
Symposia organization:

1-"EVOLUTIONARY TRENDS IN SKY-ISLANDS: NEW INSIGHTS IN THE SEARCH OF MAJOR BIOGEOGRAPHIC AND PHYLOGEOGRAPHIC PATTERNS". Organizers: Mario Mairal, Cristina Roquet . Congress: XX International Botanical congress; 27th July 2024, Madrid, Spain.


35-Òscar Castillo, Carme Blanco-Gavaldà, Santiago Andrés-Sánchez, Randall J. Bayer, Nicola Bergh5, Juan Antonio Calleja, Pau Carnicero, Glynis V. Cron, Susana E. Freire, Kazumi Fujikawa0, Rokiman Letsara, Lucía D. Moreyra, Genís Puig-Surroca, Sylvain G. Razafimandimbison, Cristina Roquet, Rob D. Smissen, Alfonso Susanna, Mercè Galbany-Casals. 2024. Hyb-Seq insights into Helichrysum and related genera (Gnaphalieae, Compositae): implications in systematics and generic delimitation. XX International Botanical congress, 21-27th July 2024. Madrid, Spain.

34-Genís Puig i Surroca, Mercè Galbany-Casals, Carme Blanco-Gavaldà, Òscar Castillo, Rokiman Letsara, Lucía D. Moreyra, Sylvain G. Razafimandimbison, Cristina Roquet, Alfonso Susanna & Santiago Andrés Sánchez. 2024. Systematics and evolution of Madagascan montane ericoid Helichrysum (Compositae) based on Hyb-Seq and morphometric analyses. XX International Botanical congress, 21-27th July 2024. Madrid, Spain.

33-S. Andrés-Sánchez, C. Blanco-Gavaldà, G. Puig-Surroca, Ò. Castillo, L. Moreyra, A. Susanna, C. Roquet, M. Galbany-Casals. 2023. La importancia de las muestras conservadas en herbarios para la ejecución de proyectos de investigación: Sistemática y evolución de Helichrysum, un género hiperdiverso y de amplia distribución, como caso de estudio. IV Simposio anual de Botánica Española, 17-18th November 2023. Organized by: SEBOT & Universidad de León.

32- C. Roquet. La biodiversidad vegetal en las regiones montañosas y su evolución en el tiempo y el espacio. Invited oral contribution. III Simposio anual de Botánica Española, Barcelona (Catalonia), 25th-26th November 2022. Organized by: SEBOT & Institut Botànic de Barcelona

31-Castillo, Òscar; Roquet, Cristina; Blanco, Carme; Moreyra, Lucía D.; Garcia-Jacas, Núria; Freire, Susana; Fujikawa, Kazumi; Galbany Casals, Mercè. Evolutionary and biogeographic study of the genus Pseudognaphalium (Compositae) based on Hyb-Seq. Poster. III Simposio anual de Botánica Española, Barcelona (Catalonia), 25th-26th November 2022. Organized by: SEBOT & Institut Botànic de Barcelona

30- Moreyra, Lucía D.; Ackerfield, J.R.; Blanco-Gavaldà, C; Brochmann, C; Calleja, J.A.; Fujikawa, Kazumi; Galbany Casals, Mercedes; Garcia-Jacas, Núria; Gizaw, A; López-Alvarado, Javier; Roquet, Cristina; Susanna de la Serna, Alfonso; Vilatersana, Roser. African mountain thistles: generic delimitation problems analyzed with NGS. Poster. III Simposio anual de Botánica Española, Barcelona (Catalonia), 25th-26th November 2022. Organized by: SEBOT & Institut Botànic de Barcelona

29- C. Blanco-Gavaldà, M. Galbany-Casals, J. López-Alvarado, J. A. Calleja, L.D. Moreyra, N. Garcia-Jacas, A. Susanna, R. Vilatersana, S. Razafimandimbison, M. Kandziora, R. Schmickl, F. Kolár, S. Andrés-Sánchez, R. Bayer, N. Bergh, G.V. Cron, C. Roquet. New insights into Madagascar biogeography through a Hyb-Seq phylogeny of Helichrysum (Compositae).  Oral contribution. Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Prague (Czech Republic), 14th-19th August 2022. Organized by: European Society for Evolutionary Biology.

28-C. Blanco-Gavaldà, M. Galbany-Casals, J. López-Alvarado, M. Kandziora, R. Schmickl, F. Kolár, S. Andrés-Sánchez, R. Bayer, N. Bergh, G.V. Cron, S. Razafimandimbison, C. Roquet. Unraveling the biogeographic history of the Afromontane and Afroalpine flora through the study of the species-rich genus Helichrysum (Compositae). Oral contribution. European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Montpellier (France), 7th-9th June 2022. Organized by: Society for Tropical Ecology. 

