
Publications in scientific journals:

49- Herrando-Moraira S,  Roquet C* & The Cardueae Radiations Group (in alphabetical order): Juan-Antonio Calleja, You-Sheng Chen, Kazumi Fujikawa, Mercè Galbany-Casals, Núria Garcia-Jacas, Jian-Quan Liu, Javier López-Alvarado, Jordi López-Pujol, Jennifer R. Mandel, Iraj Mehregan, Llorenç Sáez, Alexander N. Sennikov, Alfonso Susanna, Roser Vilatersana, Lian-Sheng Xu. 2023. Impact of the climatic changes in the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition on Irano-Turanian species. The radiation of genus Jurinea (Compositae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (in press).

*corresponding author

48- Lucía D. Moreyra, Núria Garcia-Jacas, Cristina Roquet, Jennifer R. Ackerfield, Turan Arabacı, Carme Blanco-Gavaldà, Christian Brochmann, Juan Antonio Calleja, Tuncay Dirmenci, Kazumi Fujikawa, Mercè Galbany-Casals, Tiangang Gao, Abel Gizaw, Javier López-Alvarado, Iraj Mehregan, Roser Vilatersana, Bayram Yıldız, Frederik Leliaert, Alexey P. Seregin, Alfonso Susanna. 2023. African Mountain Thistles: Three New Genera in the Carduus-Cirsium Group. Plants 2023, 12(17), 3083.

47- A. Baumel, C. Roquet, S. Lavergne, J. Smycka, L. Garraud, S. Abdulhak, C. Dentant, A. Mouly, M. Vuillemenot, K. Crémel, C. Chemin, L. Auclaire, M. Charrier. 2023. Evolutionary distinctiveness with incomplete isolation of the narrow endemic alpine plant Saxifraga delphinensis Ravaud. Alpine Botany (in press)

46- Carme Blanco-Gavaldà, Mercè Galbany-Casals, Alfonso Susanna, Santiago Andrés-Sánchez, Randall J. Bayer, Christian Brochmann, Glynis V. Cron, Nicola Bergh, Núria Garcia-Jacas, Abel Gizaw, Martha Kandziora, Filip Kolar, Javier Lopez Alvarado, Frederik Leliaert, Rokiman Letsara, Lucía D. Moreyra, Sylvain Razafimandimbison, Roswitha Schmickl, Cristina Roquet. 2023. Repeatedly Northwards and Upwards: Southern African Grasslands Fuel the Colonization of the African Sky Islands in Helichrysum (Compositae). Plants. In press.

45- Sandra Garcés-Pastor, Eric Coissac, Sébastien Lavergne, Christoph Schwörer, Jean-Paul Theurillat, Peter D. Heintzman, Owen S. Wangensteen, Willy Tinner, Fabian Rey, Martina Heer, Astrid Rutzer, Kevin Walsh, Youri Lammers, Antony G. Brown, Tomasz Goslar, Dilli P. Rijal, Dirk N. Karger, Loïc Pellissier, The PhyloAlps Consortium, Oliver Heiri & Inger Greve Alsos. 2023. High resolution ancient sedimentary DNA shows that alpine plant diversity is associated with human land use and climate change. Nature Communications 13: 6559

44- H. Miranda, M. B. Garcia, C. Roquet , M. Pizarro, X. Font. 2023. Phylogenetic patterns of rarity and vulnerability in the flora of a temperate mountain range. Oikos, e09365

43- M.B. García, H. Miranda, M. Pizarro, X. Font, C. Roquet, P. González-Sampériz. 2023. Habitats hold a phylogenetic signal of past climatic refugia.  Biodiversity and Conservation  31: 1665–1688. 

42- J. Smyčka, C. Roquet, M. Boleda , A. Alberti, F. Boyer, R. Douzet, C. Perrier, M. Rome, J.-G. Valay, F. Denoeud, K. Šemberová , N. E. Zimmermann, W. Thuiller, P. Wincker, I. G. Alsos, E. Coissac, the PhyloAlps consortium , S. Lavergne. 2022. Tempo and drivers of plant diversification in the European mountain system. Nature Communications 13: 2750.

