Docència · Teaching

Supervision of students

-2021 - ongoing : Carme Blanco Gavaldà - PhD student - Biogeography and diversification of Helichrysum (Compositae, Gnaphalieae)  in the afroalpine and afromontane archipelagos. Co-supervisors: Mercè Galbany, Alfonso Susanna

-2021 - ongoing : Lucía D. Moreyra - PhD student - Evolutionary and biogeographic history of the complex Carduus-Cirsium in the Afromontane archipelago. Co-supervisors: Núria García-Jacas, Alfonso Susanna

-2021-22: Òscar Castillo - MSc student - Evolutionary and biogeographic study of the genus Pseudognaphalium (Compositae) based on Hyb-Seq. Co-supervisors: Mercè Galbany; Núria García Jacas.

-2020-21: Carme Blanco Gavaldà - MSc student - Phylogenetics and biogeography of Afromontane and Malagasy Helichrysum (Compositae): new insights from the NGS target-enrichment technique. Co-supervisor: Mercè Galbany

· 2019: Míriam Muñoz Lapeira - BSc student - Evolution of Geraniaceae

· 2018: Sacha Julien - Master student  - La datation des Angiospermes: une approche phylogénomique. Co- supervisor: Sébastien Lavergne.

· 2015 - 2019: Jan Smyčka - PhD student - Evolutionary origin and diversification of the European Mountain Flora. Co- supervisor: Sébastien Lavergne.

·2014: Laura Vecera - Bachelor student - Climatic niche evolution of Phyteuma. Co-supervisors: Wilfried Thuiller & Sébastien Lavergne.

·2013 - 2017: Sara Garcia Aloy - PhD student (Institut Botànic de Barcelona) - Evolution of Geraniaceae and Campanulaceae. Co-supervisors: Marisa Alarcón & Juan José Aldasoro.


· September 2020: 3-day workshop (15 h) for researchers  on Historical biogeography estimation using the R package BioGeoBEARS in the Universidad de Salamanca

· From September 2018: Several courses related to Evolution and Botany (BSc and MSc degrees) in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

· June 2015: 

        2-day workshop (10 h) on Statistical comparison of multiple models in historical biogeography using the R package BioGeoBEARS in the Unit of Botany of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 

·2015-2016, Université Grenoble-Alpes (formerly known as Université Joseph Fourier):

        ·Écologie du paysage: 3 h of theory and 9h of practice classes (MSc                 degree)

        ·Biodiversité et évolution: 16h of practice classes (BSc degree)

        ·Biologie Végétale: 32 h of practice classes (BSc degree)

·2014-2015, Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1:

        ·Écologie du paysage: 4.5 h of theory and 8.5h of practice classes (MSc                 degree)

        ·Biogéographie évolutive: 12 h of practice classes (MSc degree)

        ·Biodiversité et évolution: 6h of practice classes (BSc degree)

        ·Biologie Végétale: 35 h of practice classes (BSc degree)

·2013-2014, Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1:

        ·Écologie du paysage: 4.5 h of theory and 4.5h of practice classes (MSc                 degree)

        ·Biologie Végétale: 17.5 h of practice classes (BSc degree)

·2008-2009, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona:  

        ·Biology and diversity of Phanerogames: 22,5h of theory and 45h of practice          classes (BSc degree) 

        ·Botany: 60h of practice classes (BSc degree) 

        ·Conservation and restoration: 5h of theory classes (MSc degree) 

        ·Evolution and reproduction of plants and fungi: 22,5h of theory classes             (MSc degree) 


·December 2006: 

        1-day workshop on Molecular Dating with Bayesian Inference at the Real            Jardín Botánico de Madrid (CSIC) (organizer and teacher)