
The UDP "Future of Uranium in Saskatchewan" Public Consultation meeting in Regina drew over 400 people!!

Check out these news stories:

Reactor panned at Regina meeting

400 pack Regina hearing on uranium development

On June 22 and June 23 there were scheduled sessions with UDP Chair Dan Perrins when stakeholders had about 15 minutes each to present their submissions. You can listen to or read what people said here.

Clean Green Regina is a working coalition of Regina area organizations and interested individuals.

We have concentrated our efforts on public education on the dangers of nuclear development and the exciting alternatives that exist to produce electricity.

We have a Facebook Group - tell your Facebook Friends!

We have a web site: (this site seems to be down as of Feb.3/12)

We are also building community through our fundraising efforts.

We have on-going postcard campaigns designed to bring the widespread opposition to nuclear expansion to our provincial government’s attention.

Clean Green Regina has some items for sale. These postcards and poster are designed to put a smile on our faces as we do the hard work or creating a sane energy future. Contact for more information on prices and availability