Shout the blood of Jesus 21 times and sing “I have seen, seen the downfall of satan, Glory be to God, Glory be to Jesus."

(A) There shall be showers of blessing:

This is the promise of love;

There shall be seasons refreshing,

Sent from the Savior above.


Showers of blessing,

Showers of blessing we need:

Mercy-drops round us are falling,

But for the showers we plead.

(B) There shall be showers of blessing,

Precious reviving again;

Over the hills and the valleys,

Sound of abundance of rain.

(C) There shall be showers of blessing;

Send them upon us, O Lord;

Grant to us now a refreshing,

Come, and now honor Thy Word.

(D) There shall be showers of blessing:

Oh, that today they might fall,

Now as to God we’re confessing,

Now as on Jesus we call!

(E) There shall be showers of blessing,

If we but trust and obey;

There shall be seasons refreshing,

If we let God have His way.

Deliverance Prayers For Your Marriage


Genesis 2:18 says, “And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.”

Genesis 2:21-25 says, “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.”

Matthew 19:1-9 says, “And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these sayings, he departed from Galilee, and came into the coasts of Judaea beyond Jordan; And great multitudes followed him; and he healed them there. The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? 8He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so. And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.”

1 Cor. 7:27 says, “Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife.”

Malachi 2:14-16 says, “Yet ye say, Wherefore? Because the Lord hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant. And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth. For the Lord, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away: for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the Lord of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously.”

Proverbs 14:1 says, “Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.”

Proverbs 31:10-12, 23 says, “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.”

Anyone who wants to enjoy a peaceful home will need to understand the purpose and plan of God for marriage and the home. The home is a church within a church, a republic within a republic, a world within a world. If things go right there, they go right everywhere. If things go wrong there, they go wrong everywhere. The home is the foundation of the church and the state. The home is the bedrock of civilization. Every phase of human life has its foundation in the home. It is the nursery school and training ground for all humanity. These days, the home is under serious attack. The devil’s number one enemy is the godly home. The home is therefore a primary target of the devil. The Devil started his attack right from the Garden of Eden. He has concentrated destructive forces on the home. Unfortunately many are complying with satanic strategies in the home. He has converted many homes to houses. So, these days, homes are disintegrating, society is falling and lives are blown into pieces. My prayer is that, God may stir up righteous indignation within you for violent prayers through this Prayer Program. The devil understands that a successful marriage depend two things: finding the right person and being the right person.

Are you experiencing turbulence in your marital life? Is your marriage a nightmare? Then this Program is for you. It is my prayer that the good Lord shall certainly use this program to turn situation around in your marriage.


This is a Mountain of Fire and Ministries Program. A Quarterly 3 day Fasting & Prayer Program that commences with fasting at midnight on Wednesday and ends on the Saturday of the designated Program period. There is three days of personal night vigil and because the program is arranged to coincide with the PMCH program, those who are opportune to be at the Branch will end the program with prayers after the PMCH. You can Join Power Must change Hands Live on streaming Faith. At about 3am US central time every first Saturday of the month.



Scripture Reading: Numbers 16:1-35


Genesis 12:3 says, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”


1. Ask for the power of anointing upon the Host of hell during this program and all time.

2. Ask for the power and authority to judge the enemy.

3. Father Lord, let all giants standing against peace and unity in my marriage fall down and die now in the name of Jesus.

4. Let all powers encamping against my home become confuse and scattered in the name of Jesus.

5. Let every power of the oppressors in my marriage rise up against each other in the name of Jesus.

6. Lord Jesus, let your power work mightily in every difficulty situations in my marriage in the name of Jesus.

7. I bind you the strongman working against me in the heart of my husband/wife and all his/her relatives in the name of Jesus.

8. I command the arrows of the strongman working in my family to be roasted completely in the name of Jesus.

9. Let all bitter and hatred water flow out of my marriage, out of my life and out of the life of my husband/wife in the name of Jesus.

10. Every evil spiritual pregnancy in my marriage, in my life and in the life of my husband/wife be aborted in the name of Jesus.

11. I receive victory over the host of wickedness surrounding my marriage in the name of Jesus.

12. Lord Jesus let the sword taken against me by my enemy turn against the enemy in the name of Jesus.

13. Let all the troublers of my marriage be disbanded and be confused in the name of Jesus.

14. Lord Jesus, answer all powers asking “Where is my God?”

15. Every satanic storm in my marriage, be silenced in the name of Jesus.

16. I prophesy life to every dead blessing in my marriage, my life and the life of my partner in the name of Jesus.

17. Let the blood of Jesus cleanse off every unprofitable and evil label in every department of my life in the name of Jesus.

18. I paralyze all marriage destroyers and anti marriage forces in the name of Jesus.

19. Let all deities’ bands be remove from the affairs of my marriage completely in the. name of Jesus.


Bible Reading : 2nd Kings 5:1-15

Confession: Jeremiah 46:27


1. Praise worship.

2. I reject every false vision, for my marriage in the name of Jesus.

3. Father Lord, correct every negative impression about me in the heart of my divine husband in the name of Jesus.

4. Any power sponsoring divorce in my marriage receive death sentence in the mighty name of Jesus.

5. Every river of bitterness about my life flowing in the heart of my divine husband dry to your source in name of Jesus.

6. Every evil tree planted against my life dry to your root now in the name of Jesus.

7. Any power hardening the heart of my partner, somersault and die now in the name of Jesus.

8. I refuse to sit in any evil seat constructed for me by every enemy of my marriage in Jesus Name.

9. My marriage will not be what the enemy wants it to be in the name of Jesus.

10. The name of Jesus shall not fail in my marital case in the name of Jesus.

11. When my miracle is coming, I will not annoy God in the name of Jesus.

12. I refuse faith-suffocating problems, in my marital case in the name of Jesus.


13. I shall be victorious whether in the presence or absence of my enemy in the mighty name of Jesus.

14. Every trick and pain of the devil at the edge of my miracle shall not prosper over my life in the name of Jesus.

15. Whatsoever that will make me to fail God at the edge of miracle, in the name of Jesus fail woefully.

16. Every silent anti-marriage oppressor warring against the virtues and potentials in my marriage receive the destruction of God in Jesus name.

17. Whether the enemy likes it or not I shall regain my rightful position in my matrimonial home in the name of Jesus.

18. You stubborn problem that is troubling my marriage I command you to disappear now in the name of Jesus.

19. I disconnect my marriage from every evil connection in the name of Jesus.

20. Every evil desire, counseling, motivation and step that I have received from every enemy of my marriage, that is now working against my life, receive divine correction now in Jesus name.

21. I reject every satanic judgment over my marriage in the name of Jesus.

22. Father Lord, deliver my spirit and soul from every useless marital journey I have ever undertaken in the name of Jesus.

23. Every household power working against the fulfillment of the program of God for my marriage, be disgraced and be exposed in the mighty name of Jesus.

24. My marriage shall not be controlled by any strange woman in the name of Jesus.

25. I reject anything that will not glorify the name of God in my marriage in the name of Jesus.


26. I nullify the effect and activity of every information about me that my husband/wife had been fed with, in the name of Jesus.

27. O Lord, remember me for good during this program and open the book of remembrance for me concerning my marital case in the name of Jesus.

