbel, Xun Lu, and Liangjun Su. Journal of Econometrics, 2015, 184, 81-96. A supplemental appendix to this paper with additional proofs is transformation_20140816_supp.pdf

 “A Simple Estimator for Binary Choice Models with Endogenous Regressors,” simplenew14.pdf by Yingying Dong and Arthur Lewbel, Econometric Reviews, 2015, 34, 82-105. This paper largely replaces the old working paper: “Simple Estimators for Hard Problems: Endogeneity in Discrete Choice Related Models.”


“An Overview of the Special Regressor Method,” special-reg-handbook7.pdf by Arthur Lewbel, in the Oxford Handbook of Applied Nonparametric and Semiparametric Econometrics and Statistics,  Co-edited by Aman Ullah, Jeffrey Racine, and Liangjun Su, 2014, 38-62, Oxford University Press.

"Uniform Convergence of Weighted Sums of Non- and Semi-parametric Residuals for Estimation and Testing" Uniform_Sum_17.pdf by Juan Carlos Escanciano, David Jacho-Chávez, and Arthur Lewbel, Journal of Econometrics 2014, 178, 426-443. Online technical appendix to this paper is: Supplement_v10.pdf


"Estimating Consumption Economies of Scale, Adult Equivalence Scales, and Household Bargaining power,” lcb24.pdf by Martin Browning, Pierre-Andre Chiappori, and Arthur Lewbel,  Review of Economic Studies. 2013, 80, 1267-1303.

 “Nonparametric Identification of Accelerated Failure Time Competing Risks Models,” CompeteRisksLeeLewbel.pdf, By Simon (Sokbae) Lee and Arthur Lewbel, Econometric Theory 2013, 29, 905-919.

“Children's Resources in Collective Households: Identification, Estimation and an Application to Child Poverty in Malawi,” by Geoffrey Dunbar, Arthur Lewbel, and Krishna Pendakur, American Economic Review 2013, 103, 438-471.  CollectiveChildren30-with-appendices.pdf This pdf file contains the paper along with a supplemental online appendix


 “Viewpoint: Comparing Features of Convenient Estimators for Binary Choice Models With Endogenous Regressors,” simple-comparisons5.pdf by Arthur Lewbel, Yingying Dong, and Thomas Tao Yang, Canadian Journal of Economics, 2012, 45, 809-829. 

“Regressor Dimension Reduction with Economic Constraints: The Example of Demand Systems with Many Goods,” bigdsysFeb2011.pdf by Stefan Hoderlein and Arthur Lewbel, Econometric Theory, 2012, 28, 1087-1120. Some earlier versions of this paper were circulated under the title: Price Dimension Reduction in Demand Systems With Many Goods

“Returns to Lying? Identifying the Effects of Misreporting When the Truth is Unobserved”  lie19.pdf by Yingyao Hu and Arthur Lewbel),   Frontiers of Economics in China, 2012, 7, 163-192.

“Using Heteroscedasticity to Identify and Estimate Mismeasured and Endogenous Regressor Models,” by Arthur Lewbel, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 2012, 30, 67-80. simhet16.pdf This file includes a short supplemental appendix containing a monte carlo that was dropped from the main text. This paper replaces the earlier paper, “Identification of Heteroskedastic Endogenous or Mismeasured Regressor Models.”


“Correlates of Bushmeat Hunting among Remote Rural Households in Gabon, Central Africa,” by Foerster, S., Wilkie, D. S., Morelli, G. A., Demmer, J., Starkey, M., Telfer, P., Steil, M. and Lewbel, A., Conservation Biology online 2011, doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2011.01802.x

“Nonparametric Identification of a Binary Random Factor in Cross Section Data,” unobservedbinary14withsupplement.pdf by Yingying Dong and Arthur Lewbel, Journal of Econometrics 2011, 163, 163-171. This pdf file contains the paper along with a supplemental appendix containing additional material including an empirical application

"Estimating Features of a Distribution From Binomial Data," llm2011.pdf by Arthur Lewbel, Oliver Linton, and Daniel McFadden, Journal of Econometrics 2011, 162, 170-188.  This file llm2011.pdf  includes a supplemental appendix with some additional results.


 “Identification and Nonparametric Estimation of a Transformed Additively Separable Model,”  JLL.pdf  by David Jacho-Chavez, Arthur Lewbel, and Oliver Linton, Journal of Econometrics 2010, 156, 392-407. An older version of this paper that contains far more details, some extension, and additional empirical results is JLL9.pdf

”Shape Invariant Demand Functions,” shapeinvar11.pdf by Arthur Lewbel, Review of Economics and Statistics August 2010, 92(3) 549–556.


