

The modern paradigm shift of science and technology mandates that political theory and social design must now be determined through matching scientific methodology. The methodology of science conclusively identifies biological systems subject to physics and evolutionary biology, which requires Anti-theism and Eco-socialism. Anti-theism is required because physics-based solutions are only made possible when the laws and institutions of the obsolete church-state supernatural afterlife hierarchy are replaced with the laws and institutions of the new secular physics-governed natural hierarchy. Eco-socialism is required because physics identifies that the entropy cycle (low entropy matter/energy in – high entropy matter/energy out), and the delicately balanced nonlinear feedback loops of the ecosystem, are not compatible with a capitalist growth model of economy. Anti-theism and Eco-socialism are also required because currently, all of our institutions, spanning militarism, religion, politics, economics, education, and culture, simply serve the ubiquitous phenomenon of church-state tribalism that exploits people and resources to affect an obsolete and unsustainable agenda.

This work synthesizes principles of physics (axiomatic Newtonian mechanics including thermodynamics), and evolutionary biology (specifically the new Naturalist School), to produce science-based systems-based progressive political philosophy. I call the product of this synthesis “Universalism”, because negotiating physics and evolutionary biology to design social and environmental sustainability for Homo sapiens produces social design protocols that are the same for every nation, ethnicity, and individual. The social design protocols of Universalism produces “One People on One Planet in One Reality”, which requires the abandonment of ubiquitous church-state tribalism and the institutions that serve it. In addition, biological diversity is well maintained and facilitated by enabling sexual selection in absence of church-state tribalism.

Reductionism to physics has produced the new disciplines of astrobiology and astrosociobiology. I demonstrate that in addition, reductionism to physics produces:

  • The new hybrid natural-social science of Physiosociobiology.

  • The hybrid natural-social thesis of Mechanical-Social Integration.

  • The matching political philosophy of Universalism.

  • Government through The Democracy of Science.

  • A new level of specialization through unification with the natural environment.

  • A new mode of production through a moneyless resource-based economy.

  • Coveted science-based Universal Ethics that reconcile the self with society by providing for every universal physical human need through Reverse Engineering, which does not require achieving social control through fear, exploitation, or blaming the individual.

Be prepared for social science through reductionism to physics and evolutionary biology to produce shocking analysis, protocols, and conclusion about the human condition.

Do you want to defeat Global Warming, and solve all of the world's problems?

Many of you do. Nonetheless, my studies identify that such a solution is only made possible through reductionism to physics and evolutionary biology, which produces objective science-based social design. Unfortunately, the solution of reductionism to physics and evolutionary biology provides no solace to convention, or the status quo. In fact, the solution may predictably only appeal to the science-minded, spanning atheists, socialists, and environmentalists.

The greatest revelation of evolution is that Homo sapiens are wild animals. Most people are of course simply not aware of exactly how we are wild animals. After all, identifying how natural selection has determined our species has been a hardscrabble and elusive study. The famous saying that “the last thing a fish would notice is that it was swimming in water” is equally applicable to Homo sapiens. Homo sapiens of course, are therefore predictably ignorant of how idiosyncratic our own species is, ignorant as it were of “the water we swim in”. Unfortunately, gaining this knowledge isn’t necessarily flattering, and maintaining such attributes not necessarily desirable, or sustainable. In the 21st century, the old advice “know thyself” comes with a heavy burden attached - the weight of the universe, so to speak.

Currently, the “water” Homo sapiens swims in has been sufficiently identified by physicists and evolutionary biologists to require paradigm shifting thoughts and actions from Homo sapiens… if we wish to achieve social and environmental sustainability. In physics, scientific instruments (COBE, WMAP) have confirmed uniform universal background radiation, which provides virtually axiomatic evidence for the Big Bang. In addition, science has provided natural explanations for all subsequent cosmological evolution. And evolutionary biology has identified how the process of natural selection has determined the human condition, through eusociaity, multi-level selection, instincts (evolutionary psychology/sociobiology), and tribalism.

Nevertheless, it is easy to be critical of the processes that produced us because they are indifferent to what we are, how we are, and if we survive or not. For example, natural selection is a mindless process that has, for billions of years, negotiated a world of flesh and teeth, which has excelled in producing predatory tyrants, i.e. Tyrannosaurus rex. Likewise, Homo sapiens demonstrate their own predatory characteristics; human tyrants clearly demonstrate authoritarian psychology and sociopathic qualities. Moreover, natural selection has engendered our entire species with baseline authoritarian psychology that serves ubiquitous tribalism, spanning traditional conservatives to the modern “swallow the cool-aid liberal” that does little else than enable the dysfunctional diversity of church-state tribalism. Currently, Homo sapiens enable the tyranny of natural selection through an “aspirational society” spanning indiscriminate breeding, unbridled individualism, corporate profit, and wanton consumerism, which however, is no longer a scientifically valid definition of liberty or freedom.

