Basic Project Outline example

Beginners' phase

A typical project has three phases: Beginners', Advanced, and a Distribution/Multiplication phase.

During the Beginners' phase, the storytellers craft their stories based on a model story in the language of wider communication. The advantages of this are that the storytellers can concentrate on the meaning of the story and practice their presentation techniques without having to worry too much yet about decisions like how to start a story, which details to leave out, how to render difficult passages, etc.

Advanced phase

In the Advanced phase, the storytellers craft their stories directly based on the Bible. This gives them more freedom to make their own decisions and prepares them for crafting stories independently in the future.

Alternatively, so called hybrid crafting is being used, which is a combination of Beginners and Advanced crafting.

In the first two phases all crafting happens in workshops, led by a facilitator. Workshops are five days each, with a four-week home period in between. In each workshop four new stories are crafted. During the home periods,  the storytellers share and test the new stories in their own community

Multiplication phase

In this phase, story tellers craft stories themselves, in their community. They bring their crafted stories to occasional workshops for checking, or consultants check the stories online. 

The story tellers also train other people to share the stories and to lead story groups. 


Each of these phases is generally about 10 months long and produces 24 stories each.

Facilitators handle the work of typing  back translations of each story on the computer to facilitate consultant checking. Consultant are giving feedback on the stories (usually) remotely, and their feedback is being passed on to the Storytellers by the Facilitators.


There are many variations possible, depending on the needs of the church and community, and the available resources. For example, a few crafting workshops can be given to volunteer church members, in order to begin basic story telling as a church activity, or evangelists or pastors can learn story telling to help them in their work - with only minimal consultant checking, and no computer handling.