
Illán Castillo, R. & Pagán Cánovas, C. Forthcoming. Time moves more often in poetry: a comparative corpus study. D. Alcaraz Carrión, A. Gordejuela & A. Piata (eds.), On the edges of time: Time representations in the perspective of human creativity. John Benjamins: Human Cognitive Processing Series.

Pagán Cánovas, C. Forthcoming. Gilles Fauconnier and the meaning of a sentence. CORELA (Cognition, Représentation, Langage).

Pagán Cánovas, Cristóbal. 2022. “Authors: Cognitive Patterns and Individual Creativity.” In The Routledge Companion to Literature and Emotion, edited by Patrick Colm Hogan, Bradley J. Irish, and Lalita Pandit Hogan, 261–71. London: Routledge. 

Besada, J. L., Barthel-Calvet A-S., Pagán Cánovas, C. 2021. Gearing time towards musical creativity: Conceptual integration and material anchoring in Xenakis’ Psappha. Frontiers in Psychology 11:611316.

Alcaraz Carrión, D., Pagán Cánovas, C. & Valenzuela, J. 2020. Enaction through co-speech gesture: the rhetorical handling of the mental timeline. Zeitschrift fur Anglistik and Amerikanistik 68(4): 411–431.

Valenzuela, J., Pagán Cánovas, C., Olza, I., Alcaraz Carrión, D. 2020. Gesturing in the wild: Spontaneous gestures co-occurring with temporal demarcative expressions provide evidence for a flexible mental timeline. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 18:2. 289-315.

Besada, J. L. & Pagán Cánovas, C. 2020. Timelines in spectral composition: A cognitive approach to musical creativity. Organised Sound 25(2): 142-155.

Pagán Cánovas, C. 2020. Learning formulaic creativity: Chunking in verbal art and speech. Cognitive Semiotics 13(1).

Pagán Cánovas, C., Valenzuela, J., Alcaraz Carrión, D., Olza, I., Ramscar, M. 2020. Quantifying the speech-gesture relation with massive multimodal datasets: Informativity in time expressions. PLoS ONE 15(6): e0233892.


Pagán Cánovas, C. 2019. Creatividad formular: aprendizaje y segmentación en la poesía oral y en el discurso hablado. In R. González Ruiz, I. Olza & Ó. Loureda Lamas (eds.), Homenaje a Manuel Casado Velarde: textos breves. Pamplona: U. Navarra. 51-56.

Pagán Cánovas, C. 2019. More haste less speed: Cognition, creativity, and culture in temporal paradox. Time and Society 28(4): 1695–1715.


Steen, F., Hougaard, A., Joo, J., Olza, I., Pagán Cánovas, C., Pleshakova, A., Ray, S., Uhrig, P., Valenzuela, J., Woźny, J. & Turner, M. 2018. Toward an infrastructure for data-driven multimodal communication research. Linguistics Vanguard 4:1. 20170041.

Pagán Cánovas, C. & Piata, A. 2018. The way time goes by: Conceptual integration and the poetics of time. In S. Csábi (ed.) Expressive Minds and Artistic Creations: Studies in Cognitive Poetics. New York: Oxford University Press. 57-78.

Turchyn, S., Olza, I., Pagán Cánovas, C., Steen, F., Turner, M., Valenzuela, J. Ray., S. 2018. Gesture annotation with a visual search engine for multimodal communication research. Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AAI-18), article 72.

Antović, M. & Pagán Cánovas, C. 2018. Not dictated by metrics: Function words in the speech introductions of South-Slavic oral epic. Language and Communication 58: 11-23.


Olza, I. Valenzuela, J. & Pagán, C. 2017. Automatic visual analysis and gesture recognition: Two preliminary pilots. Technical report I, University of Navarra, Institute for Culture and Society.

Pagán Cánovas, C. & Valverde Sánchez, M. 2017. Interactions with the beloved in Greek literature: Conceptual blending and levels of representation. Trends in Classics 9(1): 85–112.

Pagán Cánovas, C. & Valenzuela J. 2017. Timelines and multimodal constructions: Facing new challenges. Linguistic Vanguard 3(1): 20160087.

Piata, A. & Pagán Cánovas, C. 2017. Powerful rhyme and sluttish time: A cross-linguistic study of time personification in poetic discourse. Language and Literature 26(1): 18-33.


Pagán Cánovas, C. 2016. Rethinking image schemas: Containment and emotion in Greek poetry. Journal of Literary Semantics 45(2): 117–139.

Pagán Cánovas, C. & Antović, M. (eds.) 2016. Oral Poetics and Cognitive Science. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Pagán Cánovas, C. & Antović, M. 2016. Introduction: Oral poetics and cognitive science. In C. Pagán Cánovas and M. Antović (eds.) Oral Poetics and Cognitive Science. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 1-11.

Pagán Cánovas, C. & Antović, M. 2016. Construction grammar and oral formulaic theory. In C. Pagán Cánovas and M. Antović (eds.) Oral Poetics and Cognitive Science. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 79-98.

