Prayer Against Untimely Death


One of the most frightening phenomena today is the rate at which people die untimely. The problem of untimely death has reached an epidemic dimension. The spirits responsible for untimely death belong to a department that can be described as the hit-squad in the kingdom of darkness. Untimely death is one of the most destructive weapons of the enemy. It has led to the cutting away of precious lives in many families, communities and nations. You must wage war against it. If the problem is too common in your lineage, these prayer points are for you. You must fight this battle with the totality of your strength. You must refuse to be a candidate of untimely death. Apply fire and fervency to these prayer points and your name will be removed from the list of victims of untimely death.


Father in heaven, in the name of Jesus, I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead. I confess all my sins and repent. I forgive everyone who has hurt me. Father, please forgive me and cleanse me by the blood of your son Jesus.

Father, I know that pride is an abomination to You; that a haughty look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that are swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that sows discord among brethren are seven things that the Lord hates and are an abomination unto God. I renounce these things and turn away from them. I humble myself and come to You as a little child.

I come to You for myself, family and friends, confessing that we have been rebellious, disobedient, stubborn and self-centered. We renounce and forsake these sins and ask for forgiveness and deliverance, in Jesus’ name. Thank-you Lord for your forgiveness. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Go about the prayers in any of the following ways as you are led by the Holy Spirit:

    • Three days vigil, I.e. praying from 10:00 P.M. to 5:00 A.M. three consecutive nights.
    • Three days fast (breaking daily), I.e. praying at intervals and breaking the fast at 6:00 P.M. or 9:00 P.M. daily.
    • Seven days vigil, I.e. praying from 10:00 P.M. to 5:00 A.M. seven consecutive nights.
    • Seven days fast (breaking daily), I.e. praying at intervals and breaking the fast at 6:00 P.M. or 9:00 P.M. daily.
    • Three or more days of dry fast, I.e. praying and fasting three or more days without any food or drink.


Psalm 118:17: I shall not die but live, and declare the works of the Lord.

    • Every agenda of the grave for my life, die in the name of Jesus.
    • Calendar of death for my life, scatter in the name of Jesus.


    1. I cancel my name, my family and Ministry from the death register, with the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
    2. Every evil gathering against me, be scattered by the thunder fire of God, in the name of Jesus
    3. Every power, transforming into masquerades in the night in order to attack me in the dreams, be exposed and die, in the name of Jesus.
    4. Every power, transforming into animals in the night in order to attack me in the dreams, fall down and die, in Jesus’ name.
    5. I shall prevail with man and with God in every area of my life, in the name of Jesus.
    6. Every coffin, prepared by the agent of death for my life, catch fire and roast to ashes, in the name of Jesus.
    7. Every pit, dug for my life by the agents of death, swallow the agents, in the name of Jesus.
    8. Every power, oppressing my life through dreams of death, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
    9. Every witchcraft power, tormenting my life with the spirit of death, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
    10. Every witchcraft power, assigned to my family for untimely death, scatter and die, in the name of Jesus.
    11. My body, soul and spirit, reject every evil load, in Jesus’ name.
    12. Every satanic agent, monitoring my life for evil, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
    13. Every unconscious gift of death that I have received, receive the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
    14. Every stubborn pursuer of my life, turn back and perish in your own Red Sea, in the name of Jesus.
    15. Every arrow of terminal sickness, come out of my life and die, in the name of Jesus.
    16. Every power, enforcing terminal sickness in my life, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
    17. Every decree of untimely death hovering over my life, catch fire and die, in the name of Jesus.
    18. Every evil link between me and the spirit of untimely death, be cut off by the blood of Jesus.
    19. I reject and renounce every association with the spirit of death, in the name of Jesus.
    20. Every inherited satanic glasses on my eyes, break by the blood of Jesus.
    21. Every ancestral agreement with the spirit of untimely death, break by the blood of Jesus.
    22. Every agreement and covenant of hell fire in my family line, be destroyed by the blood of Jesus.
    23. Every agreement with the spirit of death in my family line, break by the blood of Jesus.
    24. I shall not die but live. The number of my days shall be fulfilled in the name of Jesus.
    25. I cancel every activity of untimely death within, around and over my life, in the name of Jesus.
    26. I speak life unto the organs in my body and command them not to malfunction, in the name of Jesus.
    27. Every agent of the spirit of death, monitoring my life day and night, receive blindness and die, in the name of Jesus.
    28. Every spirit, working to initiate me into evil covenants of untimely death, be frustrated, in the name of Jesus.
    29. Every plantation of untimely death in my life, be uprooted by fire, in the name of Jesus.
    30. My head, reject every manipulation and bewitchment of untimely death, in the name of Jesus.
    31. Every bewitchment of witchcraft on my destiny and potentials, die, in the name of Jesus.
    32. Every arrow of untimely death, fired at me in the dream, come out and go back to your senders, in Jesus’ name.
    33. Every satanic attack of untimely death, in the dream, die, in the name of Jesus.
    34. Every satanic bird, crying out for the untimely death of my life, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
    35. Every door, opened in my life for the attacks of untimely death, be closed by the blood of Jesus.
    36. Oh Lord, let my life become too hot for any agent of untimely death, in the name of Jesus.
    37. Every power, meeting to decide on untimely death for my life, scatter unto desolation, in the name of Jesus.
    38. Every power, that does not want to see me around, your time is up. Fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
    39. Holy Ghost fire, immunize my blood against satanic poisoning, in the name of Jesus.
    40. Thank God for answers to your prayers.

