Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What can I expect when taking band at Conant?

A: We strive to provide a safe, educational experience through the learning and performing of instrumental music. Students will be encouraged and challenged to grow musically and socially through teacher and peer interactions. Furthermore, while students learn to become better musicians, they will learn life-long skills such as: problem solving, critical thinking, leadership through group interaction and self-esteem through pride in accomplishments. Not to mention that students will have a enjoyable experience while learning!

Q: Does Conant provide band instruments?

A: It depends. Larger type instruments we be will provide at no cost to the student. If a student does not have access to an instrument, we will do our best to assist in obtaining one for the student. Regardless, we don’t want a student to not take band because they don’t have an instrument. Please contact us with any questions regarding instrument usage.

Q: Is it a requirement for band students to take private lessons?

A: No. However, we strongly recommend it. As music educators, we do our best to provide instruction for all of our students. Unfortunately, we are limited to what we can do in the large classroom setting. Private lessons are crucial in helping the individual to improve and grow musically. Additionally, the student who continues to take private lessons will help to raise the quality of the ensemble and for that matter, the entire program.

Q: Besides Concert Band, what other opportunities do I have musically at Conant?

A: We have a wide variety of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities for our band students. Some of these activities include: Marching Band, Pep Band, Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Combo, Solo and Ensemble, Musical Pit, ILMEA District 7 auditions/festivals, Tri-M Music Honors Society and a band trip every other year to various destinations (i.e. Disney World).

Q: Do I have to be in the marching band?

A: No. All band students are able and encouraged to participate in the marching band. Marching band will not be a part of daily rehearsals. For the beginning months of the school year, band students perform at all home varsity football games and compete annually in Schaumburg’s Septemberfest parade on the Monday of Labor Day weekend. This award winning band prides itself in both musical excellence and marching precision. Through Marching Band, students will not only grow musically, but socially as they participate with this ensemble. If you were to ask any of our past and present band students, you would find that the marching band is the highlight of the school year, and for some, it is their highlight for all four years of their high school experience.

Q: Do I have to play in the pep band?

A: Yes. Unlike marching band, we have a rotation so students don't play every game, but every student plays at some games. Students are only required to participate with their assigned band (usually 3-4 games per season). The pep band plays for most varsity girls and boys home basketball games. Again, many students really enjoy this part of the year.

Q: Is there a marching band camp and if so, when is it? Also, what if I play in sports too?

A: Yes. All band students are required to participate in Marching Band Camp. Additionally, there will be a freshman “boot camp” designed specifically for freshmen to learn everything about marching in order to join in with the rest of the band at the beginning of the full band camp. In relation to sports and marching band, we work it out. Many of our students are involved in both. In most cases the student can work out a healthy schedule between band camp and practice. As long as the student communicates with the directors and coaches, it will work out for the student to do both. Contact us if you have any questions!

Q: What if I play in sports too?

A: Many of our students are involved in both. In most cases the student can work out a healthy schedule between band activities and sports. As long as the student communicates with the directors and coaches, it will work out for the student to do both. Contact us if you have any questions!