28. Every ungodly knowledge about my marital life be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus.

29. Every demonic research made about my life be smashed to pieces in the name Jesus.

30. Every demonic trap holding my marriage to ransom be destroyed beyond repair in Jesus name.

31. You vagabond spirit operating in the life of partner be bound forever in the name of Jesus.

32. I bind every spirit of marital fruitlessness in my life and in the life of my partner in the name of Jesus.

33. Lord, let the crown of marital success be placed in my head in the name of Jesus.

34. Lord, your divine prescriptions for my martial problems shall work for me in the name of Jesus.

35. I fire them back to sender, every arrow or martial shame targeted at me, in the name of Jesus.

36. Every demonic wall of partition between me and my husband/wife, be dashed to pieces in the name of Jesus.

37. In this program, O Lord, let me receive you divine mercy and favor in the mighty name of Jesus.

38. Lord let this program be divine testimony program in Jesus Name.

39. Lord, among Your children that will give testimony for what you have done in their marriage during the prayer program I shall be number one in Jesus mighty name.

40. Begin to thank the Lord for answered prayers.


Bible Reading : 2nd Kings 6:8-14

Confession: 1st Sam 17:45-46

Praise and Worship Songs


1. Thank the Lord for what He is going to do for you during and after this program.

2. Confess all sins and renounce them and ask for forgiveness. Ask for the power to go and sin no more.

3. Oh Lord close the entrance door of bad luck and the exit door of blessings in the name of Jesus.

4. I bind every bind spirit of self-terminator and I confess that good things of my life and marriage will not be terminated in Jesus name.

5. I paralyze every strange hand switching off the power of divine love of God in my home in the name of Jesus.

6. Father Lord let your mighty hand touch every inherited marital problem in my life and in the life of my partner in the name of Jesus.

7. I cancel every parental design that is ungodly in my marriage in Jesus name.

8. Anything that will make me a laughing stock before my enemy, remove them from my life in the name of Jesus.

9. Let all fountain of inherited marital evil dry up in Jesus name.

10. Father Lord, my marital case will not be impossible in Jesus name.

11. All the power militating against my marital peace be roasted in the name of Jesus.

12. Whatever evil that has been agreed upon to be done to me to chase away from my matrimonial home, I nullify them in the name of Jesus.

13. Any powers that say that I should not enjoy my marriage I command the ground to open up and swallow them up in Jesus name.

14. Oh Lord, discharge and acute me from any accusation from my husband/wife, my in-laws and the evil ones in the name of Jesus.

15. Every evil umbrella preventing the showers of blessing in my life/marriage and in the life of partner be roasted in the name of Jesus.


16. Every marital problem with unknown causes go back to senders in Jesus name.

17. I reject every evil inspiration operating in my marriage in the name of Jesus.

18. I refuse to wage war against myself and my home in Jesus Name.

19. I command the release of my husband/wife from the bondage of strange woman/man in the name of Jesus.

20. I arrest every evil breeze that is currently blowing in my marriage and I send them back to senders in Jesus name.

21. Father Lord, wherever I am weak in my matrimonial home help me to re-adjust them in the name of Jesus.

22. Oh Lord, deliver me from the wicked household enemy; do not let them push me out of my matrimonial home to the all of destruction in the name of Jesus.

23. I cancel any evil prophecy concerning me and my marriage in the name of Jesus.

24. Let the angel of God hinder and stop all the work of darkness in my marriage in the name of Jesus.

25. Oh Lord, give me the power of darkness in my marriage in the name of Jesus.

26. I remove my marriage from the book of demonic attack in Jesus name.

27. I refuse to be dethroned from my God’s given seat in Jesus name.


28. Every area of marriage that has been taken over by dark trees, I command the blessings of God, joy of God, peace of God to replace them now in Jesus mighty name.

29. Every source of bitterness, sickness, poverty, problems and barrenness I command you to dry up in the name of Jesus.

30. Oh Lord, I withdraw all my co-operation with the devil and I submit them to you in the name of Jesus.

31. Oh Lord restore me to the position where you want me to be in Jesus name.

32. You renewer of evil be plunder and be bound in Jesus name.

33. I release my husband/wife from any remote control power contrary to will of God in the name of Jesus.

34. I decree freedom to every area of captivity in my marriage and home be destroyed in Jesus name.

35. Every yoke of the enemy present in my marriage and home be destroyed in Jesus name.

36. Every hindrance to the manifestation of my restoration back to my home depart from my life and in the life of my husband/wife in the name of Jesus.

37. You changers of destiny loose your hold upon my marriage in the mighty name of Jesus.

38. Father Lord, remove from me every self imposed and every parental problems brought into my marriage in the name of Jesus.

39. By the blood of Jesus I remove my marriage from every negative authority exercising control over my marriage.

40. Fire of God, destroy every destroyer of marriage working in my life in Jesus name.

41. Naked fire of Holy Spirit burn to ashes every evil power working in my marriage.

42. Spirit of God destabilize all agenda of my enemies in Jesus mighty name.

43. I refuse to follow the dictations of the enemy for my marriage in the name of Jesus.

44. Father Lord let your angels laugh all enemies of my life to scorn in Jesus name.

45. Lord Jesus, release divine promotion into my marriage that will cause my marriage enemies to hang themselves in Jesus name.






1. Thank the name of the Lord.

2. Confess any sin that may stand against these prayers.

3. Arrest the environment with the blood of Jesus and the fire if the Holy Ghost.

4. All the hidden anti-marriage forces working against my marriage, be exposed and be disgraced in the name of Jesus.

5. Every silent power that is working tirelessly against my marriage, be exposed and be disgraced in Jesus name.

6. I release my marriage from the tight-hold of marriage destroyers in the name of Jesus.

7. Every power fueling marriage conflicts and hostilities in my life, I cut off your supply source in Jesus name.

8. I declare my marriage a no-go area for marriage destroyers in Jesus name.

9. Every power that is widening communication gap in my marriage, fall down and die in Jesus name.

10. The enemy will not use my marriage to get promotion in Jesus name.

11. I retrieve my marriage from every journey of destruction in Jesus name.

12. Every arrow of destruction presently in my marriage, jump out and go and destroy your sender in Jesus name.

13. I recover back every good and divine opportunity that I have lost to the enemy of my marriage, in the name Jesus.

14. Every satanic embargo placed upon my marriage, receive the sledgehammer of God and break to pieces in the name of Jesus.

15. Me and my divine husband receive our divine senses back in the name of Jesus.


16. Father, I thank you for what you have done and what you are going to do in my life and marriage.

17. Anything responsible for delay in my marital breakthrough, disappear by fire in the name of Jesus.

18. Lord Jesus, let your divine YES rest upon every desire of my heart in the name of Jesus.

19. Angel of the living God, go and minister favor on my behalf in the heart of my partner in the name of Jesus.

20. I receive the anointing of divine restoration in the name of Jesus.

21. You angel ministering reconciliation, you shall not fail over my case in the name of Jesus.

22. I claim every goodness, favor, miracles and breakthrough that is attached to today in the name of Jesus.

23. O Lord, deposit in my life spiritual magnet that attracts favor in the name of Jesus.

24. I rub with the blood every negative impression about my life in the heart and memory of any body in the name of Jesus.

