ProUCL is for Pro Upper Confidence Level and it can be downloaded along with manuals etc from

While it does UCL it also does several other test including:

  • Upper Cofidence Levels

  • Trend analysis by Mann Kendall and Theil-Sen

  • Normality / Goodness of fit by Shapiro-Wilks and Lilliefores

  • Outlier Test


  • Graphs (Notched Box, histograms, Multi QQ plots, timeseries with confidence and prediction limits)

  • Estimation of nondetect values.

  • Hypothesis Testing (Single Sample)

    • t-Test

    • Propotion

    • Sign Test

    • Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test

  • Hypothesis Testing (Two Sample)

    • t-Test

    • Wilcoxon-Mann

    • Quantile test

In March 2011, EPA offered a 2 part webinar about using ProUCL. Below are links to the PDFs of the webinar with my notes on them (also have the times on them so it is easy to jump around on the audio files) and a link to the audio files