Contact Info

Conant Band Parent's Club - Executive Board

President: Dawn Hermann

Vice President: Risse Yamaguchi

Treasurer: *Vacant*

Secretary: Risse Yamaguchi

Position Descriptions

President:  The president shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Club and shall have the following duties:  will preside over all meetings, will see that all orders and resolutions are carried out, shall appoint Nominating Committee, will actively manage the business of the Club, will serve as a member on any and all committees as needed, and shall only vote in case of a tie.

Vice President:  Will perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President during the absence or disability of the President.  Will assume special assignments as directed by the President, will be responsible for maintaining the bylaws and reviewing them every two years, will serve as Parliamentarian of order during meetings according to the Rules of Order.

Secretary: Will record and maintain minutes of all meetings, will provide all notices required by statute, bylaw, or resolution, including notification of meeting dates.  Will handle all correspondence for the Club and will chair Audit Committee.

Treasurer:  Will have custody of all cash and checking accounts and corporate bonds and securities if they exist, will keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements belonging to the Club, will timely deposit all monies, securities, and other valuable effects in the name of the Club, will disburse funds of the Club as requested by the Board of Directors after being provided proper Invoices, will provide copies of the budget reports at regular meetings or whenever requested by the Board of Directors, will file all necessary tax documents within IRS filing deadlines, will file an end of the fiscal year budget report, and will annually present the books for audit.

Conant Band Parent's Club - Committee Chairs

Band Concert Event


Band Communication / Volunteer Emails

Student Accounts

Marching Band Uniforms

CBPC Website

Food & Water

Spirit Wear

Dine-out Fundraiser

Bake Sales

Band Student Fundraisers




Christy Jones

Joanne Kass



Note to all parents:  If you are interested in helping out with the many tasks or have any new ideas to help support the Conant Band, please contact Lori Filby at   Thanks for your continuing support.