1 - Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech

As CLIL teachers, we need to help our students with language, and we need to understand it at a basic level.

Words are the building blocks we use, in different combinations, to make sentences. There are different types of words, which all do different jobs. We call them ‘Parts of Speech’.

In English, there are eight parts of speech. In this Unit we will discover what they are.

Follow the steps below to complete this unit: 

1.  Read an overview of ‘What is CLIL?’ Use one of the online dictionaries to look up any words you do not know. 

2.  Read the Language Focus on Parts of Speech. Each part of speech is explained separately. 

Please use the links below in order:

The whole Language Focus can be downloaded from here: POS - Complete Language Focus

Download PDF:

1 - Nouns

2 - Pronouns

3 - Adjectives

4 - Verbs

5 - Adverbs

6 - Determiners

7 - Linkers

8 - Prepositions

Then return to this page. 

3.  Practise the language points using the exercises below:

4.  There are also some exercises you can download from here (answers included):

5.  Links to other websites where you can read more about the language point, or do further practice: