Funding Sources

Main Study: The study reported here was funded by a grant from the National Cancer Institute (U19 CA079689). It was conducted within the context of a core project of to the HMORN Cancer Research Network (CRN), Health Literacy and Cancer Prevention: Do People Understand What They Hear?

Acculturation Pilot: Additional funding for participation of a fourth Cancer Research Network site was provided by a pilot grant through the Cancer Research Network Cancer Communication Research Center, also funded by the National Cancer Institute (P20 CA137219).

Social Networking Pilot: Additional funding for a related pilot project Friend to friend: Colorectal Cancer Screening Discussions among Members of Social Networks was provided by a CRN Pilot Award (U19 CA079689; funded by the national Cancer Institute).

Investigator Support: Additional funding to support work by Dr. Sarah Cutrona Electronic Message Transmission between Members of a Social Network to Improve Screening for Cancer: Colorectal Cancer Screening as a Model was provided by the National Center for Research Resources at the National Institutes of Health (KL2 RR031981).