27- C. Roquet. The PhyloAlps project: Sequencing the whole flora of the European Alps. Oral contribution. Biodiversity Genomics 2020 Conference (online congress), 5th–9th October 2020. Organized by: Wellcome Sanger Institute.

26- C. Roquet. PhyloAlps: Sequencing the whole Alpine Flora. Invited talk. Genomics for Biodiversity Symposium, Barcelona, 12-13th September 2019. Organized by: Societat Catalana de Biologia.

25- J. Smyčka, C. Roquet, E. Coissac, M. Boleda, F. Boyer, R. Douzet, C. Perrier, M. Rome, C. Dentant, A. Moehl, B. Hurdu, L. Garraud, J. Van Es, J. Charles Villaret, A. Alberti, K. Šemberová, N. Zimmermann, W. Thuiller, P. Wincker, the PhyloAlps consortium, S. Lavergne. Tempo and drivers of plant diversification in the European mountain system. Oral contribution. 7th Conference of the Czech Society for Ecology. Olomouc, Czech Republic, 4-6th September 2019. Organized by: Czech Society for Ecology.

24- C. Roquet et al. Phylogeny and species delimitation of Campanula sect. Heterophylla (Campanulaceae) in the Pyrenean-Cantabrian Mountains, with a focus on the endemic C. jaubertiana. Oral contribution. XII Col·loqui Internacional de Botànica Pirenaica-Cantàbrica. Girona, July 2019. Organized by: Universitat de Girona

23- C. Roquet, S Lavergne & PhyloAlps Consortium. Genomic footprints of plant parasitism. Oral contribution. XIV MEDECOS & XIII AEET Meeting, Sevilla, Spain, February 2017. Organized by: Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre, Estación Biologica de Doñana, Universidad de Sevilla

22- C. Roquet, S Lavergne & PhyloAlps Consortium. Genomic footprints of plant parasitism: Tracking the emergence of plant parasitism. Oral contribution. International Conference of Ecological Sciences, Marsella, France, October 2016. Organized by: Societé Française d'Ecologie

21- C. Roquet, E Coissac, C Cruaud, M Boleda, F Boyer, A Alberti, L Gielly, P  Taberlet, W Thuiller, J Van Es & S Lavergne. Tracking the evolution  of holoparasitic plants. The smallest chloroplast genome ever sequenced  inCytinus hypocistis (Cytinaceae). Oral contribution. 3ème Colloque de Génomique Environnementale, Montpellier, France, 26th October 2015. Organized by: Groupement de Recherche en Genomique Environnementale

20- C. Roquet, S Lavergne & PhyloAlps Consortium. High-throuput retrieval of chloroplast sequences to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the Alpine plant biome – PHYLOALPS. Invited talk. Colloque de restitution des projets APEGE et Bibliothèque du Vivant. Paris, France, July 2015. Organized by: Groupement de Recherche en Genomique Environnementale

19-S. Lavergne, C. Roquet. Phylogenomics of niche evolution: insights from the Alpine Flora. Invited talk. CNRS - CSIC workshop: Frontiers in Evolutionary Genomics, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. 16-17th December 2014. Organized by: CNRS & CSIC

18-C. Roquet. Phylogénomique: vers une meilleure compréhension de l'évolution des plantes parasites. Perspectives de l'usage des phylogénies en conservation. Conservation de la biodiversité et héritages évolutifs - Journée de thèse et conférences IMBE - 22th September 2014. Aix-en-Provence, France. Invited talk. Organized by: Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d'Ecologie marine et continentale (IMBE), Conservatoire botanique national méditerranéen (CBNMED)

17-C. Roquet, F. Boucher, W. Thuiller, S. Lavergne. Replicated radiations of the alpine genus Androsace (Primulaceae) driven by range expansion and convergent key innovations. Oral contribution. II Iberian Congress of Biological Systematics, Barcelona, Spain, September 2013. Organized by: Zoological Systematics and Evolution Research Group, Biodiversity Research Institute (UB), Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF), Catalan Society of Biology and Natural History Museum of Barcelona

16- Pearman, P. B., S. Lavergne, C. Roquet, R. O. Wüest, N. E. Zimmermann, and W. Thuiller. Phylogenetic patterns of climatic, habitat, and trophic niches in a European avian assemblage. Forty-third Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (Gfö), Potsdam, Germany, September 2013. Organized by: Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (Gfö)

15- C. Roquet. Replicated radiations of the alpine genus Androsace (Primulaceae) driven by biogeographic expansion and convergent key innovations. Invited seminar. Institut Botànic de Barcelona, May 2013. 

14- I. Pardo, C. Roquet, P. Errea, D. Gómez, J.M. Olesen, M.B. García. Conservación de la biodiversidad: más allá del número de especies. IV Congreso Nacional de Biodiversidad, February 2013, Bilbao, Spain. 

