
Old pictures of Colombo Lodge sport teams that are displayed in the Archives Room. The lodge supported many sport teams purchasing new uniforms. (Hockey, Soccer, Bowling, Baseball and others) The Colombo Lodge now organizes bocce, golf and curling events. (Tabs of these sports are under the Sports section tab).

Sons of Colombo Hockey Club - City Champions 1931-32
Back Row (l:r)- G. Scott, G. Richardson, Mike Buckna, F. Facchina, O'Andrea, I. Ircandia, W. D'Pasquale, G. Ponack, B. Basso, Front (l:r) N. Baldosi, S. Martin, S. Smith, N. Angerilli, J. Zinio, Front G. Tognotti (Mascot)

Sons of Colombo Basketball Team - City League Champions
Back - (l:r) J. Zinio, M. Angerilli, O. D'Andrea, K. Chandler, B. Merlo, P. Christante Front (l:r) S. Martin, J. Colombo, R. Battistella, I. Muzzin, N. Angerilli

Colombo Lodge Soccer Team
Back: (l:r) - 1. Jim Stewart, 2. Louie Velentinuzzi, 3.????? 4. Allan Forbes, 5. Reg Hastings, 6. Duilio (Red) Ius , 7. Johnny Wilson, 8. Aldo Zol, 9. Luigi "Gigi" Forte Front:(l:r) - 10. Harry Pepper, 11. Isidore "Izzy" Ius 12. Nick Lippa, 13. Attilio "Balin" Sovran 14. ?????? 15. Joe Riley 16. ??????

Colombo Lodge Bowling Team - 1930
F. Babuin, L. DeRosa, P. Bernava, S. DeCecco, V. Nadin, S. Allegretto

Gulch Giants 1932-33 - Bantam league
Left to Right: Tino Magliani, Frank Turik, John Lauriente, Archie Martin, Cheeka Ermacora, Ed Gri, Faust Angerilli, Joe Monaldi, unknown, Lorne Tognotti, Nick Turik, Chief Buna, Allan Tognotti, Ching Battistella, Mike Wolfe, Charlie White (Sponsor), Louis Demore (Coach)

No names or date on the picture