The Word: Angel of Death

2 Kings 19:35 KJV: And it came to pass that night, that the angel of the LORD went out, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses

It is crystal clear that there are diverse weapons in the armory of the Ancient of Days. Beloved, some of these weapons are fearful and intimidating. There are seasons when God reveals His veracious power. God has the capacity to deal with the enemy mercilessly, decisively, and in a tragic manner. The Bible declares that the Lord killeth, in other words, God is a killer. Deut. 32:39: "See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand."


The power of life and death resides in the hands of the Almighty. No matter what we think about the mercy of God there are seasons when God issues death sentence against the enemy. On such occasions, God will simply dispatch angels of death to the camp of agents of darkness. God can command angels of death to invade the camp of your enemies after the order of his unforgettable dealings with Pharaoh. Heb. 11:28: "Through faith he kept the Passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them."


God can also command angels of death to invade the camp of your enemies after the order of the onslaught of the Assyrians. The angel of death is God's messenger or weapon for terminating powers that have vowed to terminate your life. This weapon will enable you to enforce the sentence of death that God has issued against witchcraft.


This weapon will turn the table against your enemies and make them die in your place. This particular weapon cannot be understood or used by amateur students in the field of spiritual warfare. It can also be used by those who are ready to move in the spirit and power of Elijah. It is a weapon that God has reserved for those who merit the severity of His judgment. You can command this weapon to locate the powers of your father's' house and the powers that swallow good virtues.


    • Thou angel that visited the Egyptians to let the children of Israel go, visit my enemies, in the name of Jesus
    • Thou agent of death that destroyed Sennacherib, arise and destroy my multiple enemies, in the name of Jesus
    • Thou angel of God that fought Joshua's battles, arise and fight my battles, in the name of Jesus
    • Thou angel of death that arose to fight Sisera, let the same angel arise and fight for me, in the name of Jesus
    • Oh angel of death, hear the word of the Lord and stop those who want to stop me and destroy those who want to destroy me, in the name of Jesus


PRAYER FLOW 1 - Psalm 49:10-14, Hosea 13:14

1. Thank you Lord for exempting me from every form of destruction in Jesus name

2. Father, thank you for not allowing me to see evil in the name of Jesus

3. I cancel every handwriting of death against my life in the name of Jesus

4. I revoke every agreement & covenant of untimely death upon my life in the name of Jesus

5. I delete my name from the list of destinies appointed to die suddenly this year and beyond in Jesus name

6. Every power pursuing my life for evil, fail with speed in Jesus name.

7. Every event and occurrence that leads to untimely death will not happen to me in the name of Jesus

8. I cancel every evil arrangement designed to kill me before my time it will not work in Jesus name.

9. Every root and seed of affliction in my body, be uprooted by fire in Jesus name

10. Agent of untimely death, assigned to waste my life, be wasted in Jesus name.

11. My body, hear the word of the Lord; reject every offer of sickness and affliction in Jesus name

12. Power of God for divine protection and safety come upon be now in Jesus name

13. I exempt my life, children, and family from every end of the year evil in Jesus name

14. I shall live and not die to declare the works of the Lord in the land of the Living in Jesus name.

PRAYER FLOW 2 - Isaiah 65:20-25, Psalm 102:16-28

1. Jesus thank you for your grace of protection and preservation at work in my life and family

2. Oh Lord I am very grateful for rescuing me from the hands of the destroyers in Jesus name

3. Every satanic force and agent assigned to arrange untimely death for me, be arrested in Jesus name

4. I refuse to make any mistake that will give room to untimely death in my life in Jesus name

5. Anything I will say or do that will open doors for sudden death in my life and family, I receive grace not to say or do it in Jesus name.

