
This page contains the slides of a series of presentations I gave throughout my graduate studies about a number of different topics in cosmology and astrophysics in general.

They are mostly based on review articles and they present an overview of a certain topic.

The presentations are intended for an audience of graduate students and researchers.

I hope they turn out useful for someone!!

    • Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) as a cosmological probe (Jun 2008)
    • Weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clusters (Jan 2008)
    • Supernovae of Type Ia and cosmology (Jan 2007)
    • Cosmic Rays: Energetics and Confinement (Jun 2006)
    • Reverberation Mapping and the physics of AGN (Jan 2006)
    • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in cosmology (Jun 2005)

Note: the slides contain references to most (if not all) of the results mentioned in the presentations.

Should you have any questions about the content of the slides, please contact me.