25. Angel of the living God, torment to submission every troubler of my marriage in the name of Jesus.

26. Let every situation work together for my restoration in the name of Jesus.

27. Let every person that is involved in my marital problems become the vessels of restoration in the name of Jesus.

28. Anything in my life that is aiding any problems in my life, receive the fire of God in the name of Jesus.

29. (Lay your hand on your head) You my life receive the touch of God in the name of Jesus.

30. Any problems presently present in my life jump out by fire now in the name of Jesus.


31. I dethrone every evil reigning king in my marriage in the name of Jesus.

32. I cut off the control and manipulations of strange women from over the life of my divine husband in the name of Jesus.

33. Every evil remote controlling power working in the life of my divine husband receive the fire of God and be betrayed in the name of Jesus.

34. You that satanic representative standing between and me and my divine husband be cleared off by the whirlwind of God.

35. I remove my marriage from the register of failure in the name of Jesus.

36. Father Lord let me eat the riches of prayers during this program in the name of Jesus.

37. The name of Jesus shall not fail over my case in the name of Jesus.

38. Every demonic rope tying down m marriage at demonic slaughtering slab, receive the fire of God and roast in the name of Jesus.

39. You power of marriage destruction, loose your hold upon my marriage in the name of Jesus.

40. I will not break down but I will breakthrough in my marriage in the name of Jesus.

41. Satanic jokers shall not work against me in my marriage in the name of Jesus.

42. Every arrow of marriage destroyers, go back to your sender in the name of Jesus.

43. Every satanic presence in my matrimonial home, disappear by fire in the name of Jesus.

44. Any satanic agent presently working on my picture, summersault and die in the name of Jesus.

45. Every satanic bullet fired against my marriage, come out by fire and go back to your sender in the name of Jesus.


Praise worship

Scripture Reading – Psalm 126

Confession – Psalm 124:8



1. Give glory to God, thank him for everything in your life and bless Him for he shall prove Himself in your marriage.

2. O Lord, make my marriage a treasure in your hand in the name of Jesus.

3. I receive divine knowledge of every hidden problem and their originators in my marriage in the name of Jesus.

4. Every evil power blocking me from knowing the hidden truth of my marriage, perish without mercy in the name of Jesus.

5. I command the true God to prevail over my marriage in the name of Jesus.

6. I command the truth of God to prevail over all enemies of my marriage in the name of Jesus.

7. All my marital goodness and responsibilities that have been swept under the carpet, I command divine wind of God to bring you out for me in the name of Jesus.

8. Every evil chain binding my divine husband break now in the name of Jesus.

9. Divine hunter hunt out my partner’s missing love for me in the name of Jesus.

10. Divine fishers bring out my husband /wife from the sea of life in the name of Jesus.

11. Oh Lord, show me the shortest route to my divine marital breakthrough in the name of Jesus.

12. All marital blessings that are attached to this program, I claim them in the name of Jesus.

13. Let the host of heaven co-operate with my reconciliation during this program in the name of Jesus.

14. Anything responsible for the delay of my marital breakthrough be melted by fire in the name of Jesus.

15. Begin to thank the Lord for He has done it.


16. Angels of God pick all my marital breakthroughs and blessings in the “go-slow” of life and bring them to me by fire in the name of Jesus.

17. Lord, give me the keys of divine breakthrough in Jesus name.

18. The oil well in my glorious marital treasure shall not dry in the name of Jesus.

19. I receive power to become a beneficiary of divine marital assistance during this program in the name of Jesus.

20. My miracle shall not disappear with this month in the name of Jesus.

21. Lord, append your stamp of restoration in my marriage in the name of Jesus.

22. Father Lord, stamp out all the undesirable things in my life in the name of Jesus.

23. Lord, set an edge over my mouth that I may not say anything unpleasant to You in the name of Jesus.

24. Lord, pound me and make me into the shape you want.

25. Lord breath into every part of my being in the name of Jesus.

26. Lord, let the fruits of prayer grow and manifest in me in the name of Jesus.

27. Any power that is not interested in joy I command you to fall down and die in the name of Jesus.

28. I reject partial blessing for marriage and I claim full blessing for my marriage success in Jesus name.

29. I refuse to wear the garment of marriage failure, I wear the garment of marriage success in Jesus name.

30. I rub off from my body all satanic marks of unexplainable hatred in the name of Jesus.

31. Thank God for answering all the prayers.


32. All my hidden marital blessing in the second heaven come out by fire in the name of Jesus.

33. I lock myself inside the will of God for marriage in the name of Jesus.

34. Every satanic attack on my marriage, I paralyze you now in the name of Jesus.

35. Every spiritual thief stealing from my divine treasure, fall down and die in the name of Jesus.

36. Any spiritual thief stealing away love from my marriage restore it back in Jesus name.

37. Heavenly treasurers, sign out my divine possession now in the name of Jesus.

38. Every wall of partition between me and my divine husband be pulled down in the name of Jesus.

39. All the hatred of my in-laws against me, Lord, turn them to love in the name of Jesus.

40. Every satanic prophecy presently manifesting in my marriage die with your sender in the name of Jesus.

41. Let the fire of God consume every evil wilderness of marriage destruction before me in the name of Jesus.

42. Anything in my life that is fertilizing any problem in my marriage receive the destruction of God in Jesus name.

43. All the stubborn and difficult areas of my marriage receive divine solution in the name of Jesus.

44. Let the river of marital problems in my life dry up now in the name of Jesus.

45. O Lord, let me be one of the children that You are going to answer and restore his/her marriage this month in the name of Jesus.

46. Begin to thank God for his miracles and begin to see your testimonies and miracles coming to you from henceforth in the name of Jesus.



1. This session is titled: PARALYZING MARRIAGE KILLERS:

1. All counsels against my marital life, collapse, in Jesus’ name.

2. Any association between my divine husband and any strange woman be scattered now, in Jesus name.

3. Every demonic in-law, loose your hold upon my life, in Jesus’ name.

4. Every curse that has been issued against my marriage be cancelled in the name of Jesus.

5. Every demonic mark contrary to settled homes be wiped off with the, blood of Jesus.

6. Every inherited spirit that is not of God, go, in the name of Jesus.

7. Every curse issued against my marriage or against my marital life, be broken, in the name of Jesus.

2. This session is titled: ERASING EVIL ANTI- MARRIAGE MARKS:

1. Every anti-marriage curse be broken in the name of Jesus

2. Raise your two hands up

Every evil wedding ring on my finger be removed by fire in the name of Jesus.

