This site ( will be merged to by 2015-10-31.

새 소식

Citizen Lab, Researchers find major security and privacy issues in Smart Sheriff parental monitoring application,Toronto, 2015.9.20.

UN, WSIS+10 Review: Non-Paper, 2015.

Shane Harris, @War: The Rise of the Military-Internet Complex, 2014.

Greenpeace, Clicking Clean: Green Internet, 2015.5.

Marc Goodman, Future Crimes, 2015.

John Savage and Bruce McConnell, Exploring multistakeholder internet governance, East West Institute, 2015.

Kilnam Chon (Editor), Asia Internet History - Second Decade (1990s), 2015.2.

Bruce Schneier, Data and Goliath, 2014.

Geoff Huston, Fragmentation Considered Harmful?, APNIC, 2014.

Leslie Daigle, On the Nature of the Internet, GCIG, 2014.

UNCTAD, Mapping the international internet public policy issues, 2014.11.

NETmundial Initiative, Announcement of Inaugural Council Formation, 2014.12.

UK Government, Internet of Things: Making the most of the second digital revolution, 2014.

Avri Doria, ITU 2014 Plenipotentiary: Impressions and analysis of the outcomes, Access, 2014.11,

The Busan Consensus: A Turning Point?, European Institute, 2014.12.18..

NETmundial, Press Release - NETmundial Initiative Goes Live - Global Internet Community Innvited to Participate, 2014.11.6.

Mark Raymond and Gordon Smith, Organized Chaos - Reimaging the Internet, CIGI, 2014.

Internet Policy Conference, Institute of Politics, Harvard University, 2014.9.4.

Internet Governance Forum - Best Practice Forum, Developing meaningful multistakeholder participation mechanisms, 2014.9.3.

WEF, NETmundial Initiative (announcement), Geneva, 2014.8.28,

GCIG, Call for Research Paper (on Internet Governance), 2014.

Joseph Nye, The Regime Complex for Managing Global Cyber Activities, GCIG, 20 May 2014,

IGF, Baku IGF Proceedings, 2012.

Panel on Global Internet Cooperation and Governance Mechanisms, Towards a Collaborative, Decentralized IG Ecosystem, 2014.5.

Wolfgang Kelinwachter, PINGO: NETmundial Adopts Principles on INternet GOvernance , CircleID, 2014.5.10.

Marco Civil (Civil Right Framework) in Brazil was approved, 2014.4.23,

NETmundial (Global Multistakeholder Meeting on Internet Goverenance - Brazil Meeting), Sao Paulo, 2014.4.23~24,

Kilnam Chon (Editor), An Asia Internet History,, 2013~2015.

Bali IGF Workshop on Cyberspace Governance, 2013.10; Final Report, Video, Presentation Materials are available - 자료실

2013.2.2 1차 회의 (회의록)

2013.5.4 2차 회의 (회의록)

2013.8.24 3차 회의 (회의록)

2013.11.30 4차 회의 (회의록)

2014.7.4 5차 회의/IGF-kr

NN Forum

2013.12 망중립성 이용자 포럼 책 말하다 시리즈 제1탄 "인터넷 거버넌스를 말하다" 발간,

2014.12 망중립성 이용자 포람 책 말하다 시리즈 제2탄 "망중립성을 말하다"


2015.4 18호 발간

2015.6 19호 발간

2015.7 20호 발간


2014.12.18 Intermediary Liability Seminar,

2015.5.28 International Seminar on Intermediary Liability (ustream)

2015.6.22 OpenNet Forum

기타 국내 행사

2015.3 ISOC-KR

2015.10.30 KIGF

국제 행사

2015.3.10~11 Tokyo APRU Business Off-Site

2015.3.24~25 Manila RightsCon, (with Manila Principles Workshop in 2015.3.22~23 [background paper]

2015.3.31 Geneva NETmundial Initiative Inaugural Council Meeting

2015.4.16~17 Netherland 4th Cyberspace Conference

2015.5.14~15 New York Conference on Internet Governance & Cyber-Security, Columbia University

2015.7.1~3 Macau APrIGF

2015.8.24~29 Tokyo APRU Internet Policy Summer Session

2015.9.3-5 Pattaya Asian Regional Consultation on the WSIS+10 Review, [output document]

2015.9.7-9 Manila Open Government Partnership - Asia Pacific Regional Meeting

2015.10.15~17 Seoul Creative Commons Global Summit

2015.10.27-29 Mexico Open Govrernment Partnership - Global Summit

2015.10.28-30 Wuzhen World Internet Conference

2015.11.10~13 Joao Pessoa Internet Governance Forum

2015.12 New York WSIS+10

2016.3.28~30 Silicon Valley RightsCon

2016Q4 Mexico Internet Governance Forum

프로젝트 후원
