Make a donation to support The Committee For Future Generations "7000 Generations Walk"

The Committee For Future Generations continues to raise awareness about industry plans to site a nuclear waste dump in Northern Saskatchewan. Their historical and highly successful walk from Pinehouse to Regina this summer has sparked renewed interest in this much needed public debate. The Coalition for a Clean Green Saskatchewan will continue to support this essential work.

Send a cheque to "Committee for Future Generations" Box 155, Beauval, SK., SoM 0G0

You can send a cheque made out to "Committee for Future Generations" to:

Royal Bank of Canada

130 Centre Street

P.O. Box 728

Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan


S9X 1Y5

Donations to the Coalition for a Clean Green Saskatchewan for the 7000 Generations Walk/Committee For Future Generations will be forwarded. Once you have filled out the donation amount on Pay Pal, you will see "Add Special Instructions for Seller". Simply make a note indicating your wish to support the committee's work.