3. Every trademark of evil marriage be shaken out off my life in the name of Jesus.

4. I revoke every witchcraft verdict on my marital life in the name of Jesus.

5. O Lord recreate my beauty to attract my God given partner in the name of Jesus.

3. This session is titled: DESTROYING PLANS OF EVIL IN-LAWS:

1. Let every evil architect destroying my marriage amongst my in-laws be exposed and disgraced in Jesus name.

2. I command every evil architect of hatred, hostility, and conflict in my marriage be paralyzed in Jesus name.

3. Oh Lord, arise and disgrace every power challenging my marriage within my in-laws in Jesus name.

4. Let all evil in-laws receive angelic slap after the order of Herod in Jesus name.

5. Let all those despising me in my husband’s house receive divine disgrace today in Jesus.

6. I command all evil transportation system of in-laws to ground to halt and irreparable regret in Jesus

4. This session is titled: POWER OVER TERRITORIAL SPIRIT:

1. I command the territorial spirits controlling me from my place of birth to release me in Jesus name.

2. Father Lord, let your fire be kindled against every shrine in my town working against my life in Jesus name.

3. Oh Lord let the evil priests in my town destroy themselves for my sake in Jesus name.

4. I refuse to answer anymore satanic calling of my name in Jesus name.

5. All territorial weapons fashioned against my marital life will not prosper in Jesus name.

6. Father Lord, I destroy all the troublers of my marriage in my home in Jesus name.

7. Let all worshippers of idols prepared against my marriage die in Jesus name.

5. This session is titled: PRAYER AGAINST EVIL COUNSELORS:

1. Father Lord let all evil counselors in the life of my husband be disgraced to death in Jesus name.

2. I command all evil counselors attached to my matrimonial life to die after the order of Ahithophel in Jesus name.

3. Lord Jesus let your name and power paralyze all the activities of evil counselors in Jesus name.

4. I command blankness of mind to envelop all satanic counselors attached to my marriage in Jesus name.

5. Father Lord, release abundantly upon the heads of all evil counselors your fire and brimstone in Jesus name.

6. I command the wrath and anger of God to fall upon the evil counselors in my marriage in Jesus name.

7. You evil counselors in my husband’s life stumble, fall, die and be roasted in Jesus name.

8. You strongman of evil counsel release my marriage and my divine husband in Jesus name.


1. I plunder every habitation of strange women/men and render it desolate in the name of Jesus.

2. You strange powers from the bottom of river, under rock, under evil trees and graveyard fashioned against my marriage be roasted in Jesus name.

3. I command every activity of strange women/men in the life of my husband/wife to cease immediately now in Jesus name.

4. Father Lord, shied my married from evil sun shinning by the day and evil moon of the night in Jesus name.

5. You son of the strange woman/man you will not shine upon my marriage in Jesus name.

6. You moon of the strange woman/man you will not locate my marriage in Jesus mighty name.

7. I command every strange leg in my marriage, my life and husband/wife’s life to walk out now in the mighty name of Jesus.

8. I release myself from the cage of spiritual husband/wife in Jesus name.

7. This session is titled: CANCELING ALL DIVORCE SUITS:

1. Oh Lord, thou art the most righteous judge let the divorce suit filed by my husband be handle by the Holy Ghost in Jesus name.

2. Father Lord, I refuse to be separated from my husband in the name of Jesus.

3. Father Lord, fault all the excuses advanced by my husband to advance Your favor upon my life in Jesus mighty name.

4. I withdraw the divorce suit from the hands of satanic agents unto the hand of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.

5. Father Lord depose every human agent of the enemy appointed to put asunder my marriage in Jesus name.

6. Rock of ages, let Your hammer break into pieces all the seats arranged by the devil for the judgment of the case in Jesus name.

7. Father Lord, reverse the divorce suit into a new wedding with my husband in Jesus name.

8. Father Lord, let all the powers supporting the separation be devoured by the Lion of Judah in Jesus name.

8. This session is titled: Defeating the Powers Of Darkness Over Your Marriage:

1. Every demonic sacrifice offered against me and my marriage, be disgraced in Jesus name.

2. Let every satanic oracle directed against my matrimonial home be disgraced in the name of Jesus.

3. O Lord, let blindness and deafness fall upon the raging of the enemy against my home in the name of Jesus.

4. Father Lord, convert all evil powers against my marriage to shaft and blow them away with your own tempest.

5. You spirit and power of marriage destruction, release my marriage in the name of Jesus.

6. Any power fuelling conflicts and hostility in my home, I paralyze you in the name of Jesus.

7. Every program and plans of home wreckers against my marriage, I cancel you in the name of Jesus.

8. Let the blood of Jesus remove any unprogressive label from every aspect of my marriage in the name of Jesus.

9. Let all circles of marital problems break, in the name of Jesus.

9. This session is titled: DEFEATING THE SPIRIT OF POLYGAMY:

1. Let every problem connected to polygamy in my life be nullified by the blood of Jesus.

2. Every power fueling polygamy activities in my marriage fall down and die in the name of Jesus.

3. Fire of God, destroy every habitations of the spirit of polygamy in my life and in the life of my partner.

4. Every polygamous plantation in my marriage, in my life, in the life of my partner, come out with all your root.

5. Let all the affairs of my marriage be withdrawn from evil marital records, evil observer and evil monitors.

6. Let all past evil ancestral activities affecting my marriage negatively be changed to blessings in the name of Jesus.

7. Fingers of the living God, begin to fight on my behalf in every affairs of my life in the name of Jesus.

8. O Lord, destroy every traces of polygamous influence in the life of my … in the name of Jesus.


1. Any satanic design in my family, receive the fire of God and be roasted in the name of Jesus.

2. Every evil marital re-occurrence in my family back to the 10th generations, I reject your presence in my marriage.

3. Let the power in the blood of Jesus separate me from the hidden curses operating in my family circle.

4. Let every evil inherited marital spirits in my life/in my marriage, go down to the pit in the name of Jesus.

5. I turn back from evil inherited marital journey that I have embarked upon in the mighty name of Jesus.

6. Any evil vessel in my life and my marriage representing evil inherited marital spirit perish without mercy.

7. Every evil inherited marital arrow presently working in my life come out with all your poisons and go down to the pit.

8. I break every bondage of inherited marital failure upon my life and upon my marriage in the name of Jesus.

9. Every strongman representing me in the register of inherited marital bondage fall down and die in Jesus name.

11. This session is titled: DELIVERANCE FROM STRANGE CHILDREN:

1. Let the habitation of strange children be desolate by the Holy Ghost fire in the name of Jesus.

2. Any spirit or power manipulating spiritual children in my dream die with your strange children in Jesus name.

3. Every ancestral strange children transferred to me, I reject you by fire in the name of Jesus.

4. Every strange children working against my earthly children, die by fire in the name of Jesus.

5. You my eyes be purged by the Blood of Jesus and refuse to see strange children anymore in Jesus name.

12. This session is titled: JUDGE THE ENEMY OF YOUR MARRIAGE:

1. Father Lord, let all giants standing against peace and unity in my marriage fall down and die now in Jesus name.

2. Let all powers encamping against my home become confuse and scattered in the name of Jesus.

3. Let every power of the oppressors in my marriage rise up against each other in the name of Jesus.

4. Lord Jesus, let your power work mightily in every difficulty situations in my marriage in the name of Jesus.

5. I bind you the strongman working against me in the heart of my husband/wife and all his/her relatives in the name of Jesus.

6. I command the arrows of the strongman working in my family to be roasted completely in the name of Jesus.

7. Let all the troublers of my marriage be disbanded and be confused in the name of Jesus.

8. Let the blood of Jesus cleanse off every unprofitable and evil label in every department of my life in Jesus name.

9. I paralyze all marriage destroyers and anti marriage forces in the name of Jesus.

13. This session is titled: UNSEATING THE NIGHT RAIDERS

1. Every seat of witchcraft in my family / marriage / house be unseated by fire in the name of Jesus.

2. Let every path-way of witchcraft into my life be overturned by the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus.

