Data Available

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Data Collection

The dataset derived from the Health Literacy and Cancer Prevention project consists of data collected at two different time-points. At each time-point data were collected via one in-person interview as well as via healthplan utilization records. The interviews were conducted by trained research assistants in one-to-one, in-person interviews. Interview durations were approximately between 1 ½ and 2 hours for each interview. All items except explicit reading items (e.g. REALM) were administered verbally by the research assistant. Clinical utilization data were collected post-interviews. Following the first interview, clinical utilization data were collected for the 5 years prior to the interview date. Following the second interview, updated clinical utilization data were collected between the dates of the first and second interview.

Interview 1 Sample

Interview Sample: n=1,074

Valid Clinical Data (5 years prior to interview 1): n=1,067

Dates of Data Collection: 06/22/2009 – 04/19/2010

Participating CRN Sites: FCHP, KPCO, KPGA, KPHI

Interview Duration: approximately 2 hours


Random sampling of health plan records for members aged 40-70 who had been enrolled for at least five years, and lived or received care in reasonable proximity to the study session locations. Some participants were aged 71 by the time the study sessions occurred. To optimize sampling across educational levels, at FCHP, KPGA and KPHI sampling was stratified by United States Census-based estimates of educational level defined by the percentage of residents with a high school education or less in the census tract in which participants lived. At KPGA, sampling was further stratified according to the percent of African-American residents, to ensure that African-American and white members were invited in equal numbers within each educational strata. At KPCO, which only recruited Hispanic health plan members, health care system data on race/ethnicity and language preference was used to identify individuals who met the above criteria, self-identified as Latino and had English as their preferred language. A variety of recruitment techniques were used, including mailings, telephone follow-up, and offering sessions at multiple locations. Interested participants were screened to confirm ability to communicate in English, adequate corrected hearing and vision, and the absence of physical or psychological limitations that would preclude participation.

Interview Data Collected:

• Health Literacy Measures

– Cancer Message Literacy Test - Listening

– Cancer Message Literacy Test – Reading


• Literacy/Numeracy Measures

– Numeracy

– Subjective Oral Literacy

– Subjective Numeracy

– Subjective Print Literacy

• Cognitive Measures

– Word List Recall

– Digits Backward

– Backwards Counting

– Category Fluency

– Short-delay Word List Recall

• Emotional Reaction Measures

– Ambiguity Aversion

– Emotional Reaction to Cancer

– Fatalism

• Opinions about Screening

• Perceived Benefits and Barriers Related to Cancer Screening

• Perception of Personal Cancer Risk

• Relationship with Primary Care Practitioner Measures

– Relationship with Primary Care Provider

– Avoiding Physician Visits

– Enjoys Physician Visits

– Trust In Provider

– Perceived Efficacy in Patient-Physician Interactions (PEPPI)

• Vulnerability (Control Over Risks)

Clinical Utilization Data Collected:

• Mammography Screenings (females only)

• Pap Tests (females only)

• Prostate Specific Antigen Tests (males only)

• Fecal Occult Blood Tests

• Fecal Immunochemical Tests

• Double Contrast Barium Enemas

• Colonoscopy Procedures

• Sigmoidoscopy Procedures

• Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Procedures

Interview 2 Sample

Information Coming Soon!

If you would like additional information about the use of these data, please complete the data request form here.

For a copy of the Terms of Use agreement click here here.

For information on the funding sources for this project please see our Funding Sources page