Evolutionary Biology identifies:

  • Like a mold consuming a prepared culture in a Petri dish, biology follows the imperative to reproduce and expand - until it collapses. This entirely natural instinctual biological process affects tribalism, imperialism, and empire in a demonstrably unsustainable manner.

  • The phenomenon of tribalism largely determines the human condition.

  • Homo sapiens are subject to multi-level selection, which affects both the individual and the group (tribe).

  • Homo sapiens have instincts that are identifiable, and largely serve the dynamics of tribalism.

  • Homo sapiens have psychology that is identifiable, and largely serve the dynamics of tribalism.

Physics identifies:

  • All physical systems - including biology - are governed by physics. Cosmology, geology, astrobiology, and astrosociobiology are good examples that demonstrate the connection between the inanimate heavy elements forged and seeded by stars and animate intelligent creatures.

  • Human tribalism begins with the limitations of individual mobility to negotiate resources, which makes tribalism subject to a territorial radius. Slaves, work animals, mechanization, and economics have attempted to expand the territorial radii of tribalism, but competition among tribes has depleted resources and caused adversity that is no longer desirable or sustainable.

  • Resources are limiting if renewable.

  • Homo sapiens survival is dependent on maintaining the delicately balanced nonlinear feedback loops of the ecosystem, and these feedback loops are physics-governed.

  • Climate change and global warming are man-made, yet physics-governed.

These are just a few of the things we now know about ourselves, and this knowledge has been achieved as recently as 2012 with Edward Wilson’s multilevel selection, which has decisively replaced “kin selection” theory. In point of fact, the new “Naturalist” school of social science has now replaced the “Behavioral” school as the new benchmark in identifying the causality that determines the human condition.

Ultimately, we are beginning to understand how massively determined we are, determined at the most fundamental levels by the processes that produced us – physics and evolutionary biology. This understanding is a bitter pill for most to swallow – spanning philosophers negotiating the epistemology of knowledge and postmodernism, to physicists negotiating the potential multiverse.

Most educators and politicians are predictively resisting making the paradigm shift to the new Naturalist school because it invalidates the very institutions and values that these status quo members of human tribalism defend. This predictable reaction is however, quantifiably primitive, unscientific, and socially and environmentally unsustainable. It is very much time for cultural evolution and innovation on an unprecedented scale, a scale determined by our intelligence and understanding to negotiate the newly identified environmental conditions of physics and evolutionary biology.

How much is achieving the truth that you have been seeking worth to you?

The problem with democracy is that, like every other political system, it serves church-state tribalism. Our current incarnation and application of democracy does little else than “preach to the choir” of human tribalism, where everyone agrees we need the ubiquitous institutions of tribalism. Tribalism has a hierarchy that always begins with militarism and religion, then politics, economics, and culture, and now sometimes education and science. Militarism and religion are always highly integrated, i.e. the ubiquitous “church-state”. Consequently, political partisanship simply quibbles over the details of a fundamentally flawed, toxic, and unsustainable system.

Unfortunately, when institutions serve the function of church-state tribalism they cannot design a solution, nor are they necessarily socially or environmentally sustainable. Modern partisanship has simply swallowed the cool-aid of church-state tribalism, and consequently no solutions are possible from either side of the two-party isle. Peter Joseph calls politicians “demopublicans”, to illustrate that they are all equally useless. Solutions to the human condition will require an intervention in church-state tribalism, and if a democratic process is to be effective, it will need to avoid serving the dysfunctional diversity of church-state tribalism. There are few shared values between the status quo, and the paradigm shift to come.

Is identifying truth worth the price of reading a new philosophy of government and economics identified through reductionism to physics and evolutionary biology? Discover the result of this study here, through the new hybrid natural-social science of "Physiosociobiology", the matching hybrid natural-social science thesis of "Mechanical-Social Integration", and the political philosophy of "Universalism", including a new quantified democratic government determined between positive and negative physics-governed consequence that redefines our old false damaging unscientific unregulated democracy through a vastly superior "Democracy of Science".

Thank you for reviewing The Democracy of Science.

Mike Foss