3. Every stubborn cause of failure in my life I bury and destroyed you by fire in the name of Jesus.

4. Any member of my family empowering external enemies, die by thunder in the name of Jesus.

5. You family foundational bondage affecting and disgracing my life, I terminate and destroy your activities by the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus.

6. You evil foundational bondage connecting my life to internal and external destruction, be consumed by fire in Jesus name.


1. Let my vision and my tempt be clear towards my marriage in Jesus’ name

2. Every household evil traders trading with my marriage be bound and be roasted by fire.

3. Every arm of evil re-enforcement in my marriage be a scattered by fire of God and be roasted in Jesus’ name.

4. I refuse, frustrate and destroy enemy re-establishment of my evil covenants in marriage.

5. Let God arise with anger and jealously over my unprofitable lateness in marriage.

6. I decree enough is enough of my unprofitable lateness in marriage.

7. I destroy all my evil monitoring gadgets on my marriage.

8. Let my wasters and my delayers in marriage be found no more after the order of Pharaoh.

9. I declare my ways open to victory over marriage in Jesus’ name.

10. I refuse to cry in vain over my marriage in Jesus name.

11. Lord Jesus rent your heavens and deliver me to my husband and my husband to me in Jesus’ name.

12. Let the good testimony of my marriage come forth in Jesus’ name.

Breaking Anti-Marriage Yoke



    1. Confess your sins sincerely to God with a repentant heart.
    2. Plead the blood of Jesus on your life and sing a warfare song three times with spiritual violence: (Arise O Lord, let Your enemies be scattered (x3ce) O Lord, My God Arise!)
    3. Make this holy cry seven times (shouting as you march up and down with a fighting spirit). The God that answers by fire, let Him be God in my situation today!
    4. Thou enemy of my destiny operating within me, DIE Today! in Jesus’ name.
    5. My heart, my mind, be delivered from the spirit of error, and be baptized by the blood of Jesus.
    6. You powers of my father’s house, I cut myself off from your evil flow! in the name of Jesus.
    7. O Lord, let the heavens declare war on my behalf against the camp of my stubborn pursuers, in the name of Jesus.
    8. Eternal Rock of Ages, SMASH to p-i-e-c-e-s every invisible personal Jericho in my life, in the name of Jesus.
    9. My name, my being! JUMP OUT! of every witchcraft programme, in Jesus’ name.
    10. Lay your right hand on your head and pray like this: I say NO! NO!! NO!!! to every inherited marital failure, in the name of Jesus.
    11. Shout out loud (pick from the underlisted saying:) YOU ARE NOT MY PORTION!!! in the name of Jesus.
      • Evil pattern of marital failure
      • Lateness in marriage
      • Evil pattern of marital disappointment
      • Marriage death
      • Evil spiritual marriage
      • Evil dreams
      1. Every evil power in the root of my life that is working against my marital breakthrough, DIE NOW!!! in the name of Jesus.
      2. Every inherited evil pattern, RELEASE my life!!! in the name of Jesus.
      3. I declare war on you (mention the underlisted one-by-one), RELEASE ME NOW!!! in the name of Jesus.
      • Evil magnets
      • Spirit husband/wife
      • Spiritual evil marital stickers
      • Stubborn evil blood covenants
      • Wrong partners
      • Demonic appearances



From Prayer Rain By Dr Olukoya


Is your spouse running around with strange women/men? It's time to roll your sleeves and fight for your marriage. To stop the activities of satanic intruders or strange women and men into your marriage.

Job 11: 4-20

As you open up your heart, the Holy Ghost fire would purge out every evil marital magnet designed by the enemy to ruin your marriage.

Matthew 19:6: “Wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together let no man put asunder.”

God intend that a man and his wife should live together in love and unity for a lifetime. The marriage covenant is not be broken for any reason. God’s original plan is that only death should separate a couple. However, there are many forces that seek to destroy marriage. These forces can be called anti-marriage forces. They operate by planting evil marital magnets in the home. Such magnets include activities of strange men/women, promiscuity by either partner, ‘Jezebel’ activities, anger and control by ungodly in-laws. The bible say let him that is afflicted pray these prayer pints with holy madness. As long as you are the first and properly married wife of the man, God will fight for you.


Jeremiah 1:10:

See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant

Genesis 1:26:

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing the creepeth upon the earth.

Genesis 3:15:

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Luke 10:19:

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Revelation 12:9-10:

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast over into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

With my heart I believe God. I believe His word and I confess with my mouth that He is Jehovah God who created the heaven and the earth. I confess that He is the beginning and the end of all things. He was. He is and forever shall be. With God, I believe nothing shall be impossible, God has spoken once and twice I have heard this that all power in heaven and or earth belongs to him.

As I say this power and confess the word of God, I command all the spirits of distractions and hindrances to be bound, in the name of Jesus. I cast away from me every spirit of tiredness, weakness and defeat. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I command every knee of things in heaven, on earth and in the seas that are against this prayer to know and be bound.

I ask for the presence of God to overshadow me a the dew of Hermon and His anointing oil, which breaks the yokes, to fall on my head and run through me to wrought great deliverance. As it is written, it has to pass today that the burden of the spirit husband shall be take off my shoulders and his/her yoke off my neck and the yoke shall be destroyed by the reason of the anointing oil.

By the grace of God, I have accepted Jesus Christ and I am now saved. Jesus love me, he shed his blood for me and washed me in that same blood, brought me back from the hand of my strong enemy and redeemed me. I am a beneficiary of every work of redemption and restoration which Jesus finished on the cross of Calvary through death Jesus destroyed him who had the power death. Now, I shall not die but live because Jesus has become my deliverer, my defender, my protector, my high tower, my refuse, my victory, the author and the finisher of my faith. Jesus has set me free and I have received deliverance. I have been delivered from the law of sin and death. God has translated my life from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his dear own son.

All power in heaven and on earth belongs to my Lord Jesus. Jesus Christ has given me authority in his name against all powers of darkness and has given me authority in his name against all powers of darkness and their operations. Now, in the name of Jesus, I overcome you spirit husband by the blood of Jesus. I am born of God and I have overcome the world by my faith. i am a child of light, darkness cannot overcome or comprehend me. I command all forces of spiritual marriage fashioned against me to be struck with the light of God. Light and darkness cannot dwell together. I use the word of God as my light to break the spell of the spirit husband oppressing me through darkness.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I reject and break every link with the kingdom of darkness through any conscious/unconscious relationship with any spirit husband. It is written, “Every tree not planted by God shall be rooted in the kingdom of darkness. I am bought with a price. Jesus paid the price through his shed blood. The Bible says, God already predestined me to belong to him before the foundations of the world were laid. Jesus paid the price through his shed blood. The Bible says, God already predestined Christ is now my husband, Am married to him eternally. The Bible says, whosoever defiles the temple of God shall be destroyed. I command destruction upon the spirit husband that has been stubbornly defiling me, the temple of God.

