8 - Prepositions

In the sentence:

The teacher used an Interactive Whiteboard with a range of tools.

With shows a relation between ‘interactive whiteboard’ and ‘a range of tools’.

Words like ‘with’ are called PREPOSITIONS. They show a relationship between a noun and another noun (or pronoun) in the sentence.

The relationship is usually one showing:

Direction – over the rainbow, into the car park

Position – on, in, at, beside, between

Time – during, while

at school, in the lab, outside school, on the stairs, in the corridors, with your colleagues,

The relationship can also be between a verb and a noun.

Work in pairs. Concentrate on the content. Think about the grammar. Compare your answer with your partner’s answer.

Here are some prepositions from the text:

*In this way, CLIL prepares young students for the modern world, where people work in project teams, use other languages to talk to various colleagues and communicate with people in different countries (7).

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