Statistical Primer

March 2011 attended a 3 day statistical class - EPA’s Unified Guidance: Statistical Analysis of Groundwater Data by Dr. Kirk Cameron (one of the primary authors of the Unified Guidance) offered though Northwest Environmental Training Center. I started a "Short" write up of the class for work. After 6 moths it grew into the statistical primer below.

· Class handouts with my notes

· Summary of what I learned – A Statistical Primer for Geologists and Environmental Scientists

Some of the topics covered in the Statistical Primer for Geologists and Envrionmental Scientists are:

· Dealing with non-detects,

· Data sets with 100% non-detects,

· Outliers,

· Reducing the number of tests & increasing the statistical power,

· Resampling approaches

· Identifying and removing seasonal trends

· Updating background data sets

· and.... you will find out about the lady I dated that was 1 in a 1,000. Heck, you got to read it just to find out about her!!