In the name of Jesus, let every spiritual dowry ever paid on me by the spirit husband be made of no effect again in my life. Let any legal ground in the form of agreement, promises, vows and covenants made on my behalf or passed away; behold all things have become new. I renounce and reject white stone shall be given to me by the spirit husband . It is written a new name that no one else knows. I cast to the bottomless pit any evil spirit transferred into me through my contact with the spirit husband/wife physically or in my dreams. I break every rule and law binding me to him/ her with the blood of Jesus. I set on fire any wedding certificate, wedding ring, gown and gifts. Let every spirit child that is between us roast now, in the name of Jesus. Let the blood of Jesus that cleanses from all impurities purge my body of every sexual pollution and contamination of the spirit husband.

Every covenant that is strongly binding me to any evil spiritual marriage be broken. For it is written, God has made a new covenant with me and all others are old and annulled. Every curse place upon my body, my business, my property, my home and marriage by the spirit husband/wife loose your hold now by the blood of Jesus. Who shall curse him that the Lord has blessed. It is written, God will bless them that bless me and curse them that curse me.

Whosoever rolls a stone, it shall fall on him; and whosoever dug a pit shall fall therein. Therefore, I return to the senders all curse placed upon me and anything that pertains to me, in the name of Jesus. Every tongue rising up against me in the kingdom of darkness, I condemn you in the judgment of God.

There is no divination or enchantment against me. Let every physical and spiritual activities of land marine witchcraft be completely wiped off by the blood of Jesus.

Let every water associated with activities of spiritual husband/wife in my dreams be polluted with the blood of Jesus. Let the fire of God destroy every workmanship of the devil fashioned against me through the operations of the spirit husband/wife. Every attack and operations of the demons of spiritual marriages launched through eating in the dream, because impotent and of no effect. I shall eat a deadly thing and it shall not harm me.

In the name of Jesus, I use the blood of Jesus to set a boundary between me and the spirit husband. Henceforth let no spirit husband/wife trouble me for I bear in my body the mark of the precious blood of the Lamb of God. I command that the spirit husband cannot steal, or kill, or destroy any good thing in my life any longer. God has raised me up to sit with Jesus Christ in heavenly places, far above principalities, powers; all do minions and all their thrones and kingdoms whether visible or invisible. Jesus is the head of all principalities and powers, and I am complete in him who is the head of all things. All the powers of darkness are under my feet. I use the power in the blood and in the name of Jesus to put a stop to all disturbances and oppression i my dreams, I forbid all forms of sexual attacks, eating, drinking, swimming, wandering, being naked or bathing in my dreams. I shall be far from oppression and from terror, for it shall not always lie down, sleep and awake for the Lord sustains me. Therefore shall I not fear the powers of the night.

I prophesy that every good thing the spirit husband has chased away or diverted from reaching me shall restored the ones he has stolen, killed or destroyed shall come back to life in my, for Jesus has come to cankerworm, the palmer-worm and the grasshoppers have eaten and destroyed. Therefore I confess and receive divine restoration in my marriage, in my health, in my finances in my spiritual well-being and in all other areas of my life.

I confess and posses my total deliverance from the bondage of the spirit husband, and I seal my divine freedom with the blood of Jesus.


1. Thank God because he is going to intervene in your marriage through these prayer points.

2. I destroy anything that is going to stand between me and my prayers now, in the name of Jesus.

3. The anointing to pray to the point of breakthrough in my marriage, fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus.

4. Lord Jesus, I invite you to come to my aid in every difficult situation in my marriage.

5. All my matrimonial properties, which the strange woman sat upon, I withdraw them, in the name of Jesus.

6. I withdraw peace, harmony, unity, love affair between my husband and the strange woman, in the name of Jesus.

7. Lord Jesus, let the strange and unholy love affair between my husband and the strange woman die.

8. I withdraw the favor of my husband from the strange woman, in the name of Jesus.

9. I stand against every power of polygamy, in the name of Jesus.

10. All spiritual evil arrows fired from the strange woman presently in my marriage, loose your grip upon my marriage and go back to your sender, in the name of Jesus.

11. Let confusion be the lot of every strange woman militating against my marriage.

12. Let irreparable division be between my divine husband and any strange woman, the name of Jesus.

13. Angel of God, go right away and disconnect the relationship between my divine husband and the strange woman, in Jesus’ name.

14. Every strange woman militating against my marriage, receive the judgment of God, in the name of Jesus.

15. I nullify every evil judgment that is against me in my marriage, in the name of Jesus.

16. Let all the hindrances to the manifestation of my restoration to my rightful home depart from me and my marriage, in Jesus’ name.

17. Lion of Judah, consume every fake lion of the strange woman roaring against my marriage, in the name of Jesus.

18. Thunder of fire of God, begin to scatter to pieces, every stronghold of the strange woman in the heart of my husband, in Jesus’ name.

19. You demons energizing the relationship between my husband and any strange woman, be rendered impotent and be roasted by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.

20. Angels of the living God, brush off the love of the strange woman completely from the heart of my husband, in Jesus’ name.

21. Lord Jesus, create a new heart in my husband.

22. Every open door that the strange woman is using to gain ground in my divine husband's life and in my home, receive the blood of Jesus and be close, in the name of Jesus.

23. God of new beginnings, begin a new thing in my marital life, in the name of Jesus.

24. Blood of the Lamb, flow into the foundation of my marital life and give it a new lease of life, in the name of Jesus.

25. Father Lord, let your kingdom be established in my marriage, in the name of Jesus.

26. O Lord, create a wall of fire between my husband and the strange woman, so that they may be separated forever.

27. Every evil veil covering the face of my husband, receive the fire of God; and burn to ashes, in Jesus mighty name.

28. I recover all my legal rights as the woman of the house from the hands of the strange woman, in the name of Jesus.

29. Every trap of destruction fashioned against my husband by the strange woman, fail woefully, in the name of Jesus.

30. Let the stones of the fire of God locate the heads of my household serpents, in the name of Jesus.

31. I crush the head of the ancient serpent afflicting me and my household with the shoes of iron, in the name of Jesus.

32. Let all the strongholds of the serpent and scorpion in my household receive the thunder of God and be dismantled, in the name of Jesus.

33. Let all habitation of the serpent and the scorpion in my household become utterly desolate, in the name of Jesus.

34. Let the thunder and fire of God, expose all the secret places of my household enemies and consume them all, in the name of Jesus.

35. Let every legal ground of household wickedness in my home be nullified by the blood of Jesus.

36. Let every evil association of the serpent with any member of my family, be terminated now, in the name of Jesus.

37. Let the custodian of my household serpent and scorpion fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

38. I dismantle the head of all my Goliath, in the name of Jesus.

39. Every power and spirit in the likeness of snakes attacking me in my dreams be buried, in the name of Jesus.

40. Every property of the enemy in any area of life, receive the fire of God and be melted, in the name of Jesus.

41. I challenge the root of any serpentine spirit deposit in my body to be rearranged by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.

42. I vomit poison of the serpent and scorpion circulating in my body, in the name of Jesus.

43. Every serpentine pollution affecting my health be flushed out of my system by the blood of Jesus.

44. Every injury inflicted on my marriage by household serpents, be healed by the blood of Jesus.

45. Every household serpent spitting on my breakthroughs, be neutralized by the blood of Jesus.

46. Every good thing in my life swallowed by the household serpent be converted to fire and vomited into my hands, in Jesus’ name.