41- H. Miranda, X. Font, C. Roquet, M. Pizarro, M. B. García. 2022. Assessing the vulnerability of habitats through plant rarity patterns in the Pyrenean range. Conservation Science and Practice, 4: e12649 

40- C. Pouchon, F. Boyer, C. Roquet, F. Denoeud, J. Chave, E. Coissac, I. G. Alsos, the PhyloAlps consortium, the PhyloNorway consortium, S. Lavergne. 2022. ORTHOSKIM: in silico sequence capture from genomic and transcriptomic libraries for phylogenomic and barcoding applications. Molecular Ecology Resources 

39- H.A. Lewin, S. Richards, E.L. Aiden, M.L. Allende, J.M. Archibald, M. Bálint, K.B. Barker, B. Baumgartner, K. Belov, G. Bertorelle, M.L. Blaxter, J.Cai, N.D. Caperello, K. Carlson, J.C. Castilla‐Rubio, S.‐M. Chaw, L. Chen, A. K. Childers, J. A. Coddington, D.A. Conde, M. Corominas, K.A. Crandall, A.J. Crawford, F. DiPalma, R. Durbin, T.E. Ebenezer, S.V. Edwards, O. Federigo, P. Flicek, G. Formenti, R.A. Gibbs, M.T.P. Gilbert, M.M. Goldstein, J.A.M. Graves, H.T. Greely, I.V. Grigoriev, K.J. Hackett, N. Hall, D. Haussler, K.M. Helgen, C. Hogg, S. Isobe, K.S. Jakobsen, A. Janke, E.D. Jarvis, W.E. Johnson, S.J.M. Jones, E.K. Karlsson, P. Kersey, J.‐H. Kim, W.J. Kress, S. Kuraku, M.K.N. Lawniczak, J. Leebens‐Mack, X. Li, K. Lindblad‐Toh, X. Liu, J. Lopez, T. Marques‐Bonet, S. Mazard, J.A.K. Mazet, C.J. Mazzoni, G. Myers, R.J. O’Neill, S. Paez, H. Park, G.E. Robinson, C. Roquet, O.A. Ryder, J.S.M. Sabir, H.B. Shaffer, T.M. Shank, J.S. Sherkow, P.S. Soltis, B. Tang, L. Tedersoo, M. Uliano‐Silva, K. Wang, X. Wei, R. Wetzer, J.L. Wilson, X. Xu, H. Yang, A.D. Yoder, G. Zhang. 2022. The Earth BioGenome Project 2020: Starting the Clock. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 

38- P. M Peterson, C. Roquet, K. Romaschenko, Y. H. Arrieta, A. Susanna. 2021. A biogeographical analysis of Muhlenbergia (Poaceae: Chloridoideae: Cynodonteae: Muhlenbergiinae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution, doi: 10.1111/jse.12805

37- C. Roquet, J. Smyčka, A. Alberti, M. Boleda, E. Coissac, F. Denoeud, B. Komac, S. Lavergne, C. Pladevall, L. Sáez. 2021. Evolutionary origins and species delineation of the two Pyrenean endemics Campanula jaubertiana and C. andorrana (Campanulaceae): evidence for transverse alpine speciation. Alpine Botany, . For a full-text access to a view-only version click

36- Boucher FC, Dentant C, Ibanez S, Capblancq T, Boleda M, Boulangeat L, Smyčka J, Roquet C, Lavergne S. 2021. Discovery of three novel plant species in one of the harshest environments on Earth : the rooftops of the Alps. Scientific Reports, 

35- Herrando-Moraira S,  Calleja JA, Chen Y-S, Fujikawa K, Galbany-Casals M, Garcia-Jacas N, Kim S-C, Liu J-Q, López-Alvarado J, López-Pujol J, Mander JR, Mehregan I, Roquet C, Sennikov A, Susanna A, Vilatersana R, Xu L-S. 2020. Generic boundaries in subtribe Saussureinae (Compositae-Cardueae): insights from Hyb-Seq data. Taxon,

34- Alsos I, Lavergne S, Merkel MKF, Boleda M, Lammers Y, Alberti A, Pouchon C, Denoeud F, Pitelkova I, Puscas M, Roquet C, Hurdu B, Thuiller W, Zimmermann N, Hollingsworth P, Coissac E. 2020. The treasure vault can be opened: large scale genome skimming works equally well for herbarium as silica gel dried material. Plants,

33-Münkemüller T, Gallier L, Pollock L, Barros C, Carboni M, Chalmandrier L, Mazel F, Mokany K, Roquet C, Smycka J, Talluto M, Thuiller W. 2020. Do’s and don'ts when inferring assembly rules from diversity patterns. Global Ecology and Biogeography,

32- Herrando-Moraira S,  Calleja JA, Galbany-Casals M, Garcia-Jacas N, Liu J, López-Alvarado J, López-Pujol J, Mandel J, Massó S, Montes N, Roquet C, Sáez L, Sennikov A, Susanna A, Vilatersana R. 2019. Nuclear and plastid DNA phylogeny of tribe Cardueae (Compositae) with Hyb-Seq data: A new subtribal classification and a temporal diversification framework. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,

31- Herrando-Moraira S, Calleja JA, Carnicero P, Fujikawa K, Galbany-Casals M, Garcia-Jacas N,  Im HT, Kim S-C, Liu J, López-Alvarado J, López-Pujol J, Mandel J, Massó S, Mehregan I, Montes-Moreno N, Pyak E, Roquet C, Sáez L, Sennikov A, Susanna A, Vilatersana R. 2018. Exploring data processing strategies in NGS target enrichment to disentangle radiations in the tribe Cardueae (Compositae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2018.07.012.

