Cristina Roquet · About me

I am an evolutionary biologist broadly interested in the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms that shape niche evolution and geographic ranges of living organisms. Since 2019 I have a 5-year position as a researcher and teacher in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where I mostly collaborate with Dra. Mercè Galbany Casals and Dr. Llorenç Sáez Goñalons, two highly qualified botanists and researchers in Systematics and Conservation Biology. I also collaborate with several researchers from the Institut Botànic de Barcelona.

My research incorporates molecular and analytical tools from the fields of phylogenetic comparative methods, biogeography, community ecology, and phylogeography. I am particularly interested in Alpine and Mediterranean plant species, but I have also work with other organisms (birds, amphibians, squamates and mammals so far) as study systems to address questions within my field of expertise. At the present time, I am progressively going deeper into the multidisciplinary integration of high-throughput sequencing technology, phylogenomics, ecological data and phylogenetic comparative methods.

Since 2009 I have been working in the project PhyloAlps, which aims to sequence the whole Alpine Flora. My research within this project is dedicated to elucidate the evolutionary origins and maintenance of plant diversity in the Alpine biome using next-generation sequencing and high performance computing. From 2009 to 2018 I worked on the research team EMABIO (Evolution, Modeling and Analysis of Biodiversity) in the Laboratoire d'Écologie Alpine (Grenoble, France), mainly with Dr.Sebastien Lavergne & Dr. Wilfried Thuiller.

contact: cristina (dot) roquet (at) gmail (dot) com