47. Every good thing in my life paralyzed by the poison of the household serpent, receive the blood of the Lamb and be made whole, in the name of Jesus..

48. Let all the activities of the serpent in every area of m life be totally paralyzed, in the name of Jesus.

49. Henceforth, let no enemy trouble me for I bear in my body the mark of the blood of the Lamb of God.

50. Father Lord, I thank you for restoring the joy of my marriage.






CONFESSIONS: Psalm 30:11


1. Glorify God for His divine intervention in your matters.

2. Confess all your sins to God in full repentance and ask for forgiveness and mercy.

3. Finger of God, stir up holy rebellion and holy anger in me to pray to the point of my breakthroughs today, in the name of Jesus.

4. (Grip your head with your two hands and pray aggressively like this) My head, be disconnected from evil, be connected to good, in Jesus’ name.

5. I reject bewitchment, in the name of Jesus.

6. Every dream of the following, I reject you and release myself from you, in the name of Jesus.

– backwardness – eating in the dream – flying like a bird – getting into strange marriages

– swimming inside water – driving a vehicle with punctured tires

– wearing a torn or dirty wedding garment – sexual intercourse with spirit husband/wife

7. Heavenly sponge, wash and clean my life from evil deposits, in Jesus’ name.

8. Axe of God, come upon every evil padlock-used to lock up my marriage, in the name of Jesus.

9. Finger of God, disconnect me from every satanic agenda and connect me to divine agenda, in the name of Jesus.

10. Evil powers of my father’s house, release me, it is time for me to get married, in the name of Jesus.

11. Finger of God, arrest and strangulate every spiritual dog backing to chase away my husband/wife, in the name of Jesus.

12. Shout the blood of Jesus 21 times and sing “I have seen, seen the downfall of satan, glory be to God,” etc.

13. Thank the Lord for not coming late to help you, because faithful is He who has promised for He will not tarry



This is a 7-day personal prayer program preceding any Deliverance Ministration

Scripture Reading: John 1, Num. 13:16-33

Confessions: Eph. 3:20, Numbers 14:8-9

Praise Worship


1. Every enemy of my full scale laughter, be destroyed, in Jesus’ name.

2. Anything planted in my life to frustrate my marital life, come out now, in the name of Jesus.

3. Every wall between me and the visitation of God, be broken, in the name of Jesus.

4. Let the counsel of God prosper in my life, in the name of Jesus.

5. Every cobweb spirit attacking my marital life, be roasted, in the name of Jesus.

6. I speak unto my umbilical gate to overthrow all negative parental spirits, in the name of Jesus.

7. I break the yoke of the spirits having access to my reproductive gates, in the name of Jesus.

8. All my hidden virtues, arise by fire and locate me, in Jesus’ name.

9. I bring fire from the altar of the Lord upon every evil marriage, in the name of Jesus.

10. I redeem myself by the blood of Jesus from every sex trap, in the name of Jesus.

11. Every evil spiritual marriage, I bury you today, in Jesus’ name.

12. Holy Ghost fire, burn to ashes every token of evil spiritual marriage, in the name of Jesus.

13. My life will not follow any inherited evil marital pattern, in the name of Jesus.

14. I break the chain of marital stagnancy, in the name of Jesus.

15. Holy Ghost, arise with Your weapon of fire and give me my breakthroughs this year, in the name of Jesus.

16. My God, You are God, my being alive is testifying that You are good, in Jesus’ name.

17. Every spiritual marriage contesting for my physical marriage, die, in the name of Jesus.

18. Let the angel of God wipe off my name from the book of marital stagnancy, in the name of Jesus.

19. I overthrow every evil marital plan, in the name of Jesus.

20. Nothing will hinder my breakthroughs in this special program therefore, I confess all my hidden and open sins unto You, O Lord. (Do this in true repentance.) Forgive me and have mercy on me, in the name of Jesus.

21. Blood of Jesus, silence every voice of past sins that the enemy is using to harass me.

22. I refuse to accept defeat as my lot today. My problems and private enemies must bow by fire, in the name of Jesus.

23. Who is the enemy that says I will not get married? Dry up and burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus.

24. Holy Spirit of God, You are my helper, locate my God-chosen husband/wife and glue him/her to me by fire, in the name of Jesus.

25. By the fire of the Holy Ghost, I break free from every witchcraft intimidation, in the name of Jesus.

26. I will arise and shine! Any power that wants me to die before my time, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

27. Every household Lion roaring to scare away my God’s chosen wife / husband, I break your jawbone, in the name of Jesus.

28. Every spirit of man / woman I have ever jilted in my life, release me by the blood of Jesus.

29. I refuse to fish in the ocean of wrong marriage, in the name of Jesus.

30. Every satanic offer of partner who will later on amputate my life, I reject you and I call down the fire of God upon you and your evil magnet, in Jesus name.

31. In this program I claim my breakthroughs by fire and I thank God by faith, in the name of Jesus.




For spinsters and bachelors who feel that obtaining the right partner is getting rather late. The best way to arrest delay in marriage is to engage in constant wrestling bouts with the enemy and to call back all the benefits you would have gained if you had gotten married earlier. God is waiting for you to fight it out with your enemy.

No word of God shall lack power of fulfillment! God’s words are always backed by His authority and we know His words cannot return to Him void. We serve a God that cannot lie. His dreams, vision and words concerning our lives will surely come to pass. God is the one that instituted marriage and He performed the first wedding ceremony in Genesis chapter 2. God has a man for every woman and if you feel that you have lost God’s perfect will for your life, don’t forget that for every Vashti there is an Esther.

Lateness in marriage can come as a result of collective captivity, manipulations of household wickedness, spirit husband/wife and other anti-marriage forces. “In His time God makes all things beautiful”(Ecclesiastes 3:11). The God that makes all things beautiful, will step into your situation, break down every wall of partition between you and your God-ordained partner (Ephesians 2:14) and gather you together by His Spirit (Isaiah 34:16; Ephesians 2:13). Our God is faithful! He never comes late. He will hasten His words (concerning your marriage) to perform it. (Jeremiah 1:12).


Habakkuk 2:3 says, “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”

Isaiah 34:16 says, “Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them.

Philip. 2:9-10 says, “Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: [10] That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;”

Col. 2:13 says, “And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;”

Rev. 12:11 says, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”

Luke 1:37 says, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.”


1. Thank the Lord because your miracle has come.

2. Ask the Lord to forgive you any sin that would hinder answers to your prayers.

3. Lord, make known to me the secrets of my inner life. Help me Lord, to discover my real self.

4. Help me Lord, to discover my real self.

5. Let every imagination of the enemy against my marital life be rendered impotent, in the name of Jesus.

6. I refuse to co-operate with any anti-marriage spells and curses, in the name of Jesus.

7. I cancel every bewitchment fashioned against my settling down in marriage, in the name of Jesus.

8. Let every force magnetizing the wrong people to me be paralyzed, in the name of Jesus.

9. I break every covenant of marital failure and late marriage, in the name of Jesus.

10. I cancel every spiritual wedding conducted consciously or unconsciously on my behalf, in the name of Jesus.

11. I remove the hand of household wickedness from my marital life, in the name of Jesus.

12. Let every incantation, incisions, hexes and other spiritually harmful activities working against me, be completely neutralized, in the name of Jesus.