30- E Haeuser, W Dawson, W Thuiller, S Dullinger, S Block, O Bossdorf, M Carboni, L Conti, I Dullinger, F Essl, G Klonner, D Moser, T Münkemüller, M Parepa, M V Talluto, H Kreft, J Pergl, P Pyšek, P Weigelt, M Winter, I Kühn, M Hermy, S Van der Veken, C Roquet, M van Kleunen. 2018. The European ornamental garden flora as an impending invasion debt under climate change. Journal of Applied Ecology, doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13197.

29- S. García Aloy, I. Sanmartín, G. Kadereit, D. Vitales, AM. Millanes, C. Roquet, P. Vargas, M. Alarcón & J.J. Aldasoro. 2017. Opposite trends in Monsonia (Geraniaceae): specialization in the African deserts and range expansions throughout eastern Africa. Scientific Reports 7: 9872. pdf.

28- Smycka J, Roquet C, Renaud J, Thuiller W, Zimmerman N, Lavergne S. 2017. Disentangling drivers of plant endemism and diversification in the Alps - a phylogenetic and spatially explicit approach. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and  Systematics, 28: 19–27

27- S. García Aloy, D. Vitales, J.J. Aldasoro, C. Roquet, P. Vargas, I. Sanmartín, J. Molero & M. Alarcón. 2017. Northwest Africa as a source and refuge area of plant biodiversity: a study-case on Campanula kremeri and C. occidentalis. Journal of Biogeography, 44: 2057-2068 doi:10.1111/jbi.12997.

26- Pardo I, Roquet C, Lavergne S, Olesen J, Gómez D, García M. 2017. Spatial congruence between taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional hotspots: true pattern or methodological artefact? Diversity and Distributions, 23:209–220 pdf.

25- Cripps MG, Jackman SD, Roquet C, van Koten C, Rostás M, Bourdôt GW, Susanna A. 2016. Host range and the evolution of specialisation of a leaf-feeding beetle. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7:1261 pdf.

24- C Roquet, E Coissac, C Cruaud, M Boleda, F Boyer, A Alberti, L Gielly, P  Taberlet, W Thuiller, J Van Es, S Lavergne. 2016. Understanding the evolution  of holoparasitic plants: the smallest chloroplast genome ever sequenced  in Cytinus hypocistis (Cytinaceae). Annals of Botany, 118: 885-896 pdf.

23- Calleja J, Garcia-Jacas N, Roquet C, Susanna A. 2016. Beyond the Rand Flora pattern: phylogeny and biogeographic history of Volutaria Cass. (Compositae). Taxon 65: 315-332 pdf.

22- M Carboni, T Münkemüller, S Lavergne, P Choler, B Borgy, C Violle, F Essl, C Roquet, F Munoz, DivGrass Consortium, W Thuiller. 2016. What it takes to invade  permanent grasslands: traits, introduction history and filtering  processes. Ecology Letters 19: 219-229. pdf

21- E Coissac, P Taberlet, C Roquet, M Boleda, L Gielly, A Alberti, P Wincker, I Alsos, F Boyer, S Lavergne. 2015. Towards an universal genome-based DNA barcode - The PhyloAlps project. Genome 58: 206.

20- López-Vinyallonga S, Soriano I, Susanna A, Montserrat JM, Roquet C, Garcia-Jacas N. 2015. The polyploid series of the Achillea millefolium aggregate in the Iberian Peninsula investigated using microsatellites. PLoS ONE 10: e0129861. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0129861

19-Thuiller, W., Maiorano, L., Mazel, F., Guilhaumon, F., Ficetola, G.F., Lavergne, S., Renaud, J., Roquet, C. and Mouillot, D. 2015. Conserving the functional and phylogenetic trees of life of European tetrapods. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 370: 20140005. pdf

18-Roquet, C., Lavergne, S., Thuiller, W. 2014. One tree to link them all: a phylogenetic dataset for the European Tetrapoda. PLOS Currents - Tree of Life. doi: 10.1371/currents.tol.5102670fff8aa5c918e78f5592790e48 web pdf

