참고 사이트

크리에이티브 커먼즈 코리아

오픈 넷 파운데이션 (= 오픈 웹 파운데이션)

망중립성 이용자 포럼 (NN Forum)

한국 인테넛 정보 학회 오픈 인터넷 거버넌스 연구회

한국 인터넷 거버넌스 협의회 (KIGA)


Asia Pacific regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF)

Association of Progressive Communications


Center for The Study of Existential Risk, Cambridge University, http://cser.org.

Civic Society Coordination Group

Cyber Dialogue Forum

Cyber Commons.net

Cyberspace Conference, 2011/London, 2012/Budapest, 2013/Seoul, 2015/Netherland

Diplo Foundation


Exploration on Cyber International Relation (ECIR)

Global networks of Internet and Society Research Centers, http://networkofcenters.net/

Internet Governance Forum (IGF)

Internet Society

Just Net Coalition

Open Data Catalogs, Data.Catalogs.org

Bruce Schneier, www.Schneier.com

United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, http://www.un.org/disarmament/topics/informationsecurity/

World Summit on Information Society (WSIS, WSIS Forum, WSIS+10)

Past Meeting List