13. I command all forces of evil manipulating, delaying or hindering marriage to be completely paralyzed, in the name of Jesus.

14. Let all evil anti-marriage marks be removed, in Jesus’ name.

15. Lord, restore me to the perfect way in which You created me if I ha been altered.

16. Father, let Your fire destroy every satanic weapon fashioned against my marriage, in the name of Jesus.

17. Lord, expose all the schemes and plans of satan ever devised again me through any source and at any time.

18. I forsake any personal sin that has given ground to the enemy, in the name of Jesus.

19. I reclaim all the ground I have lost to the enemy, in Jesus’ name.

20. I apply the power in the name and blood of Jesus to my marital situation.

21. I apply the blood of Jesus to remove all consequences of evil operations and oppression, in the name of Jesus.

22. I break the binding effect of anything of evil ever put upon me from any source, in the name of Jesus.

23. Let all the enemies of Jesus Christ operating against my life be exposed, in the name of Jesus.

24. I sever myself from any satanic linkage and any strange power, in the name of Jesus.

25. I remove the right of the enemy to afflict my plan to get married, in the name of Jesus.

26. I break every bondage of inherited marital confusion, in the name of Jesus.

27. I bind and plunder the goods of every strongman attached to my marriage, in the name of Jesus.

28. Let the angels of the living God roll away the stone blocking my marital breakthrough in the name of Jesus.

29. I remove my name from the book of seers of goodness without manifestation, in the name of Jesus.

30. Let God arise and let all the enemies of my marital breakthrough be scattered, in the name of Jesus.

31. Let the fire of God melt away the stones hindering my marital blessings, in the mighty name of Jesus.

32. Let the cloud blocking the sunlight of my glory and breakthrough be dispersed, in the name of Jesus.

33. Let all evil spirits masquerading to trouble my marital life be bound, in the name of Jesus.

34. The pregnancy of good things within me will not be aborted by any contrary power, in the name of Jesus.

35. Lord, let wonderful changes begin to be my lot from this week.

36. I reject every spirit of the tail in all areas of my life, in Jesus’ name.

37. I receive my right match in the name of Jesus.

38. I stand against every spirit of discouragement, fear, worry and frustration, in the name of Jesus.

39. Lord, turn away all that would jilt, disappoint or fail me.

40. Thank God for the victory.




Scripture Reading: Numbers 16:1-35

Confession: Genesis 12:3 says, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”


1. Ask for the power of anointing upon the Host of hell during this program and all time.

2. Ask for the power and authority to judge the enemy.

3. Father Lord, let all giants standing against peace and unity in my marriage fall down and die now in the name of Jesus.

4. Let all powers encamping against my home become confuse and scattered in the name of Jesus.

5. Let every power of the oppressors in my marriage rise up against each other in the name of Jesus.

6. Lord Jesus, let your power work mightily in every difficulty situations in my marriage in the name of Jesus.

7. I bind you the strongman working against me in the heart of my husband/wife and all his/her relatives in the name of Jesus.

8. I command the arrows of the strongman working in my family to be roasted completely in the name of Jesus.

9. Let all bitter and hatred water flow out of my marriage, out of my life and out of the life of my husband/wife in the name of Jesus.

10. Every evil spiritual pregnancy in my marriage, in my life and in the life of my husband/wife be aborted in the name of Jesus.

11. I receive victory over the host of wickedness surrounding my marriage in the name of Jesus.

12. Lord Jesus let the sword taken against me by my enemy turn against the enemy in the name of Jesus.

13. Let all the troublers of my marriage be disbanded and be confused in the name of Jesus.

14. Lord Jesus, answer all powers asking “Where is my God?”

15. Every satanic storm in my marriage, be silenced in the name of Jesus.

16. I prophesy life to every dead blessing in my marriage, my life and the life of my partner in the name of Jesus.

17. Let the blood of Jesus cleanse off every unprofitable and evil label in every department of my life in the name of Jesus.

18. I paralyze all marriage destroyers and anti marriage forces in the name of Jesus.

19. Let all deities’ bands be remove from the affairs of my marriage completely in the. name of Jesus.




Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 2

Confession: Psalm 138:8

Isaiah 54-17: No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD

    1. 1. O Lord, lead me away from those who will demote me, in the name of Jesus.
    2. O Lord, lead me away from unfriendly friends and friendly demoters, in the name of Jesus.
    3. Let my breakthroughs frustrate the plan of the enemy, in the name of Jesus.
    4. Evil effect of cursed house and land upon my property, break, in the name of Jesus.
    5. Every cycle of financial turbulence, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
    6. Woe unto every vessel of poverty pursuing me, in the name of Jesus.
    7. I smash poverty serpents on the wall of fire, in the name of Jesus.
    8. I set every garment of poverty on fire, in the name of Jesus.
    9. Every identification mark of poverty, be rubbed off by the blood of Jesu
    10. Every identification mark of witchcraft, be rubbed off by the blood of Jesus.
    11. Let my foundation be strengthened to carry divine prosperity, in the name of Jesus.
    12. I withdraw my wealth from the hand of the bondwoman and her children, in the name of Jesus.
    13. Let the riches of the ungodly be transferred to me, in the name of Jesus.
    14. O Lord, embarrass me with abundance, in the name of Jesus.
    15. I receive the anointing to disgrace satanic arrows, in the name of Jesus.
    16. I cut off every supply of food to my problems, in the name of Jesus.
    17. Let the thunder from the Lord destroy every evil altar constructed against me, in the name of Jesus.
    18. O Lord, release me from known and unknown curses, in the name of Jesus.
    19. I rebuke every power working against the soundness of my mind, in the name of Jesu
    20. I seal the rebuke with the blood of Jesus.
    21. Let every untamed enemies be tamed by the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus.
    22. I break every evil padlock put upon my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
    23. Let the blood of Jesus rub off evil cream and ointments put upon my body, in the name of Jesus.
    24. Blood of Jesus, flood out and scatter witchcraft meeting summoned for my sake, in the name of Jesus.
    25. Let every chain of satanic excuse be shattered, in the name of Jesus.
    26. Let every resistance to my breakthrough crumble, in the name of Jesus.
    27. I will become all that God created me to be, in the name of Jesus.
    28. Every good area in my life that the enemies have denied expressions, receive resurrection power, in the name of Jesus.
    29. My paralyzed potentials, receive the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus.
    30. My buried virtues, receive the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus.
    31. My dead talents, receive the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus.
    32. My slow progress, receive the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus.
    33. My battered emotions, receive the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus.
    34. My amputated blessings, receive the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus.
    35. My fainting spirit, receive the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus.
    36. My dead organs, receive the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus.
    37. O thou that troubleth the Israel of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, the God of Elijah shall trouble you today.
    38. Every enemy of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
    39. O God, arise and uproot anything You did not plant inside the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in the name of Jesus.
    40. Let the fire of revival fall upon Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in the name of Jesus.