“Why is Consumption More Log Normal Than Income? Gibrat's Law Revisited,”  BBL-Gibrat-final-May2009.pdf, revised 5/09, longer older version: bbl-Gibrat-28-06-07-1.pdf, by Erich Battistin, Richard Blundell, and Arthur Lewbel, Journal of Political Economy, 2009, 117(6) 1140-1154.

“Tricks With Hicks: The EASI Demand System,” hixtrix35.pdf, by Arthur Lewbel and Krishna Pendakur, American Economic Review June 2009, 99(3), 827-863. Note: The AER website does not contain the correct supplemental appendix. The file hixtrix35.pdf contains all the proper appendices. See also Seminar Slides for this paper: HixSlidBeamer.pdf, as well as Pendakur’s paper "EASI Made Easier". Stata code for EASI is: EASI demand system with no interactions and EASI demand system with interactions. Also, a package for estimating EASI in R (by Stephane Hoareau, Guy Lacroix, Mirella Hoareau, Luca Tiberti) is now available: easi-r.

“Nonparametric Identification and Estimation of Nonclassical Errors-in-Variables Models Without Additional Information,”  CHL-discrete-indep-nov08.pdf by Xiaohong Chen, Yingyao Hu, and Arthur Lewbel, Statistica Sinica, July 2009, 19, 949-968


“Estimation of Collective Household Models With Engel Curves,” CollectiveEngel.pdf  by Arthur Lewbel and Krishna Pendakur, Journal of Econometrics, special issue on Estimating Demand Systems and Consumer Preferences, Dec. 2008, 147, 350-358.

“Equivalence Scales” entry for The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition,” palequiv.pdf by Arthur Lewbel and Krishna Pendakur, 2008.

“Engel Curves” entry for The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition,” palengel.pdf by Arthur Lewbel, 2008.

“Nonparametric Identification of Regression Models Containing a Misclassified Dichotomous Regressor Without Instruments,” CHL-skew-Feb08.pdf by Xiaohong Chen, Yingyao Hu, and Arthur Lewbel, Economics Letters, 2008, 100, 381-384.

“A Note on the Closed-form Identification of Regression Models with a Mismeasured Binary Regressor,” CHL-binary-indep.pdf  by Xiaohong Chen, Yingyao Hu, and Arthur Lewbel, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2008, 78, 1473-1479.


“Nonparametric Matching and Efficient Estimators of Homothetically Separable Functions,” Econometrica, 2007, 75, 1209-1227.  homoth48.pdf by Arthur Lewbel and Oliver Linton. This is a note length version. An older, much longer working paper version that includes detailed proofs and an empirical application is homothwp.pdf.  These both replace an earlier paper, “Nonparametric Estimation of Homothetic and Homothetically Separable Functions.”

“Estimation of Average Treatment Effects With Misclassification,” mistreanote2.pdf by Arthur Lewbel, Econometrica, 2007, 75, 537-551. This file includes the paper and an addendum with additional results.

"Endogenous Selection or Treatment Model Estimation," treat16.pdf by Arthur Lewbel, Journal of Econometrics, 2007, 141, 777-806. This paper replaces older papers titled "Selection Model and Conditional Treatment Effects, Including Endogenous Regressors," and "Two Stage Least Squares Estimation of Endogenous Sample Selection Models." Software for implementing some of the estimators in this paper is available on request.

"A Simple Ordered Data Estimator For Inverse Density Weighted Functions," by Arthur Lewbel and Susanne Schennach, lewsch33.pdf Journal of Econometrics, 2007, 186, 189-211.

"Weighted and Two Stage Least Squares Estimation of Semiparametric Truncated Regression Models," klthird.pdf  by Shakeeb Khan and Arthur Lewbel, Econometric Theory, 2007, 23, 309-347.

"Modeling Heterogeneity," hetero1.pdf in Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Theory and Applications, Ninth World Congress (Econometric Society Monographs), Richard Blundell, Whitney K. Newey, and Torsten Persson, editors, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Vol. III, chapter 5, 2007. 

“A Local Generalized Method of Moments Estimator,” localgmm.pdf by Arthur Lewbel, Economics Letters, 2007, 94, 124-128.

"Coherence and Completeness of Structural Models Containing a Dummy Endogenous Variable," cohere12.pdf by Arthur Lewbel, revised 2/06, presented at “Economics to Econometrics: A conference in honor of Daniel L. McFadden,”  Nov. 2007, vol. 48, 1379-1392, International Economic Review, and associated conference volume.

Some older downloadable papers are listed further down this page.


Lewbel-juggling-7-balls-slo-mo      9 clubs juggling Arthur and Jack

Below is sampling of Juggling related work. See Lewbel’s Juggling page and publications for more.

YouTube Video: Lewbel Juggling video is Lewbel with well known jugglers Vova Galchenko and Jack Kalvan - juggling up to 14 clubs. Filmed by Mark Bakalor, edited by Vova. A high resolution version can be downloaded here: vova arthur jack 14 clubs 3 person line, 60 mb mov file.

