Research Interests

Research Interest

Studying the Critical Zone...

"The Critical Zone is defined by National Research Council as the “surface and near-surface environment [that] sustains nearly all terrestrial life” and is highlighted in the report as a research focus of particular urgency, given the rapidly expanding needs of society." (Knight et al., 2010)

...with geophysical tools.

"The field of hydrogeophysics has developed in recent years to explore the potential that geophysical methods have for characterization of subsurface properties and processes relevant for hydrological investigations." (Hubbard and Linde, 2011)

Let's hear Kamini Singha talking about vadose zone Hydrogeophysics:

Geophysical tools for Critical Zone Hydrology
(figure credit ENIGMA, Hermans et al., 2023)

Hermans et al. (2023) Advancing measurements and representations of subsurface heterogeneity and dynamic processes: towards 4D hydrogeology, HESS, doi:10.5194/hess-27-255-2023.

Geophysical tools for Forest Ecology
(figure from Loiseau et al., 2023)

Loiseau et al. (2023) The geophysical toolbox applied to forest ecosystems – a review, STOTEN, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165503.


Data and code curation 

I created a Hydrogeophysics community on the Open Science repository Zenodo:

Feel free to submit your data sets and code...