Minutes 2024-04-29

Lodge Officers Meeting – Minutes 04/29/2024


Kennesaw Lodge #33 hosted and provided Breakfast Scramble and Dessert for the Brethren.

The meeting was opened by WB Jim Moore at approximately 7:00pm

Opening Prayer was given.

The Pledge of Allegiance was presented.


Roll call of lodges:

Acworth           2          Battle Hill        2         Kennesaw      5          James Sledge 6

Latham             1          Mableton        3          Meyerherdt   1          Nelms               6

Springville       4          Sam Lawrence   3          Palestine        1


Discussions/Upcoming Events:

The Traveling Gavel is at 7th District and will be returned to Springville #153

·         LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE in Milledgeville. Early Bird $275, $300 at the door.

2nd Weekend in July 12,13,14. The Deadline for registration is now 5/01/24.

·         Other MELD Lectures – sign up with John Miller.

·         Col Moore & John Miller talked about the VIDEOS prepared by Brother Travis Gamelin

·         John Miller talked on “Masonic Membership Value” and distributed 2 pages of Information



Those needing prayers were lifted up.





05/10   FRI,SAT  05/10,11 - 7th DISTRICT CONVENTION

05/18 – 05/27 Memorial Day – Shrine Circus

07/04    THU Independence Day Parade “Ride the Trailer” 9:00am at Roswell St Baptis


LODGE Events:


(Acworth, Battle Hill and Mableton offered printed schedules)


Acworth #176

                         Cigar Club “Hiram’s Smokers” meets 2x month.

             Pancake Breakfast (3rd Sat ea Month) 9am-11am

06/12 Flag Retire, Falconer Demonstration

07/13 5:00pm Family Day

08/03 “Rose on the Altar”


Battle Hill #523

             05/04 Fish Fry / Garage Sale – ANNUAL Event – 11a-4p $10

             05/07 “Lynching of Leo Frank” – presented by PGM Jan Giddens. 6:30 eat, 7:30 meet

             06/04 Fellowcraft Degree

             07/20 Masters Degree

             09/17 Grand Master’s Official Visit

Kennesaw #33

05/07 Highlanders

05/21 “The Masonic Goat”

06/04 Grand Masters Official Visit

06/18 St Johns presentation


Latham #12

             EA Degree

             07/04 Gun Raffle – Taurus .357


Mableton #171

             Moved back Into the Lodge!

             05/09 EA Degree (Rusty’s Son-In-Law)

             05/23 History of Mableton by Ray Thomas

             06/27 Jerry Henry – status of gun laws in GA

             07/04 Independence Day Parade – “Ride the Trailer” 9:00am at Roswell St Baptist

             07/25 GA Masonic History – by PGM Jan Giddens


Meyerhardt #314

No formal presentation

05/09 Masters Degree Father & Son (by Scottish Rite Degree Team)

05/08 Masters Degree (2) Courtesy presented at Sledge Daylight 11:00am

05/11 Patron’s Fish Fry

06/20 Blood Drive 3:00-7:00pm

08/15 Blood Drive 3:00-7:00pm


Nelms  #323

05/04 Adopt-A-Mile

             Fellowcraft Degree

06/01 Children’s Home Party

             06/10 Lecture by Logan Disher


Springville #153

                             FOOD PANTRY OPEN ON SATURDAYS

             05/03 Golf Tourney

05/14 FC Degree + Boston Butts Fundraiser

05/28 Gun Raffle .9mm


Samuel S. Lawrence #721

             05/07 “Building a Flag” presentation

                             FC Degree


James E. Sledge #742

             Now meeting at Nelms Lodge in Smyrna still 2nd Wed ea month

05/08 Masters Degree (2) Courtesy for Meyerhardt #314


Palestine #486

             05/09 Mother’s Day

             06/09 Picnic

             06/13    Father’s Day

             06/25 Joke & Talent Night

             08/08 Wind

             08/22 “FC Tools” Lecture




·         (From Previous meeting) John Miller to provide “How to create a Facebook Page” White paper as requested

·         (From Previous meeting) CCLOA to revive “Speakers Bureau” – copy of old list from Mike P to Jim and John

·         (From Previous meeting) It was recommended that we create and distribute a list of Brothers would could volunteer for various Degree Lectures

·         Travis Gamelin offerred to do PR Videos for any Lodge that wants to





The next meeting date was set for 7/29/2024 at Springville #153.


Closing prayer was then given and the meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm.





See CobbMasons.org for posted events