What do the Critics think?

According to the National Post "No industry in history has held more promise, been more welcomed, received more favours and failed more spectacularly than the commercial nuclear power industry." Read the full article here.

There has Never Been a Better Time Not To Buy a Reactor (June 3, 2009) In an open letter to Ontario's premier Dalton McGuinty, 13 prominent environmental groups urge that province to follow its own Green Energy Act. Click here for more.

The Big "Green" Decision: Powering Alberta's Future. (Op-Ed) Alberta's recently released Nuclear Power Expert Panel report calls for a "debate" of the risks & benefits of nuclear energy but views it through an uncritical lens, with a selective overview of green technologies. Is the same happening with the Saskatchewan UDP?

Former Senator Douglas Roche calls for an open, honest nuclear debate, says "Let's debate the efficacy of nuclear power without fear or intimidation." Read his full article, originally published in the Edmonton Journal, May 6 2009.

Ricardo Acuña, executive director of Alberta's Parkland Institute, questions the validity of pro-nuke government public consultations. ''To tackle this issue by way of a glorified public relations campaign and consultations with predetermined results is an insult...'' Read it here.