My essay wins the ENSAYA'10 Award

Fecha de publicación: 04-nov-2010 19:58:24

for the dissemination of science and the humanities, from the University of La Rioja, Spain. It is entitled "From Babies to Poets: Conceptual Integration, Spatial Cognition, and the Poetry of Emotions" [De bebés a poetas: integración conceptual, cognición espacial y la poesía de las emociones].

The ENSAYA Teresa Pinillos Prize is awarded by the University of La Rioja, Spain, in collaboration with the Government of La Rioja, the Spanish Psychology Association and the Royal Spanish Chemistry Association. Every two years, the prize distinguishes the best short essays disseminating science and the humanities in the Spanish language, and raising awareness about the importance of research for society.

A book with the winning essays will be published in 2011 by the University of La Rioja Press, illustrated by professional artists.

Download my essay / descargar mi ensayo

Download a summary (Spanish & English) / Descargar resumen (español e inglés)

My essay connects the research on conceptual integration (Fauconnier & Turner) with findings by the cognitive psychologist Jean Mandler and her collaborators, on how the conceptual system gets started by building on spatial cognition during the first months of life. My EU Marie Curie project investigates how the basic spatial schemas studied by Mandler can be connected to other conceptual materials by the human capacity of advanced conceptual integration, and play a role not only in the initial steps of human thought, but also in some of the most spectacular products of the imagination, like poetic metaphors with a strong affective meaning. The article highlights the interdisciplinary possibilities of this research, and suggests that very fruitful collaborations between the humanities and the cognitive sciences could arise if we talk more to each other.

The Ensaya'10 in the press (selected news sites):

Spanish National Press

El País, Nov. 4, 2010 with a link to download my essay, con un vínculo para descargar mi ensayo (Word)

Abc, Nov. 4, 2010

(El País and Abc are among the four main newspapers with nationwide distribution in Spain)

20 minutos, Nov. 11, 2010, Nov. 9, 2010

Europa Press, Nov. 4, 2010, Nov. 4, 2010

Local Press: La Rioja

University of La Rioja, Nov. 4, 2010 download essay, descargar mi ensayo (PDF) UniRioja UCC, Nov. 4, 2010

Local Press: Murcia

Microciencia, Nov. 10 (Fundación Séneca & Onda Regional) Science blog of Murcia's research funding agency and local radio station

University of Murcia, Nov. 9, 2010 University of Murcia, Facebook, Nov. 12, 2010

La Verdad, No. 9, 2010

Specialized blogs and other webs

Cienciaahora blog, Nov. 9, 2010, Nov. 5, 2010

Ciencia para impacientes (Nexociencia blog), Nov. 4, 2010

Actualidad Universitaria, Nov. 4, 2010, Nov. 4, 2010

JusEspaña, Nov. 4, 2010