
Update: I recently started blogging again at The Cosmic Backstage

These are topics I really care about so please visit, read, comment, discuss :)


I enjoyed writing about science long before I started doing it for a living.

A few years b

ack, while I was still an astronomy grad student who felt an impelling need to communicate science to the rest of the world whether they liked it or not, I started a blog whose name says it all: this science blogIt contains a few of my rantings about science, astronomy, the Universe, public outreach and the sort. It also follows my transition from researcher with an interest in public outreach of science to a more proper science writer, as I posted there a few of my writing efforts (some of them were published, other written for job applications). When I started working for ESA, I kept updating the blog for a while, linking to the news stories that I write on the job. But I have to admit it's pretty out of date nowadays... Maybe I'll revamp it some time.These days,

instead, I help my friend Bjoern Malte Schaefer (a cosmologist at the University of Heidelberg: spirou) editing and maintaining a regularly updated and quite successful blog with weekly questions about cosmology (as well as super-tough bonus questions about maths): Cosmology Question of the Week(also available on twitter and facebook)And for

those of you who have an interest in astronomy and – at the same time – master that incredible tool that is the Italian language, here is a collective blog that I started with some fellow astronomers during the International Year of Astronomy 2009. This blog is very rarely - but occasionally still updated:A riveder le stelle