13- C. Roquet, F. Boucher, W. Thuiller, R. Douzet, S. Aubert, N. Alvarez, S. Lavergne.  Colonizing both geographic and environmental space: the success story of Androsace (Primulaceae) (poster). 12th European Ecological Federation Congress, September 2011, Ávila, Spain. Organized by: European Ecological Federation

12-C. Roquet, W. Thuiller, S. Lavergne. Megaphylogenies: a toolbox for ecologists (poster). Ecologie 2010,September 2010, Montpellier, France. 

11-W. Thuiller, L. Zupan, I. Boulangeat, C. Roquet, S. Lavergne, M. Cabeza. Preserving the Tree of Life – on the consequences of climate and land use change on the different facets of the French Alpine flora diversity. Ecologie 2010, September 2010, Montpellier, France. 

10-W. Thuiller, M. Araujo, C. Roquet, I. Boulangeat, Sébastien Lavergne. Preserving the Tree of Life – Anticipating the functional and evolutionary consequences of climate change on Alpine biodiversity. International GMBA-DIVERSITAS conference: Functional significance of mountain biodiversity, July 2010, Chandolin, Switzerland. Organized by: Global Mountain Biodivesity Assessment (GMBA)

9-C. Roquet, W. Thuiller, S. Lavergne. The origin and diversification of the Alpine Flora (poster). International GMBA-DIVERSITAS conference: Functional significance of mountain biodiversity, July 2010, Chandolin, Switzerland. Organized by: Global Mountain Biodivesity Assessment (GMBA)

8-S. Lavergne, W. Thuiller, C. Roquet. Macro-évolution des niches climatiques et signal phylogénétique de la sensibilite des espèces au changement climatique / Macro-evolution of bioclimatic niches, and phylogenetic pattern of species sentitivity to climate change. PhyloCom – un colloque sur la phylogénie des communautés, May 2010, Montpellier, France. Organized by: Institut des Sciences de l’Évolution, Université de Montpellier

7-C. Roquet, L. Sáez. Estudi filogeogràfic d’Arenaria fontqueri Cardona & J. M. Monts. (Caryophyllaceae). Oral contribution. II Jornades Catalanes de Conservació de Flora, July 2010, Barcelona, Spain. Organized by: Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge

6- S. Lavergne; W. Thuiller; M. B. Araujo; C. Roquet; M. Debussche. Comment anticiper les conséquences des changements climatiques sur l’arbre de la vie? Le cas de la biodiversité végétale. Le Réveil du Dodo III - Journées francophones des Sciences de la Conservation de la Biodiversité, March 2009, Montpellier, France. Organized by: IFR Montpellier-Environnement-Biodiversité

5-C. Roquet; I. Sanmartín; N. García-Jacas; L. Sáez; A. Susanna; N. Wikström;  J. J. Aldasoro. Reconstructing the history of Campanulaceae s. str. with a Bayesian approach to molecular dating and dispersal-vicariance analyses (poster). Xth Symposium of the International Organization of Plant Biosystematists, July 2008, Vysoké Tatry, Slovaquia. Organized by: 

4-J. López; C. Roquet; J. I. Pino; L. Sáez. Polimorfismes en el sistema reproductiu en el gènere Limonium Mill. (Plumbaginaceae) al NE de la Península Ibèrica: implicacions per a la conservació i la delimitació de les espècies (poster). I Jornades Catalanes de Conservació de Flora, June 2008, Blanes, Spain. Organized by: 

3-C. Roquet; L. Sáez. Estudi de la diversitat genètica i filogeogràfic de l'endemisme Campanula speciosa Pourr. (poster). I Jornades Catalanes de Conservació de Flora, June 2008, Blanes, Spain. Organized by: 

2-C. Roquet; L. Sáez; J. J. Aldasoro; A. Susanna; M. L. Alarcón; N. García-Jacas. Molecular Phylogeny and Floral Evolution in Campanula L. (poster). XII OPTIMA Meeting, September 2007, Pisa, Italy. Organized by: 

1-C. Roquet; J. J. Aldasoro; N. García-Jacas; L. Sáez; A. Susanna; N. Wikström. Molecular Dating and Reconstruction of the Biogeographical History of Campanula and related genera (poster). Origin and Evolution of Biota in Mediterranean Climate Zones, July 2007, Zurich, Switzerland. Organized by: 

Congresses attended without contribution:

-Modern Phylogenetic Comparative Methods and their Application in Evolutionary Biology. Sevilla 11-15 2014. Organized by: Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC).

-Radiations. Zürich 12-15 June 2014. Organized by: Institute of Systematic Botany (University of Zürich).