17- Molina-Venegas, R.; Roquet, C. 2014. Directional biases in phylogenetic structure quantification: a Mediterranean case study. Ecography, 37: 572-580. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2013.00442.x abstract

16- Zupan, L., Cabeza, M. Maiorano, L., Roquet, C., Devictor, V., Lavergne, S., Mouillot, D., Mouquet, N., Renaud, J. & Thuiller, W. 2014. Spatial mismatch of phylogenetic diversity across three vertebrate groups and protected areas in Europe. Diversity and Distributions 20: 674–685. pdf

15-Thuiller, W., Guéguen, M., Georges, D., Bonet, R., Chalmandrier, L., Garraud, L., Renaud, J., Roquet, C., Van Es, J., Zimmermann, N.E. & Lavergne, S. 2014. Are different facets of plant diversity well protected in the face of climate and land use changes? A test study in the French Alps. Ecography 37: 1-13. pdf

14- Münkemüller, T.; Gallien, L.; Lavergne, S.; Renaud, J.; Roquet, C.; Abdulhak, S.; Dullinger, S.; Garraud, L.; Guisan, A.; Lenoir, J.; Svenning, J.-C.; Van Es, J.; Willner, W.; Wohlgemuth, T.; Zimmermann, N.; Thuiller, W. 2014. Scale decisions can reverse conclusions on community assembly processes. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23: 620-632.

13- Pearman, P. B., S. Lavergne, C. Roquet, R. O. Wüest, N. E. Zimmermann, W. Thuiller. 2014. Phylogenetic patterns of climatic, habitat and trophic niches in a European avian assemblage.Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23: 414-424. DOI: 10.1111/geb.12127 pdf

12-C. Roquet, F. Boucher, W. Thuiller, S. Lavergne. 2013. Replicated radiations of the alpine genus Androsace(Primulaceae) driven by range expansion and convergent key innovations. Journal of Biogeography, 40: 1874- 1886. pdf

11- C. Roquet, W. Thuiller, S. Lavergne. 2013. Building megaphylogenies for macroecology: taking up the challenge. Ecography, 36: 13-26. pdf Supp. Mat. click here for an update of getfromlist function

10- Alarcón, M., Roquet, C., García-Fernández, A., Vargas, P., Aldasoro, J.J. 2013. Phylogenetic and phylogeographic evidence for a Pleistocene disjunction between Campanula jacobaea (Cape Verde Islands) and C. balfourii (Socotra). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 69: 828-836. abstract

9-J. M. Olesen, M. Alarcón, B. K. Ehlers, J. J. Aldasoro, C. Roquet. 2012. Pollination, biogeography and phylogeny of oceanic island bellflowers  (Campanulaceae). Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and  Systematics, 14: 169-182. abstract

8-Boucher, F., Thuiller, W., Roquet, C., Douzet, R., Aubert, S., Alvarez, N. & Lavergne, S. 2012. Reconstructing the origin of high-alpine niches and cushion life form in the genus Androsace(Primulaceae). Evolution, 66:1255- 1268. pdf

7-L. Sáez, J. Rita, G. Bibiloni, C. Roquet, J. López Alvarado. 2011. Systematics of the narrow endemic speciesBrimeura duvigneaudii (Hyacinthaceae). Orsis 25: 55-69. pdf

6-M. L. Alarcón, C. Roquet, J. J. Aldasoro.  2011. Evolution of pollen/ovule ratios and breeding system in Erodium(Geraniaceae). Systematic Botany 36: 661-676. abstract

5-W. Thuiller, S. Lavergne, C. Roquet, I. Boulangeat, B. Lafourcade, M. B. Araújo. 2011. Consequences of Climate Change on the Tree of Life in Europe. Nature 470: 531-534. pdf Supp. Mat.

4-W. Thuiller, L. Gallien, I. Boulangeat, F. de Bello, T. Münkemüller, C. Roquet, S. Lavergne. 2010. Resolving Darwin’s naturalization conundrum: a quest for evidence. Diversity and Distributions 16, 461–475. pdf

3-C. Roquet, I. Sanmartin, N. García-Jacas, L. Sáez, A. Susanna, N. Wikstrom, J. J. Aldasoro. Reconstructing the history of Campanulaceae with a Bayesian approach to molecular dating and dispersal-vicariance analyses. 2009.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 52: 575-587. pdf

2-M. Font,  N. García-Jacas, R. Vilatersana, C. Roquet, A. Susanna. 2009. Evolution and biogeography ofCentaurea section Acrocentron inferred from nuclear and plastid DNA sequence analyses. Annals of Botany 103: 985-997. pdf