Pagán Cánovas, C. & Turner, M. 2016. Generic integration templates for fictive communication. In E. Pascual & S. Sandler (eds.) The Conversation Frame: Forms and Functions of Fictive Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 45-62.

Pagán Cánovas, C. & Antović, M. 2016. Formulaic creativity: Oral poetics and cognitive grammar. Language and Communication 47: 66-74.


Pagán Cánovas, C., Valenzuela, J. & Santiago, J. 2015. Like the machete the snake: Integration of topic and vehicle in poetry comprehension reveals meaning construction processes. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 9(4): 385-393.


Mandler, J. & Pagán Cánovas, C. 2014. On defining image schemas. Language and Cognition 6:4. 510-532.

Pagán Cánovas, C. 2014. Cognitive patterns in Greek poetic metaphors of emotion: A diachronic approach. In J. E. Díaz Vera (ed.) Metaphor and Metonymy through Time and Cultures. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 295-318.

Pagán Cánovas, C. & Valenzuela, J. 2014. Conceptual mappings and neural reuse. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:261.


Pagán Cánovas, C. & Jensen, M. 2013. Anchoring time-space mappings and their emotions: The timeline blend in poetic metaphors. Language and Literature 22:1, 45-59.


Pagán Cánovas, C. & Teuscher, U. 2012. Much more than money: Conceptual integration and the materialization of time in Michael Ende’s Momo and the social sciences. Pragmatics and Cognition 20:3. 546-569.

Pagán Cánovas, C. 2012. ENSAYA’10 Prize for scientific & humanistic journalism. De bebés a poetas: integración conceptual, cognición espacial y la poesía de las emociones. [From babies to poets: Conceptual integration, spatial cognition, and the poetry of emotions]. In D. Sampedro Ruiz (ed), Un breve viaje por la ciencia: Ensaya 2010, V Certamen Teresa Pinillos de Ensayos de Divulgación Científica y Humanística. Logroño: La Rioja U Press.


Pagán Cánovas, C., Coulson, S. & Jensen, M. 2011. Timelines: Conceptual integration, emotion, and poetic effects. In J. Hois et al. (eds) Proceedings of CoSLI-2, the 2nd Workshop on Computational Models of Spatial Language. Dublin Institute of Technology. 62-63.

Pagán Cánovas, C. 2011. A. Richardson, The Neural Sublime. New Books Online-19.

Pagán Cánovas, C. 2011. The genesis of the arrows of love: Diachronic conceptual integration in Greek mythology. American Journal of Philology 132:4. 553-579.


Pagán Cánovas, C. 2010. Erotic emissions in Greek poetry: A generic integration network. Cognitive Semiotics 6. 7-32.

Pagán Cánovas, C. 2010. Conceptual blending theory and the history of emotions. Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Social Sciences, Cogsci 2010.

Morales Ortiz, A., Pagán Cánovas, C. & Campillo Martínez, C. (eds. & coordinators). 2010. The Teaching of Modern Greek in Europe: Current Situation and New Perspectives. Murcia: Editum Aprender, University of Murcia Press.

Sánchez Sánchez, M. T. & Pagán Cánovas, C. 2010. Odysseus materials from the teacher’s and learner’s point of view. The Teaching of Modern Greek in Europe: Current Situation and New Perspectives. Murcia: Editum Aprender, University of Murcia Press. 41-52.

Coulson, S. and Pagán Cánovas, C. 2009. Understanding Timelines: Conceptual Metaphor and Conceptual Integration. Cognitive Semiotics, 5(1-2): 198-219.


Pagán Cánovas, C. 2009. La emisión erótica en la poesía griega: una familia de redes de integración conceptual desde la Antigüedad hasta el siglo XX. [The erotic emission in Greek poetry: A family of conceptual integration networks from Antiquity to the twentieth century]. PhD Dissertation, University of Murcia.


Morales Ortiz, A. & Pagán Cánovas, C. 2008. A pilot experience in the development of materials for Greek LSP: Dissemination through the Odysseus Project. P. Sánchez Hernández et al. (eds.) Researching and Teaching Specialized Languages: New Contexts, New Challenges. AELFE 2008 Conference. Murcia: Editum, University of Murcia Press.

Pagán Cánovas, C. 2007. Amor y luz como emisión en Εαρινή Συμφωνία de Giannis Ritsos. J. A. Aldama & O. Omatos (eds.) Cultura neogriega: Tradición y modernidad. Vitoria: Universidad País Vasco. 535-548.

Pagán Cánovas, C. 2007. El amor como emisión en Elytis. Est. Neogriegos 9.65-88.

Pagán Cánovas, C. 2004. El amor como emisión en las canciones populares neogriegas y en la lírica griega arcaica: Estudio cognitivo de fenómenos imaginativos. Estudios Neogriegos 7. 25-42.


Pagán Cánovas, C. 2002. La destreza de lectura en el aprendizaje de la lengua. I. García Gálvez (ed) Grecia y la tradición clásica. Tenerife: U. de La Laguna. 769-786.