Annual Wine Tasting

2019 Annual Wine Tasting Winners

1st Place - Robert Borsato

2 nd Place - Guiseppe Bertuzzi

3 rd Place - Lawrence Schiavon


1st Place - Robert Borsato, 2nd Place Guiseppe, 3rd Place Lawrence Schiavon


1st Place - John Lattanzio, 2nd Place - James Niblow, 3rd Place - Denis Merlo


1st Place - Ken LeRose, 2 nd Place - Lawernce Schiavon, 3rd Place - Trevor Allegretto


1st Place - Gino Berno, 2 nd Place - Eugenio Malito, 3rd Place - Gene Gambin


1st Place - Luigi Bedin, 2nd Place Tony Vecchio/Lawrence Arcuri, 3rd Place - Giuseppe Bertuzzi


1st Place - Vic Pozzobon, 2nd Place - Lino Moro, 3rd Place - Sergio Pasquali


1st Place Ron Parisotto, 2nd Place - Livio Allegretto, 3rd Place - Jeff Moro


1st Place George Baggio, 2nd Place - Lawerence Schiavon, 3rd Place - Lino Moro


1st Place Jeff Moro, 2nd Place, 3rd Place


1st Place Lino Moro, 2nd Place - Lawerence Schiavon, 3rd Place Moose Parisotto


1st Place - Denis Merlo, 2nd Place - Rino Berno, 3rd Place - Sante Berno

The Annual Wine Tasting supper meeting is one of the best attended. Wine makers enter their wines to be judged.

In 2009 Mario Berno donated a beautiful Trophy for the Best Wine maker in memory of his father Sante Berno. Sante was one of the best

wine makers in the Lodge and his wines always were in the top three. The annual event has always been one of the favorites at the Lodge.

Lodge members take great pride in making good wine. The secrets of making good wine is past on to future generations.

The judges are Colombo Lodge members. The three winners of the previous years (1st, 2nd, and 3rd) become the judges for the next year.

Placing in the top three is a real honour and the bragging rights on making the best wine is well used.

Math problem (Story taken out of Colombo Celebrates 100 years)

If a crate of grapes weighs 36 pounds and makes two gallons of wine, and there are 1,100 crates of grapes on a truck, and 12 truckloads of grapes brought to Trail, how long will it take for the first argument to start over who makes the bestwine? Answer - until April, or the first wine contest. Brothers Santo and Rino Berno have collected quite a few trophies for their wine, and can remember their younger days, stomping grapes with their feet. "We'd be inside big barrels," Rino said. You couldn't see over the top, and if you put your head down, you couldn't breath." Besides purple feet, the grape juice made their feet itch and it would take a week or more to recover. Today, of course, the brothers use a wine press. If not the best, Trail amateur wine makers could very well be the most. From imported grapes alone, 12 truckloads makes 100.320 litres or closet to 13.5 bottles for every man, woman and child in Trail (population 7,500). Of course, that doesn't include wine made from juice, concentrate, or homegrown grapes.