I am a Permanent Professor (tenure-track was funded by a Ramón y Cajal, an elite national grant scheme) at the Department of English Philology, University of Murcia. I co-direct the Daedalus Lab, the Murcia Center for Cognition, Communication, and Creativity. I am a member of the Red Hen Lab, an international consortium for research into multimodal communication.

I am currently leading an ERASMUS PLUS KA220-HED Grant: Skills and resources for the multimodal turn: Unlocking audiovisual datasets for research and learning (MULTIDATA). I am also the principal investigator of the national research consolidation grant: Modeling the multimodal flow of human communication: language, gesture, and prosody (MULTIFLOW).

From 2019 to 2022, I have been the Principal Investigator of the national knowledge-generation grant: Creativity and cognition in the expression of time across modalities (CREATIME), as well as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow in Quantitative Linguistics at the University of Tübingen, hosted by Professor Harald Baayen.

Before that, I was a EURIAS fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies, an FBBVA Leonardo Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and the AHRC project History of Distributed Cognition, University of Edinburgh, a postdoctoral fellow at the Classics Faculty of the University of Oxford (Emotions: The Greek Paradigm, ERC AdG to A. Chaniotis), and a Linguistics-Poetics Tandem Fellow (FRIAS: German Excellence Initiative) at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies. I was also a Marie Curie Fellow at the universities of Murcia, Case Western Reserve, California San Diego, and Oxford.

I have supervised postdoctoral researchers (Marie Curie, Juan de la Cierva, or hired by my own grants), MAs, undergraduates, data scientists. I have taught discourse and communication, cognition and poetics, modern Greek, and cognitive linguistics at the undergraduate and graduate level. I was an English teacher at secondary school for seven years. I am an award-winning author of fiction, children's literature, and science popularization in Spanish.

PhD in ancient and modern Greek literature, BA+MA in Classics, and BA+MA in English from the University of Murcia. MA in Classics from the University of London, University College London.