6. Every trap of untimely death prepared for me, be closed up in the name of Jesus

7. I refuse to be a victim of evil manipulated accidents designed to lead to death in Jesus name

8. Yoke of untimely death, break in the name of Jesus

9. Waster of destiny eyeing my life, be wasted in Jesus name

10. Thou blood sucking demons on assignment to suck my blood, be destroyed in Jesus name

11. I refuse to die untimely death due to sickness in Jesus name

12. Every secret arrangement of darkness to terminate my life untimely be exposed and destroyed in Jesus name.

13. I take cover under the shadow of the Almighty from every destiny destroying force in Jesus name.

14. I rebuke every spirit of fear packaged to lead to my untimely death in Jesus name

PRAYER FLOW 3 - Psalm 79:7-13, Psalm 91:1-16

1. Father thank you for frustrating the counsel of the wicked over my life in Jesus name

2. Oh Lord I am very grateful for being my shield and refuge.

3. Thou agent of wickedness on assignment to attack my life with death, you are a liar, scatter in Jesus name

4. Every attack of the attackers to afflict me with sickness, backfire in the name of Jesus

5. Thou angel of death, my destiny is not your candidate, pass me by with speed in Jesus name

6. I bind and cast out every operation of the Spirit of Death in my life in Jesus name

7. My body, hear the word of the Lord, refuse to cooperate with sickness in Jesus name

8. Thou power of the grave lose your grip over my life in the name of Jesus.

9. Cancer, I bind you in my body, my body is a no go area for you in Jesus name

10. Every power of the grave speaking death over my life be silenced in Jesus name

11. Blood of Jesus, speak against every life consuming force in operation to take my life in Jesus name.

12. I bear upon me the marks of Christ; therefore, I refuse to be troubled in Jesus name.

13. Oh Lord my God, release your hand of protection upon me and my family in the name of Jesus

14. I receive the mark of touch not and exemption from every evil of this season in Jesus name.


The spirit of death and hell is the spiritual personality charged with the responsibility of destroying the lives of men and women. This wicked spirit has carried out its activities unchallenged, in many lives. The result is that many have experienced premature or untimely death, while others have died through mysterious circumstances. Unknown to some of the victims, they entered into the covenant of death without knowing what they were going into. The spirit of death and hell is so strong that individuals, families and communities should carry out this prayer programme aggressively. When satanic agents decide to send the spirit of death and hell over a victim, even the best medical facilities will prove abortive. These prayer points will barricade you and your loved ones from every attack of the spirit of death and hell.

Praise Worship


Psalm 118:17: I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.

    1. Thank God for the power of resurrection and life.
    2. I release myself from every curse of untimely death, in the name of Jesus.
    3. I break every unprofitable covenant of untimely death, in the name of Jesus.
    4. I remove my life from every shadow of death, in Jesus' name.
    5. I bind and paralyse every strongman of death and hell, in the name of Jesus.
    6. O Lord, strengthen my body, soul and spirit.
    7. Every secret about battles against my spiritual life, be revealed, in the name of Jesus.
    8. I release myself from the grip of the spirit of infirmity, in the name of Jesus.
    9. I drink the blood of Jesus into the whole of my system.
    10. O Lord, build the hedge of fire around me.
    11. Spirit of life, replace the spirit of death in my life, in Jesus' name.
    12. Woe unto the demonic vessel, that the enemy would use to cause me spiritual injury, in the name of Jesus.
    13. Father Lord, let Your glory cover every aspect of my life, in Jesus' name.
    14. Father Lord, let Your angels encamp around me, in Jesus name.
    15. I renounce and break every death covenant that I have made or which anyone has made on my behalf, in Jesus name.
    16. I remove the control of my life from the hands of any dead person, in the name of Jesus.
    17. I stand again every covenant of sudden death, in Jesus name.
    18. Every blessing of mine that has been buried in the ground or under any water, be released by fire, in Jesus' name.
    19. I cancel my name from every death register, in Jesus name.
    20. I stand against every form of tragedy, in Jesus' name.
    21. Every grave cloth over my life, be removed by fire, in Jesus' name.
    22. All my potentials that have been destroyed, receive life now, in the name of Jesus.
    23. I stand against all the power that push people into hell fire, in the name of Jesus.