
CosMos Astronomy - Southern Hemisphere

"...The new moon's modest bow grow bright,

As earth and sky grow dark. --

Few are the hearts too cold to feel

A thrill of gladness o'er them steal,

When first the wandering eye

Sees faintly, in the evening blaze

That glimmering curve of tender rays

Just planted in the sky."

The New Moon - William Cullen Bryant, 1832

Distance from Earth:

Apogee 404,000-406,700 km

Perigree 356,400-370,400 km

Equatorial Radius:

1,738.14 km


7.3477 × 1022 kg (0.0123 Earths)


Argon, Helium, Sodium, Potassium, Hydrogen, Radon.

Orbital Period:

27.321582 days

Apparent magnitude:

−2.5 to −12.9

Angular diameter:

29.3' to 34.1'

Moonrise/Moonset & Moon Phase Calculator

Details of rise and set as well as relevant monthly information can be found on the Sky This Month page.


One Year of the Moon in 2.5 Minutes - This animation shows the geocentric phase, libration, position angle of the axis, and apparent diameter of the Moon throughout the year 2011, at hourly intervals.

Neil Armstrong First Moon Landing High Quality Widescreen - Historic Moon Landing of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Apollo 11 NASA mission. Video clip from the HBO series "From the Earth to the Moon"

Soviets on the Moon: Secrets of 'Lunar Tanks' - The Russians may not have sent a man to the Moon, but on this day 40 years ago, the Soviet Union guided the first unmanned rover to the Earth's closest neighbor. The automatic remote-controlled robots also known as 'Lunar tanks' roamed the Moon's surface, revolutionizing space exploration.

Response to the moon hoaxers (Part 1). This is a documentary for science of and Stratford upon Avon College.

Response to the moon hoaxers (Part 2). This is a documentary for science of and Stratford upon Avon College.

Cosmic Journeys: Crashing into the Moon. Over the next decade, the United States... Germany... England... Japan... India... China... Russia... and even a few private companies... have plans to send rockets to explore the moon. They will map the lunar surface... search for clues to its origins... and find out what's there that humans can use to survive.