Plotting NDs

One very useful procedure is to plot nondetects a different color and/or symbols.

Here is the simple code to load and generate the plot. The example spreadsheet is below.

#Add line between the points


#NDs plotted different colors For spreadsheet with Year and data in MW01 and Detect on and off in D_MW01


reg1 <- lm(MW1~Year)


plot(Year, MW1, col=ifelse(D_MW1, "black", "red"),ylab = "Parameter X mg/L", pch=ifelse(D_MW1, 19, 17), cex = 1.5)

#Load your data. The data is in a spreadsheet named nd-spreadsheet and we are going to call it data in R

data <- read.table("nd-spreadsheet.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",",)

#set the dir to where you data is


#Load your data. The data is in a spreadsheet named nd-spreadsheet and we are going to call it data in R

data <- read.table("nd-spreadsheet.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",",)

#NDs plotted different colors For spreadsheet with Year and data in MW01 and Detect on and off in D_MW01


reg1 <- lm(MW1~Year)


plot(Year, MW1, col=ifelse(D_MW1, "black", "red"), pch=ifelse(D_MW1, 19, 17), cex = 1.5)

# Done


#BELLS AND WHISTLES CODE (Has a regression line with confidence intervals at 95% around it)

Notes Read 1st:

  1. lines with # in front is for your information and will be ignored by R.

  2. You will need make a dir on your C drive named R.

  3. You will need to save the attached spreadsheet to that dir.

  4. Nondetects are defined by the 0 in the D_MW1 column and detects have a 1



#set the dir to where you data is


#Adds confindance bands at 0.95 level

ciband= with(data,predict(reg1,,interval='confidence',level=.95))

ciband= data.frame(Year,ciband)




#Add Legend to graph

legend("topleft", c("Confidence interval 95%","Regression", "Detected", "NonDetect"), col = c("blue",1, "black","red"), cex = 1,

text.col = "black", lty = c(2, 1 ,-1, -1), pch = c(-1, -1, 19, 17),

merge = TRUE, bg = 'gray90')

#Add title


# Done


Here is a little different ver using a different data set format.

#Makes the scale log


##sets the colors

scale_colour_manual(values=c("black","red")) +

#location of the legend

theme(legend.position=c(0.05,0.1)) +

#sets the line color, type and size

geom_line(colour="black", linetype="dotted", size=0.5) +

##Graph title

ggtitle("Antimony mg/L")

## does the graph using the Well IDs as the different wells.

p + facet_grid(Well.ID ~ .)

#saves the graph to the working dir. Note if you want pdf just change jpg to pdf


##Note you can adjust the print size by adjusting the output window in R or you can do some searches for ggplot size.


#does the plot

p <- ggplot(data = mydata, aes(x=Year, y=Antimony, col=Detections)) +

geom_point(aes(shape=Detections)) +

#Sets whic are detections and nondetects

mydata$Detections <- ifelse(mydata$D_Antimony==1, "Detected", "NonDetect")

#Loads data

mydata <-read.csv("", sep=",")

#Loads ggplot2 package NOTE you must install it 1st.


#sets the working dir