1-C. Roquet, L. Sáez, J. J. Aldasoro, A. Susanna, M. L. Alarcón, N. García-Jacas. 2008. Natural Delineation, Molecular Phylogeny and Floral Evolution in Campanula. Systematic Botany 33: 203-217. abstract

Book chapters: 

8- MB Garcia, Joan Cáliz, Emilio O. Casamayor, Paz Errea, Daniel Gómez, Raúl Hoffrén , Hector Miranda, Manuel Pizarro, Cristina Roquet, Jose Luis Silva, Pablo Tejero. 2021. Dinámica de la biodiversidad en montaña. red de seguimientos de especies y hábitats, para evaluar los efectos del cambio global. SUBMITTED 

7- C. Roquet, J. Smycka, C. Pladevall, B. Komac, L. Sáez Gonyalons. 2020. Phylogeny and species delimitation of Campanula Sect. Heterophylla (Campanulaceae) in the Pyrenean‑Cantabrian Mountains, with a focus on the endemic C. jaubertiana. In:  Actes del XII Col· loqui Internacional de Botànica Pirenaica‑Cantàbrica: Girona-3, 4 i 5 de juliol-2019, p. 49. Documenta Universitaria, Girona.

6- Alarcón M., Aldasoro, J.J., Roquet, C., Olesen, J.M. 2014. The evolution and pollination of oceanic bellflowers (Campanulaceae). In: Evolutionary Biology: Genome Evolution, Speciation, Coevolution and Origin of Life (ed. Pontarotti, P.), pp. 301-322. Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

5- García, M.B., Pardo, I., Pata, M.P., Camarero,J.J., Gómez, D., García-González, R., Errea, M. P., Pironon, S., Aldezábal, A., Olesen, J.M., Roquet, C., Lavergne, S. 2012.  Monitorización de la biodiversidad vegetal y sus distintos componentes en un parque nacional de montaña. In: Proyectos de investigación en parques nacionales: 2008-2011 (eds. Ramirez, L., Asensio, B.), p. 219-234. Editorial: Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales. pdf

4-Sáez, L., Roquet, C. et al. 2010. Fitxes dels taxons següents: Arenaria conimbricensis subsp. viridis, Arenaria fontqueri subsp. cavanillesiana, Campanula affinis, Campanula speciosa, Hieracium candidum, Limonium geronense, Arenaria fontqueri subsp. hispanica, Hieracium neocerinthe, Alchemilla pentaphyllea. In: Llibre vermell de les plantes vasculars endèmiques i amenaçades de Catalunya. (eds. L. Sáez, P. Aymerich, C. Blanché),pp. 60, 62, 82, 88, 158, 198, 297, 312, 328. Editorial: Argania editio. 

3-L. Sáez, E. Moragues, G. Bibiloni, J. López Alvarado, L. Guardia Valle y C. Roquet. 2010. Ficha roja de la especie Chaenorhinum rodriguezzi (Porta) L. Sáez & Vicens para "Atlas y Libro Rojo de la Flora Vascular Amenazada de España. Adenda 2010" (eds. Á. Bañares, G. Blanca, J. Güemes, J.C. Moreno y S. Ortiz) , pp. 64-65. Dirección General de Medio Natural y Política Forestal  (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino), Madrid.


2-L. Sáez, L.G. Valle, M. Sainz, C. Roquet, J.M. Iriondo, M.J. Albert. 2009. Ficha roja de la especie Limonium geronense Erben para "Poblaciones en Peligro: Viabilidad Demográfica de la Flora Vascular Amenazada de España" (eds. Iriondo, J.M., M.J. Albert, L. Jiménez, F. Dominguez, A. Escudero) , pp. 195-197. Dirección General de Medio Natural y Política Forestal (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino), Madrid. pdf

1-L. Sáez, A. Mercadé, A. Lluent, E. Carrillo, C. Roquet. 2008. Ficha roja de la especie Alchemylla pentaphyllea L. para el Atlas y Libro Rojo de la Flora Vascular Amenazada  de España (eds. Á. Bañares Baudet, G. Blanca, J. Güemes, J. C. Moreno Saiz, S. Ortiz), pp. 80-81. Editorial: Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales.pdf

Articles de divulgació / Popular science publications:

2- C. Roquet. 2011. La diversidad de las campanillas. Investigación y ciencia 417: 12-13.

1-L. Sáez, C. Roquet. 2010. El origen de la diversidad de las campanillas. UABdivulga (Febrer).