Dale Reed
Pronouns: he/him/el This page: bit.ly/dalereed
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Recent Classes
For old content with links that no longer work, see the archived copy on the WayBackMachine.
CS 100: Discovering Computer Science ( Spring 2021, Fall 2020, Spring '18, Fall '17, Spring '17, Fall '15, Fall '14, Spring '14, Fall '13, Spring '13, Fall '12, Spring '12)
CS 111: Program Design I (Spring '22)
CS 141: Program Design II (Fall '21, Spring '20, Fall '19, Spring '19, Fall '18, Spring '18, Fall '17, Spring '17, Fall '16, Spring '16, Fall '15, Spring '14, Spring '13, Fall '12) This used to be called CS 102. See that course listed below under Older Classes.
CS 211: Programming Practicum (Fall '22)
Older Classes
For old content with links that no longer work, see the archived copy on the WayBackMachine.
EECS 101: Intro. to Computing (Spring '98)
CS 102: Intro. to Programming (Spring '12, Fall '11, Spring '11, Fall '10, Spring '10, Fall '09, Spring '09, Fall '08, Spring '08, Fall '07, Spring '07 , Fall '06, Fall '05, Fall '04,Spring '03, Spring '02, Spring '01)
CS 107: Intro. to Computing and Programming (Fall '11, Spring '11, Fall '10, Spring '10, Spring '09, Fall '08, Spring '04, Fall '02) Some semesters 102 & 107 were taught roughly in tandem, and so only one of them is shown.
CS 109: C/C ++ Programming for Engineers with MatLab (Spring '06)
CS 251: Data Structures (Spring '15, Fall '14)
CS 266: Architecture I [Now is 261] (pin diagrams and handouts for lab activity)
CS 335: Computer Ethics [Now is part of CS 377 - see below] (Fall '09, Spring '07, Fall '05, Spring '03, Fall '02, Spring '02, Fall '02, Spring '01)
CS 342: Software Design [Used to be CS 340] (Fall 2016, Spring '05, Fall '04)
CS 366: Architecture II [Now is 361] (Spring '05, Fall '04, Fall '03)
CS 376: Colloquium in Public Speaking [Now is part of CS 377 - see below] (Spring '03)
CS 377: Communication and Ethical Issues in Computing (Spring '16, Spring '15, Fall '13). [This combines the old CS 335 (Computer Ethics) and the old CS 376 (Colloquium in Public Speaking) courses.]
CS 385: Operating Systems (Fall '02)
EECS 476: Programming Languages [Now CS 476] (Fall '07, Fall '01) (Fall '97)
IT 101: Java Programming for Information Technology (Spring '08, Fall '06, Spring '06)
Teaching Ideas: My developing teaching philosophy
Peer Instruction Teaching Techniques: Things I do in class that I've found helpful
Ideas on Learning and Teaching: Articles which I've found thought-provocative and inspirational about teaching
Equity in Computing Articles: Why do we have underrepresentation in computing for female, Black and Latino students?
CS4HS - Sometimes yearly conference for Chicago-area CS teachers
Undergraduate TA timesheet reporting details
Link to UIC course evaluations site [Under construction, Internal to UIC]
For Students
Consider options for classroom norms for our class.
What makes computers smart? Check out my Scratch binary AI game or my Scratch Guess the Language game.
Project Ideas [for CS 398 or Master's Projects]
Other (Vitae, personal, recruiting)
Vitae (with select publication links).
UIC campus historical pictures and walking tour.
Resources from my own journey Learning about Race and Unconscious Bias
Check out Interesting Sites