
CREATIME workshop at the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, May 11-12, 2017

Keynote speakers: Rafael Núñez (University of California San Diego), Julio Santiago (University of Granada), and Francis Steen (University of California Los Angeles). Opening lecture by Kensy Cooperrider (University of Chicago).

Collective panel (short presentations, long discussion) by the CREATIME team: Daniel Alcaraz (Lancaster University), Adriana Gordejuela (University of Navarra), Diego Jaén (University of Murcia), Inés Olza (University of Navarra), Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas (University of Navarra), Anna Piata (University of Geneva, University of Neuchâtel), and Javier Valenzuela (University of Murcia).

Demo on multimodal data extraction and annotation: Daniel Alcaraz, Diego Jaén, Inés Olza, Anna Piata, Peter Uhrig (Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nüremberg), and Javier Valenzuela.

Blitz presentations sessions chaired by Kensy Cooperrider (University of Chicago). Presenters: Catherine Barsics (University of Liège, University of Geneva), Edmond Cane (Center for Albanian Studies), Mohamed Douifi (University of Algiers 2), Yan Gu (Tilburg University), Enrique Gutiérrez(University Palacký in Olomouc), Liron Lavi (Tel Aviv University, University of California Los Angeles), Elo Rohult (University of Tartu).

Speakers: Alex Bergs, Irene Mittelberg, Francis Steen, Mark Turner, Javier Valenzuela

A panel at the DiscourseNet 15 conference in Belgrade, March 19-21 2015.

The panel:

1) Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas (Chair) Oral Poetic Discourse: an introduction

2) Lidija D. Delić, Mirjana I. Detelić Epic colors – basic colors?

3) Dragoljub Perić The Traditional Episodic Structure and Serbian Epic Poem (the Function and Meaning of “Text within Text”)

4) Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas (Chair); Mihailo Antović Construction grammar and oral formulaic theory

Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, January 24-26, 2013. Keynote speakers: Egbert Bakker, Yale University, Hans C. Boas, University of Texas at Austin, Anna Bonifazi, University of Heidelberg, Winfried Menninghaus, Freie Universität Berlin and Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, and Mark Turner, Case Western Reserve University.

As the first conference combining these two fields, Oral poetics and Cognitive Science sought to lay the foundations of a new discipline, Cognitive Oral Poetics, through an interdisciplinary conversation between researchers in oral poetics, empirical literary scholars, linguists and cognitive scientists. The conference was part of my FRIAS Tandem Fellowship project Towards a Cognitive Oral Poetics, with Mihailo Antović, from the University of Niš, Serbia. We will be editing a volume with contributions from speakers at the conference and from other leading researchers in the relevant fields, to be submitted to the FRIAS Linguae & Litterae Series in De Gruyter.

Oral Poetics and Cognitive Science website:

University of Murcia, May 10-12, 2012. Keynote speaker: Mark Turner, Case Western Reserve University.

An international workshop to reflect on how Fauconnier and Turner's Conceptual Integration Theory can relate to different kinds of empirical research, from philological to experimental. The workshop attracted a variety of researchers from literary studies, linguistics, cognitive science, psychology, film, communication and media, emotion, and other backgrounds, from Europe, America, and Israel.

Rethinking Metaphor website:

Myrifield Institute for Cognition and the Arts (MICA), July 16-18, 2011.

An international workshop to discuss interdisciplinary approaches to literature, emotion, and cognition, including grant proposals and ideas for a new academic journal. I had the pleasure to co-organize this meeting with Margaret Freeman, and to share some days at MICA's idyllic setting with leading researchers in the field.

Cognition and Emotion in Literature website:

Cogsci 2011, annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Boston (Mass.), July 19-23, 2011.

A panel including the following speakers: Richard Gerrig, SUNY Stony Brook University, Thalia Goldstein, Yale University, Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas, University of Murcia & Case Western Reserve University (organizer), Francis Steen, University of California Los Angeles, Vera Tobin, University of California Santa Barbara.

Panel description on PDF.

ACLA 2011, annual conference of the American Comparative Literature Association, Vancouver, March 31-April 3, 2011. Keynote speaker: Patrick Colm Hogan, University of Connecticut.

An international five-session panel on cognitive and experimental approaches to literature, including over twenty junior and senior researchers.

CogPatterns website:

Case Western Reserve University, February-April 2011.

A series of lectures on a variety of cognitive linguistics and cognitive science topics. I had the privilege to invite leading researchers such as: Yeshayahu Shen, Javier Valenzuela, Jean Mandler, Daniel M. Gross, Michael Anderson, Charles Forceville, or Marina Terkourafi.