Treball de camp · Field work

[© photos: C. Roquet Ruiz]

* July 2012: Local plant community sampling (species diversity and functional traits) in an altitudinal gradient in the Alps (collaboration for the PhD-student L. Chalmandrier and the Teembio group)

* July 2011: Population sampling of Polygonum viviparum in the Pyrennees (collaboration for Dr. Lavergne and its PhD-student F. Boucher)

* Summer 2007: Population sampling of Campanula speciosa and Campanula affinis (Catalonia and Aragon, Spain)

* June 2007: Population sampling of Campanula herminii (Serra da Estrela, Portugal; Sierra Nevada, Spain).––

* August 2006: Collection of Helichrysum species in the Ruwenzori mountains (Uganda)

* September 2005: Population sampling of Artemisia umbelliformis and Artemisia eriantha (Pyrenees) (collaboration for Maria Sanz et al.).