Mr Greystoke's Favourite

Mr Greystoke's Favourite

3 couples in a 4 couple set (this is a Scottish country dance)

8 x 32 jigs

1-4 First couple dance down to the bottom (while the twos step up) and cast up into second place

5-8 First couple turn LH 1 3/8 to face 1st corners

9-12 First couple turn 1st corner RH, 2nd LH

13-16 First couple turn partner RH, 3rd corner LH

17-20 First couple turn 4th corner RH, partner LH 1/2 to finish man facing up, lady facing down

21-24 First man with the twos and first lady with the threes dance RH stars once around, finishing with the dancing couple in second place on their own side facing out

25-32 First couple cast right around 3rd corner, dance in through the ends of the set, and turn RH 1 3/4 or birl as they will. The second time through, finish this turn at the bottom.

(Note that I've also adapted this dance for English use at The Tarzan Dance, and based a contra on it at Brachiation Contra ).