6 - Determiners

In English, there is often a word which can come before the noun (or adjective + noun), which tells us:

    1. Something is new – an interesting subject

    2. Something has already been mentioned, or is familiar - the subject

    3. How many things there are – Six subjects, a few subjects, no subjects

    4. Which thing is being described – this subject, that subject, those subjects

    5. Where (in a sequence) the thing is – the first subject, the next subject

    6. Whose thing it is – my subject, your subject

      1. These words are called DETERMINERS, and they come before a noun and make clear which noun is being referred to, or give information about number or quantity.

      2. Here are some determiners from the text:

      3. In the long term, students learn both the subject and the new language as well as, if not better than, students who study content and language in separate classes (3).

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