Prof. Lewbel co-authored The Science of Juggling published in Scientific American. This article was subsequently published in 9 different languages. An example is the Chinese version: 杂耍的科学

Lewbel helped to develop a type of juggling club that is now available for sale. The brand name is: Todd Smith Assassins.

This article on the history of juggling by Prof. Lewbel is one of the top five google pages on the subject.

Lewbel won a gold medal in club passing in the  1994 National Juggling Competition, and later served as a director and a judge of the International Jugglers' Association annual National Stage Juggling Competitions.  He appeared on ESPN as a judge for the World Juggling Federation competitions. On the right in this screenshot: espn2004wjf.jpg.

Prof. Lewbel's personal tribute to Professor Claude Shannon (excerpts appeared in Juggle magazine) is Shannon.html. This page includes rare photos and video. A text version for non jugglers is: “A Jugglers Tribute to Claude Shannon,” by Arthur Lewbel, (Dec., 2001), IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) Information Theory Newsletter, pages 9-12. To read this version online, go to and scroll down to to page 9.

Lewbel still juggles at the MIT Juggling Club, which he founded as an undergraduate.


Arthur Lewbel is a Professor of Economics at Boston College, in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, USA. He is the inaugural holder of the Barbara A. and Patrick E. Roche Chair in Economics at BC. He is a co-editor of Econometric Theory, a former co-editor of The Journal of Business and Economic Statistics and of Economics Letters, and has also served on the editorial boards of The Journal of Econometrics and The Journal of Applied Econometrics. He is an elected fellow of the Econometric Society, a fellow of the Journal of Econometrics, and has a Multa Scripsit award from Econometric Theory. He is an international research fellow of the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) and of the Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice (CeMMAP). He has repeatedly served on committees to determine winners of the Zellner and Aigner awards for best papers in the Journal of Econometrics, and on the American Statistical Association’s Zellner Thesis award committee.

Prof. Lewbel's research is mainly in the areas of micro econometrics and in consumer demand analysis. He has published in all the top journals in economics and econometrics, including 11 Econometricas, 5 American Economic Reviews, 3 Journal of Political Economy’s, 4 Review of Economic Studies, 17 Journal of Econometrics, and has published in dozens of other journals including Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Quarterly Journal of Economics, even Conservation Biology and Scientific American. In a published study of over 55,000 economists (, he was ranked number 30 in the world, based on quality and quantity of publications.

Prof. Lewbel was the principal investigator on five National Science Foundation grants. He has been a consultant on econometric and microeconomic issues for The Brattle Group in Cambridge, MA, and has designed commercially sold educational computer software for the Macmillan publishing company and for Tom Snyder Productions.

Prof. Lewbel is a very highly rated teacher. His courses consistently get top ratings from students for quality of content and instruction (average rating last three years: 4.7 out of a possible 5).

Apart from economics, Prof. Lewbel has studied the theory and practice of juggling. He wrote a regular column for Jugglers World magazine, and coauthored "The Science of Juggling," in Scientific American, November, 1995, vol. 273, #5, pp. 92-97. He has served as a director and judge of the International Juggler's Association's annual national juggling competitions, and can juggle up to eight balls.

Prof. Lewbel  has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. in Management Applied Economics from the MIT Sloan School of Management. Prior to joining the Boston College faculty in 1998, he taught at Brandeis University, and was a visiting professor at Boston University and at the MIT Sloan School. He also designed computer games and educational software at Tom Snyder Productions, worked as a consulting economist at Data Resources, Inc., and as a computer programmer and systems designer for Data General Corp. 


A very old computer game Lewbel coauthored for Tom Snyder Productions is now available online makemillions

Lewbel is featured in the Boston College faculty highlights, including a video explaining his AER paper on household resource sharing in Malawi.

Prof. Lewbel provided testimony supporting California’s claim for $9 billion in refunds from energy companies accused of price manipulation. See newsalerts  and

A photograph taken by Prof. Lewbel appears in “Fortune’s Formula,” by William Poundstone, published by Hill and Wang, a division of Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, flyleaf opposite page 148: FortunesFormula.jpg.

Was MLK Jr. a Republican? No. (essay Aug, 2013): MLK.pdf

Professor Arthur Lewbel is the inaugural holder of the Roche Chair in Economics at Boston College, endowed by Patrick Roche '51, chairman of Roche Brothers Supermarkets, Inc. They now even mention juggling in their advertisements: RocheBrosJuggle.jpg

The Most Badly Designed Shower in the World (photo essay, May, 2008): shower.pdf

A trip to Bogotá, Columbia (photo essay Oct, 2007):  bogota.pdf.

An absolutely true baseball story from 1999: baseball.htm

The Lewbel family reunion page and Lewbel family tree (provided by George Lewbel) has been taken down, but is available on request – email